Public Relations Information
Are you a company looking for a reviewer? You found me!
Please read the details below and use the contact form to reach out to me. Provide all relevant information as well as the best way to contact you, I look forward to working with YOU!
Feel free to look around my blog, check out my reviews and if you need any more information feel free to email me and ask away!
All items are mine to keep as “payment”.
I only review full size items, samples will not be reviewed.
All reviews/giveaways without a product to review will result in a fee for my time and space.
Promotional/Advertising Guest Posts fee- will depend on number of words, links, and other variables. (Use contact form below to reach me regarding this)
Sponsored Post Fee (written by me) will depend on number of words, links, and other variables. (Use contact form below to reach me regarding this)
Each post is also Tweeted out and posted to my Facebook, Pinterest and Google+ pages.
If you send me a product for review, I will not ship it back after the review, nor will I use it as the “giveaway” or “contest” item for any winner.
Prizes are to be shipped direct to the winner from your company.
Your product will be featured in a blog post with pictures.
Articles are permanently archived
I require a non-returnable sample of the product.
I write a positive, informative reviews. If I have a negative experience, I will work with you to resolve that before sharing that with my readers, so that your customers and my readers will have a better experience.
I follow and abide by all FTC and Facebook Laws and Requirements, and I “Blog With Integrity”.
Items that are not able to be reviewed by me (IE unsolicited items) will not be reviewed, please email me before you send.
I prefer (but don’t require) to give a review that allows me to offer my readers (prizes) giveaways, if you would also like a giveaway with your review please let me know.
I email all winners, they have 48 hours to respond. If there is no response I draw a new winner, I use to select winners.
In conjunction with my zero shipping cost legal disclosure it is my policy that all prizes for winners be sent directly from sponsor. As part of my review agreement the sponsor agrees to ship product/prize directly to the winner. I will provide you (the sponsor) with the winners information. I ask that unless otherwise agreed upon that you send the product (prize) directly to the winner(s) within 2-3 weeks.
I hold no liability for winnings that are lost, stolen or defective. Prizing items are the sole responsibility of the giveaway sponsor.