Studies show that diets consisting primarily of fruits and vegetables, nuts, lean meat, and fish are beneficial for health. Also, avoiding sugar, fat, and sodium can reduce the risk of hearing loss by at least 30%. Plant foods and whole grain products also seem to protect your hearing. Overall, the body needs certain minerals and vitamins to function. Some of them are especially valuable for your hearing. Minerals for the ears Potassium, zinc, folic acid and magnesium – each of these minerals help protect and improve our hearing. However, you should also consider reading about how a good diet can help your ears!

Foods for the hearing
Carrots are good for the eyes, curd cheese is good for the skin, but with which foods can we do something good for our ears? Is it even possible to maintain hearing performance into old age through the right diet? The ear eats too!!!! Nutrients are necessary for all bodily processes, and so they are of course also needed for acoustic perception. The nerve cells that transport the signal from the ear to the brain must be adequately supplied to guarantee a smooth process.
Load up on vitamins!
Vitamin B3 is an important vitamin for the ears. It is found mainly in meat and offal. A study by Weill Cornell Medical College and the Gladstone Institute showed that a chemical contained therein can prevent or reduce the hearing loss caused by noise. It prevents the connection between the hair cells, which receive the mechanical stimulus, and the synapses of the nerve cells from being destroyed. In this way, both temporary and permanent hearing loss can be prevented or at least mitigated. A sufficient intake of antioxidants is also important in order to reduce hearing loss in old age. These include vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, which are mainly found in citrus fruits, green vegetables such as broccoli, whole grain products and carrots.
Fish is good for the ears
Another study showed a connection between hearing loss and iron deficiency. This is a common cause of hearing loss in women under the age of 45 and should therefore be taken seriously. In addition to iron-rich foods such as flaxseed, wheat bran and liver, women should include fish on their diet at least twice a week. This can reduce the risk of hearing loss in old age by 20%. This effect is due to the adequate intake of omega 3 fatty acids. If the fish is seasoned with chilli, you have the perfect meal for your ears. The capsaicin contained in the chilli strengthens the hair cells in the ear and thus provides additional protection against possible damage!
Foods You Should Avoid
Of course, there are also foods that, consumed in large quantities, have a rather negative impact on hearing performance. These include the usual suspects such as sugar, caffeine and alcohol, as they potentially constrict the blood vessels in the inner ear, which means that the adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen can no longer be guaranteed.