You might have thought that the terrible twos were bad enough but you ain’t seen nothing yet! Teenagers might be edging closer to adulthood but their bodies are undergoing some rapid changes. Because of this, teenagers are almost a breed of their own – doing stupid stuff, feeling insecure and wondering what on earth their bodies are going to do next.
While you almost certainly remember your teenage years and the trouble you caused, dealing with a teenager is very different! As the grownup, you need to be able to lay down the rules while allowing your teen to explore their limits and take risks, you need to be there for them even when they want to push you away and you need to be understanding all the way through!

Teenagers can be really hard work but luckily, there are a few tips that might help. Here they are…
Changing Bodies
Teenagers go through a lot of bodily changes in rapid succession, from growth spurts and wisdom teeth to hair sprouting in unexpected places. This is disconcerting and can be tiring too, which is why teenagers need a considerable amount of sleep. By the way, if wisdom teeth are causing a problem, is a great place to find some info!
They also need to know that what they are going through is totally normal so talking to young teenagers about what to expect (while keeping it age-appropriate, obviously) is a really good idea. Discussing upcoming changes will also show your teenager that you are there for them if they want to talk. However, it’s really important that you begin the conversation as they may not have the confidence.
As our bodies change, it’s easy to lose confidence and teenagers are particularly vulnerable. They may not look like children any more but they are also not quite adults. The best thing you can do is to avoid being critical and to offer support. Complement their skills and interests rather than their looks and be positive about the grownup they are blossoming into.

Teenagers are naturally sociable and it’s important that they have a space to be with their peers. Their relationships are really volatile at this point as they themselves are changing quickly too. Because of this, it can be difficult to keep track of who your teen is friends with but this is mostly okay. Encouraging your teen to make friends and expand their social circle is a good way to transition them to adult life where we have a few different circles of friends.
Teenage parties have a bad reputation but the reality is that wherever they are, teenagers are always going to push the boundaries. That’s what being a teenager is about! As an adult, you will obviously have your own opinions about this but you might consider hosting teen parties yourself. This way, you can be around to help in case things get out of hand and to ensure that no-one is doing anything truly stupid. Even the best behaved teens need to let loose and providing a safe atmosphere is a good idea.

New Responsibilities
Part of growing up is taking on new responsibilities and learning that adulthood isn’t all fun! Though your teens might protest, giving them a few chores to do is a good idea as this will also teach them a few basic life skills. Basic cleaning and gardening is a good way to start but as they get older, you could also send them to the shops with a list and ask them to help with cooking too.
The biggest contradiction about being a teenager is the desire to be given more responsibility while also wishing for the carefree life of a younger kid. This is really hard to balance as a parent because you know they can’t always have their own way but they think you are just being mean! As a good starting point, you might consider negotiating to make sure that you all get something you want. For example, if they want to stay out late, you could negotiate a few extra chores. It won’t always work and sometimes you will just have to say no, but this is a good way to at least have the discussion.
Teenagers move fast so keeping up can be tough. But the most important thing is that you show them that they can always talk to you and you are there for them when they need you too.

[…] It could be that your current parenting technique has lost its effectiveness, especially with rebellious teenagers. This doesn’t mean you have failed as a parent, but it does mean you can consider new techniques […]