The aim of most businesses, is to start something that eventually ends up worldwide. There will be the odd few small businesses who only wish to stay within their region, because that’s the scope they’re happy with. But for many, when starting out with this business dream, the dream always ends up with the business being as big as it can possibly be, and one that’s known worldwide. So how do you think you’re going to be able to do that, without even having to leave the office.
Well, it’s easy enough to do, and plenty of people are doing it right now. You don’t have to have offices all over the world, to be all over the world. All you need is a good customer reach, and a business that people are actually desperate for worldwide. So to do this, you first need to sit back and relax, and have a read of this article on how to reach worldwide customers.
Here’s how we think you can reach worldwide customers, without even having to leave your office.

Build The Brand
So, the first thing that you really need to focus on doing, is building the brand that people are going to like, all over the world. It’s no use going to expand, if the world isn’t ready for your brand. So focus on the likability of it all, and focus on how much you want to stand out. A bland business is never going to pop, so you need to be bright and interesting. One tactic some businesses are using to do this, is setting up a vlog. If you were to do interesting and exciting vlog posts about your company, it would show your ability to connect with different users, and show your brand as being one that’s actually interesting. You also need to focus on building a brand with a good reputation. The more positive reviews you carry, the more likely you are to spark an international interest.
Give The Illusion
So the illusion that you need to create, is one that you are actually international, without actually being anywhere other than the country you’re in. To do this, you could use virtual addresses. To get one, you could try visiting websites such as This makes it seems as though you are also resident in another country, usually the US, making your company seem more legit. It’s as though you’re breaking foreign soil, without actually having to leave your own. You then just have to promote that you have another office for your business in another country!
International Factors To Consider
There are many international factors to consider, and one of them is the time zones. One reason so many businesses build up a bad reputation, is because they take ages to reply, or there’s never anyone there to take their calls. So you need to think about where the people are that you’re trying to connect with, and how you might speak to them. Doing evening and night shifts so that you have someone to man the phones might be the only solution.

Thanks for all the info.
Very interesting and useful info on reaching out to an international audience