First there was ME!
Debbie, AKA ‘Africa’
I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa and moved to Minnesota in 1999 to attend college and play hockey. Twenty years later I’m still here, am a US citizen and have earned my CPA, CMA and MBA.
Then there was ‘US’

Debbie & Jeanna
We met in 2010 and have been legally married for 6 years this November (2019). We are fortunate to have been blessed with two beautiful daughters who now make us a ‘super mom’ team – two moms, raising two amazing little girls who keep us on our toes every day.
Then there was ALL OF US

Gradie is self described as a “Wonder Woman Princess!” She is spirited and we know she is going to go places in this world. Her newest passion is Taekwondo and she is currently on her 3rd belt in the Tigers program. Gradie starts 1st Grade this fall (2019) and is very excited to head back to school. She loves reading and writing and playing with her baby sister.

Hazel is a very happy, very busy almost 18 month old. She is actively exploring the world in which she lives and is doing a great job of learning the ropes of how things are done with her big sisters help.

As a family;
We are busy, we are on the go and we love it. We love going on new adventures and exploring new events, locations, and everything that screams family friendly.
We believe in equality for ALL and we love to shine a light on families that are non-traditional, showing you that our family is just like yours – we too fight toddlers to get their shoes on to leave the house or to keep their pants on in public.