Moving home can be quite a stressful experience as there is a lot to think and organize in advance to ensure you have a smooth moving day. So the more you can prepare in advance of the big day, the less there will be to think about. Here are some useful tips on how you can be more organized with yours.

Write a To-Do List
When moving home a good place to start is by writing a list of what you need to do. This will help you to remain focused and act as a gentle reminder of what you need to do. Having things written down on paper can be really useful as opposed to trying to remember everything you need to do and then getting into a fluster over forgetting something important. You can always add more to the list or edit what needs to be done.
Get Plenty of Storage Boxes
It’s going to take a fair amount of time to sort through all your possessions and box them up. If you can get hold of storage and cardboard boxes then you can slowly start to sort through your possessions. You could organize piles depending on what you want to keep, donate to charity, sell, or throw away. The sooner you begin doing this, the less manic and stressful it will be closer to moving day.
Notify The Post Office About Your New Address
Once you know your moving date you can then get in contact with the postal office to inform them about your new address. That way you can be sure that any important mail will still be able to reach you, once you are in your new place. You will be able to choose how long you want to redirect your post for which is certainly useful. The longer the better perhaps so that you do not miss out on anything important.
Make Space In Your Garage
If you have a garage where your car usually sits it might be a good idea to look for the cheapest car storage nearby so that you can make more space and be able to clear out your garage more easily. It will enable you to reach all the shelves and start packing away household items that you no longer need. With your car out of the way temporarily, you will have a lot more space to get your moving boxes out and start packing things up ready to go.
Cancel Direct Debit Payments
You are likely to have monthly direct debit payments linked to your current address. It is best to try and cancel these in enough time so that when you move into your new property you are not still paying household bills for the home you have just left. So instead of leaving these to the last minute, get in contact with the relevant suppliers and inform them that you need to change your address or want to cancel it completely. It will save you wasting money on a property that will no longer be yours.
Following these useful tips will help to make your moving day that little bit less stressful but hopefully more organized.