I know the kids have been back to school now for a little while, however, that doesn’t mean we aren’t always on the look out for tips & tricks to keep things flowing smoothly. This includes the constant concern that what we’re providing in their lunch boxes is keeping them fueled for the day.
I am lucky to be a member of the #JuicyJuiceCrew and we received a sampling of their new beverage options, namely; Juicy Waters, Juicy Juice + Protein and Fruitfuls Organic and as always I am excited to share more about them with you, plus super useful tips for back to school success for dietitian Mitzi Dulan.

With the new selection of ‘better-for-you’ drinks your kids will be gaining nutritional benefits without even realizing it; such as filtered water in Juicy Waters, whey protein packed in Juicy Juice + Protein and organic juice in the Fruitfuls Organic.
To further assist with the back to school journey Juicy Juice has joined forces with America’s Nutrition Expert® Mitzi Dulan, RD, CSSD. Mitzi is sharing Back to School Tips on how to fuel kids as they head back to the classroom and survive the upcoming semester.

In our home, our best back to school survival tip is trying to stick to a schedule, which isn’t always easy. We have a lot going on, as do most of us, and we find that sticking to a schedule of bed time, morning routines, etc. we all thrive and function at our best.
Of course, Jeanna is also ensuring that Gradie’s lunches are packed with options that help keep her little body to running at peak performance and that definitely includes delicious Juicy Juice products.

Of course, Baby Hazel is in on the fun and excitement, she is following in big sister’s footsteps and is also a huge fan of Juicy Juice, especially the new Juicy Waters. Made with NO sugar, high fructose corn syrup or sweeteners we can rest easy knowing that this is a great choice for both of our daughters.
PLUS we don’t fight Gradie to drink water (which she states is boring) as this water is flavored and she thinks it is delicious.

Our family highly encourages you to learn more about Juicy Waters, Juicy Juice + Protein and Fruitfuls Organic. As with the Juicy Juice products already on the market, you won’t be disappointed.
Great tip! I have always felt that having a good routine was so important.
Ohhh I LOVE that they are offering these awesome versions! Protein, filtered water, organic… so smart of Juicy Juice! And omg Baby Hazel…. she’s a rock star and awesome little model for Juicy Juice! LOVE IT!
I haven’t seen this new line yet. Looks like Hazel approves of them! She is so cute!
Lots of good and easy to pack options. Baby Hazel is a cutie.
I think it’s great that they’re offering an organics line!
My granddaughter loves these. Great for school lunches. Great product
Awesome tip! I’d love to try the Juicy Juice + Protein. Wonderful product