Do you feel as though sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you do, you just can’t get organized? This can be annoying to say the least, but there are a few things that you can do to try and make sure that you are able to not only get things organized but also make your day to day life easier. Take a look below to find out more.
Get Rid of Duplicate Files
Getting rid of clutter on your laptop is absolutely the best place for you to start. Think about it, how many copies of your resume do you have? How many pictures do you have that are just copies of one another? Duplicate files make your desktop look messy and on top of this, they can take up a huge amount of memory. It doesn’t matter whether you think that they are causing an issue or not either, because they will absolutely be interrupting your workflow. The best way for you to try and track everything down would be for you to use a program. You can also click here if you want to clear your Google Drive of duplicates.
Create Big Folders for your Files
Now you’ve been able to get rid of any excess files on your laptop, you will want to put any files that have passed your test into a folder. The system you choose is entirely up to you and it should be based on your own personal preferences.
Make Subfolders if you Can
When you have your major folders, that could be titled “entertainment”, “work” and “everything else”, you can then move forward and try to create subfolders. When you have everything separated, you can then add more folders. If you have a lot of music on your computer, you can name each folder with the name of the band, and then within that folder, you could have sub-folders for the album. By doing this, you can be sure to get everything nice and organized. If you follow this system, then you can be sure to keep to it when you download more music.
Delete your Downloads
You really don’t need your “downloads” folder. In fact, it could be causing you a lot of issues with your organization. Delete the contents of it, and don’t look back. You probably won’t need your PDF concert ticket from years ago, or the documents that you downloaded from your email. If you try and keep hold of things like this then you will soon find that your computer ends up going back to its old ways.
Choose a Good Background
Choose an image for your laptop that you would like for your desktop. It may be that you choose a nice, serene beach, a meme or even a photo from your vacation. Either way, you need to make sure that you choose something that you like. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier to stop your desktop from getting as cluttered as time goes on, so keep this in mind if you can.