This information is brought to you by HueTrition. All opinions are my own. #HuePets #HueTrition #EatHues
The weather is finally getting warmer, and that means it time to get your kids outside and exercise. It’s a great time to go for a hike, ride your bikes on a trail or visit your local playground.
With so many things fighting for our kid’s attention, it’s important that we give them the knowledge to make good choice when it comes to exercising and eating healthy.
Here are a few tips to help your kids make better food choices:
Embrace technology!
Kids love technology. It’s a great way to help them learn and keep track of their success. HueTrition is an app that you need to get. It’s really fun and helps your kids eat better foods.
This is a super fun app that encourages kids to eat healthy foods as they feed their virtual pet. Open the app and take a picture of your meal. The more colors, the more food for your pet. It is dedicated to encouraging a balanced, active, plant-based, lifestyle that includes a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
About HueTrition:
They are what YOU eat! HuePets makes it fun for kids to eat healthy and try new foods! Scan real-life meals to feed your HuePet, unlocking prizes and raising your pet from a little egg to a HueMaster! Track how well your kids are eating, and get personalized recommendations on what to serve!
Download the HueTrition app:
HueTrition, an innovative technology company, specializing in promoting the consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables, and Whole Foods, whose purpose is to nourish people and the planet team up to bring a HuePets Scavenger Hunt Program!
On Saturday, April 21st and Saturday, June 9th from 9 am to 11 am, we will be holding a Live Hue-Scavenger Hunt right inside Whole Foods Market located at 3139 Sheridan Drive in Amherst, NY!
There will also be fruits and veggie samples, free hue swag, as well as a live demo of how our application works! Click here to learn more.
Put it on a stick:
Kids love kabobs! Make fruit kabobs with fruits like strawberries, grapes, pineapples, melons, bananas and more. They will also eat their veggies when we add some peppers and chicken to a skewer and grill it. You can even add some cold cuts, lettuce, and tomatoes to a stick and make a sandwich on a stick. They think it is really fun.
Let them help:
Every time you meal plan, let your kids help plan and prepare a meal. When they are invested and excited about their accomplishment, they will make sure to clean their plate.
Sneak it in:
Find recipes that include healthy vegetables that you can purée into meals like cauliflower and okra. You can also substitute oil for unsweet applesauce or yogurt.
Be the example:
Have healthier options in your home to snack on instead of chips and cookies. When your kids see you snacking on carrots and broccoli – they may want to try it. (A favorite in our home is “pepper fries”. We cut strips of red peppers and they like to eat them instead of french fries.)
Giveaway Details:
Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card sponsored by HueTrition
Giveaway ends 4/16/18 at 11:59pm est
Giveaway open to US, 18+ entrants only
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I am a mom to eight! Thankfully my kids aren’t that picky! My hubby and I love healthy foods and so do our kids! How many 3 year olds say their favorite food is broccoli? Thanks so much!
I get my kids to eat healthier by buying fruits and veggies that they like and having them washed and ready to eat in the fridge so they are ready when they are starving!
We try to eat a lot of fresh fruit.
I get them involved! We garden and grow veggies. They are much more likely to eat them if they help grow and prepare them!
I add vegetables to my casseroles. It is the only way I can get my daughter to eat them.
I sneak them into their meals.
My kids always enjoyed healthy yogurt or hummus based dips for their vegetables.
Cute little shapes and pretty colors hide them incasseroles
When I give my kids any new foods, I have them take two bites. I find that they usually don’t like the first bite because they think they wont but when they eat the second one they find out it isn’t to bad and will often finish what is on their plate.
my kids will eat most anything
I use bribery even though I know it’s wrong. They have to try everything on the plate and eat what they like and don’t have to eat what they don’t like. Then they get dessert.
How do you get your kids or grandkids to eat healthier foods?
very east..i dont have any,but for me? i always loved the healthy food,so i say just give it to them and see if they like it.
Introducing a wide variety of healthy foods early. As they get older involving them in food shopping, reading labels, and prep.
Thanks for the chance.
I let them pick from fresh fruit and veggies what they would like. I give them the choice of a few healthy items and they like being involved in the decisions.
We have them pick out fruit at the farmstand.
My grandkids get healthy food at home, so they’re easy to please with fruits and vegetables. This week I “hid” a pound of cauliflower crumbles in a pot of chili, and everyone loved it!
I like to get my Grandkids involved in planting and growing our own vegetables. They get excited about tending to the garden and they enjoy eating what they grow!
I try to make sure everything is healthy I’m a work in progress
My daughter loves to dip veggies in ranch dressing and I cut fruit up in small pieces.
We are always eating fruits and vegetables. Our kids have always seen us eating them and, have wanted to eat them too.
I think the trick to getting kids to eat healthier is to eat healthier ourselves!
I got lucky with my daughter she has always liked healthy foods. Her favorite when she was a baby was green beans.
My kids love fruits and veggies so I don’t have a problem with them eating healthy.
I let my grandkids help to make meals when they visit and I do find that really helps.
I always have healthy snacks out and within easy reach for them
I love the cook book “The Sneaky Chef” as well as “Wow, I can’t believe this is Sugar Free” cookbook- the recipes are easy to make , delicious…..AND nutritious.
The kids aren’t that picky and they love fruit.
My kids will eat anything with Ranch, Cheese, or Ketchup on it.
My daughter eats anything with ketchup on it. She is still funny about fruits though, but she loves apples so I make sure I have plenty apples around.
I have always fed them healthy foods so they love to eat them. I always have a fruit and veggy tray for them to snack on when they are hungry
I have no problems from either my youngest daughter or granddaughter. They both love to eat vegetables and fruits.
I don’t have kids, but I put out fruits and veggies to make them accessible to my little brother and family !
I sneak healthy foods into their soup and sandwiches.
I try to keep fresh fruits on hand for them to grab.
I try the make serving them in a way display
Some of the children’s programming she watches promotes healthy eating, and she likes to imitate them.
Still trying. Bur luckily they each have a few fruits and veggies that they enjoy.
I bring them to the farmer’s market so they can see all the fresh produce and let them pick out a few things that we cook with.
I have a lot of different fruits and veggies on hand for snacking especially
I sneak veggies into their smoothies and use dinnerware with their favorite cartoon characters!
I don’t have to do anything. My daughter was always raised on fruits and veggies. They’re her favorite
The kids usually like to have what we’re having or at least they’re more likely to try something that I’ll try.
Just make sure there are lots of fresh fruit on hand.
I bake them in muffins or casseroles!
We go to the farmers market together and I let them help pick out what they would like. They also like to cook with me, that seems to help too.
Luckily my grandkids would rather eat vegetables than candy! I keep some cleaned, bagged up veggies in the frig that is easy for them to get to.
I get my grandkids to eat more fruit instead of all the junk food. They love grapes, bananas, oranges. I also get them to eat more veggies by bribing them (lol). I tell them if they eat all of their veggies, granny will take them to get 1 scoop of ice cream with sprinkles.
I limit my grocery shopping to healthy foods.
I sneak them into their meals.
My kids do eat healthy foods my son has a heart transplant so the really focus on it
Thankfully my son loves fruits and veggies. He loves broccoli and apples so I make sure to always have them on hand.
My kids aren’t big veggie eaters except for salad so I hide some in smoothies!
My grandson is 4 years old. He is a horribly picky eater who doesn’t want to try any new foods. Im hoping he grows out of it soon. The rest of the family eats healthy so they are setting a good example.
I try to have just healthy options in the home if possible.
I tell them that’s all they get or if we have desert, they don’t get any unless they eat all their food.
we eat mainly whole foods. lots of fruits and veggies and we limit the processed foods and stay away from junk as much as possible.
We encourage them to build an edible creation – and offer items they may not have tried – and all of us have to try it and try to enjoy everything. We have a 3 strikes and if we don’t like something we don’t need to try it again for 3 months giving our taste buds a chance to like it the next time. They are all good eaters, so far!
When my daughter was little I told her that fish sticks were chicken sticks.I think that’s the reason she likes fish as an adult.I told her to do the same thing to my granddaughter.It works. I like your fun foods on a stick.Thank you for the chance
My kiddos have grown up eating lots of fruits and veggies. I have always introduced a new healthy food slowly and if they care for it, it’s ok. Their diet is very healthy and I know they don’t eat a lot of junk food.
i get them to eat by exposing them to veggies often.
I set an example by eating it as well. I also keep mainly healthy stuff in the house so there’s no other choice.
I find out what they like and then go from there. We always have fruit they like on hand. Same goes with veggies. I also keep a couple of healthy yogurt dips in the fridge so they have something to dip their veggies in. We also keep the kind of yogurt they like. We found a yogurt called FLIPS that they are crazy about! We sneak some veggies in some of the recipes we make too. We do have our sneaky ways
Sometimes I’m able to hide veggies, like carrots when I make orange juice
Everything I cook has veggies in it. Most of the time the kids don’t even know
I try to have them eat fruit and make a game out of it.
I only make healthier options available for snacks and I provide healthy meals on a regular basis. That is how I get my kids to eat healthier.
I provide healthy options. One of my kids love their fruits and veggies. The other, not so much. I give 2 healthy options, take it or leave it.
I take the kids to the grocery store with me. My kids like to be able to choose their own snacks like fresh vegetables or fruit.
My kids are pretty good eaters. One loves salads and other green veggies, and the other loves things like sweet potatoes and corn. They both drink smoothies — that’s a good way to get some nutrition in your kids. I also agree that it helps to take them to the grocery store and let them pick out their own healthy items.
My five year old granddaughter loves to grocery shop. So when we go, she gets to pick out something and put it in her mini cart. She’s more apt to eat fruits and veggies if she is responsible for “buying” them .
I get them to eat healthy by as a family we all try new produce. I go to the ethnic stores and buy produce for us to try.
I started the kids out at an early age with healthy foods and kept it going until they were old enough to make up their own minds. We never ate fast foods and it shows in their eating habits today.
It helps with a vegetable garden in the backyard!
I have no issues with hiding some things in some foods! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
I keep a fruit basket on our kitchen table with a variety of fruits
Hiding greens in smoothies is one thing I do. Also I make avocado choc pudding.
I mix it in with other foods and make healthy meals.
I get them to eat healthier by cooking healthy.
I started them off trying new things as early as possible!
they see m do it then they will
I add kale to their fruity slushie drinks. I make sure fruit is always available and ready to easily eat.
Fortunately, we’ve never had an issue. My kids have always loved vegetable & other healthy foods. My son went through a picky period, and fortunately even the foods he did like were healthy ones!
I tell them to try one bite at least.
I get them to eat healthier by provided fresh homecooked meals.
I cut them into small and easy to handle pieces…I make everything fun and colorful.
We love eating fruits and veggies actually.
When my grandkids visit I always make sure to have all the fruits and vegetables they like plus one I don’t think they have tried yet. Great snacks!
I get my kids to eat healthier foods by having it readily available. Cut the veggies, wash the fruit and make a fun fruit and veggie tray to snack on during a movie.
A little dip or ranch dressing helps to get the veggies down
I like to involve my grandchildren in the process from recipe gathering, making the grocery list, to shopping and checking the list, couponing, cooking and serving. They have a very vested interest in healthy food prep and enjoyment.
A home grown garden that they help with is a good way for them to want to try new things.
We have been introducing fruits and veggies to my daughter since she was little. Now that’s she’s getting older getting fruits and veggies inside of her haven’t been a problem!
I get them to eat healthier foods by eating such foods myself when they are present as a good model to them.
My kids tend to want veggies when they see me enjoying them.
I take them to the store and pick out a new fruit or vegtable to try.
We make healthy foods part of our routine and they seem to like it
BY planting a vegetable garden and having cooking lessons.
We call broccoli “baby trees” so that everyone will eat it.
By getting hem in the kitchen to help cook, they like to eat the recipes they help cook
My nieces are not that picky. They eat a wide variety of food. Ages 9 and 10.
I lead by example. And always have a veggie tray out and ready to curb that unhealthy snacking that tends to happen if there is nothing healthy readily available.
I mix in veggies in sauces and soup to get them to eat more
They’ll eat healthy foods, such as vegetables, if there’s a side of ranch.
I substitute plain yogurt for dip mixes
We love veggies so they are served a lot of veggies. I ask them to try it first. The older one doesn’t like salads or green beans. The little one doesn’t like peas. They are willing to try it and sometimes they’ll eat it up!
I promote healthy snacking by having fruit on hand.
by providing fruit in leu of candy
We conquered the “vegetable” dilemma by always giving the kids a choice when they were little: “You can have the carrots OR the french cut beans and the potatoes, but you must eat at least one vegetable…” We used this strategy with vegetables & fruits, and for the most part it has worked for us.
We serve veggies with every meal.
I disguise the vitamin laden foods with a little sweets up ro and including candy.