Every child has all the potential in the world. Their success later in life will depend on how well the people around the child are able to tap into that potential, motivate them and help them to thrive. If a young boy or girl has a loving community around them, then they’ll have the tools they need to go far in life. One of the great myths about, well, many successful people you’ve heard of (such as Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, etc.) is that they found success all on their own. It’s not true. They all had people around them that helped them along the way — we all help each other.
In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the people that your child will need in their life if they’re going to go as far as possible.

The Best You
Before we get into all the other people that your child will need, let’s think about the most important person: you. You’re going to have the biggest influence on your child. The question, which version of you is going to influence your son or daughter? Being a parent is always stressful, but if you’re letting the stress levels rise too much, then you might find that your child is getting a version of you that’s from the best. One mistake some parents make is always putting their child first. That’s a noble idea, but it leads to problems, because if all your energy is going to someone else, then there’ll be none left for you.
If, on the other hand, you’re looking after yourself, then you’ll be able to deliver your best to your child.
Extended Family
Studies have shown that the more people a child has around them, the further they can go in life. And it’s not hard to see why. We can get so much from our extended families. They’re there to give a child more love. They teach them how to talk and be a part of something bigger than themselves. Plus, later in life, they’re just good connections to have. How many people get their first job through a relative or a friend of their parents? So make sure that the people closest to you are a presence in your child’s life.
The Professionals
You have some skills that your child needs, but you don’t have all the skills they need. For those things, there are experts who can help. A daycare composed of talented staff will give your child the early education they need to thrive. An experienced paediatrician will make sure their health is in tip-top condition. And so on. Ultimately, the more top-quality professionals your child has access to, the better they’ll be.
Other Children In the Community
Finally, don’t forget other children. Your child will love spending time with you, but they’ll also need other children in their life. So make an effort to find fellow parents with children around the same age as your own. They’ll provide your child with their first-ever best friends!