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Winner’s Choice – $50 AMAZON GC or PAYPAL CASH Giveaway!
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Giveaway ends 1/25/18 at 11:59pm est
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The power of giving I would want so that I could give back something to the society.
I would like wish powers, then I could have endless abilities
I think it would be interesting to read minds s I’d be able to know what someone really thinks.
I would like to be able to fly, would be a unique sensation.
I would love to have the power to fly so I could soar with the birds.
The power to fly zoom…..
Immediate transportation. I’d love to go wherever I want immediately.
I would like the super power of the ability to transport from place to place so I could avoid airports forever
I would travel through time and fix things that went wrong.
I would love to have the power to heal! I would love to be able to heal those that are suffering! If not heal completely I would love to find cures for illnesses that have no cure! Thank you!
See into the future
I would like to be a baby whisperer. Is that a thing? I’m going to say it is, because anyone who can get my 8 week old to sleep has super powers!
If I could have a super power, it would be teleportation. I hate wasting time getting somewhere. I would love the ability to quickly get from one place to another. Imagine all the places I could visit if I had this ability. Amazing.
I think it would be fun and eye opening to be able to read people’s minds.
I would like to be able to talk to animals. that would be interesting.
My super power would be to see the future so I could properly prepare for what’s to happen.
I would like to be able to travel anywhere in the blink of an eye. I hate to fly and have no patience for airline security.
To see into the future. So I can stop any harm that may come to people
I would love to be able to fly, I just think it would be awesome.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
i would be invisable,but then i would probably get hit by a bus…how about i just be a bus?
The power to heal. A lot of folks where I am are terribly sick with the Flu.
I would love to fly
I would wa t the power to heal myself and others.
I would like the super power of the ability to have all my wishes to come true
I would like the ability to communicate with anyone and any animal. Then I wouldn’t have to work so hard to learn French. lol
I would be invisible. Then I would be in the know about most anything.
I would like to read minds. The power of knowing what people are really thinking would be fun.
I would love invisibility for no good reason that I can think of!
If I could have a super power, I would want the power of teleportation.
I would love to be able to fly just because I think it would be fun!
If I could have any super power, it would be the ability to fly because I could avoid traffic, among other things.
To read peoples minds!
Healing power would be my superpower
I think it would be so cool to have the ability to fly! Soaring through the air would be such a freeing feeling!
I would want to to be able to the superpower to see the future so I would know what not to do.
I would like the super power of time travel because I think it would be interesting.
I would love the ability to feed every one in the world so no one would ever go hungry.
I would like to read minds. This way I would always know the truth.
I would have the power of healing both for myself and others
I think this is one of the best things you can have to give to anyone, the ability to heal them from any illness that comes (Of course I’d need to be healthy to do this for others! ) 
Invisibility. I could go in and watch all the movies I want to for free.
I would love to have the power to know when people are lying to me
I would be superman so that I could fly. Thanks for the giveaway!
The power to have as much money as I want to be able to help all the animal charities
The ability to read minds.
I would want the super power of knowing truth. Truth is just very important to me.
I would want to be invisible when I wanted to be because sometimes I don’t want to do something or be seen.
the ability to read ones mind
the power to heal the sick
I would love to be able to teleport. I hate wasting so much time in traffic!
My super power would be to be patient lol
I have always wanted to fly like a bird. They look like they have such freedom.
I would love the power to heal, so I could help everybody.
I’d like to be invisible
The power to create things rapidly at a quick speed.
I would want to teleport.
To naturally attract money and success (hahaha)
I would like to be able to speak all languages.
I would love to have the power to fly as I hate driving.
Flight.. Think of all the fun I could have.. or Telekinesis.. also a lot of fun with that one
The power to heal!
I would love to be able to travel through time that way I could be anywhere I wanted when I wanted.
Being invisible so I can see what everyone is doing.
regeneration like Deadpool thank you.
I’d have the ability to wipe out hunger globally because there is a food crisis in our country and many parts of the world.
Thanks for the chance.
I will travel with my dream partner
I would absolutely love to teleport! Traveling would be so much easier
I would pick flying
Invisibility so I could be nosey!
I wish I could fly. It would be a cheaper and faster way of getting places.
To be a healer-heal people pains and issues.
I would want to have the ability to become invisible anytime ya wanted you could do anything
power to fly to go around
I would have the super power of speed. That way I could get a lot done around the house and at work and have plenty of time to spend on my family.
IF I could have any superpower, I would love to be able to move things with my mind…no special reason, I just think it would be cool .
I would be able to heal any ailment.
This is a tough one. I guess I would say teleportation. I would have to be able to take people with me though. thank you!
I would love to be able to fly. I have trouble walking after a bad accident, so being able to fly would be most amazing!
I would love to teleport. That way my family could travel all over the world and never have to worry about paying for plane tickets again!
To fly
I wish I had super powers to heal people.
It would be the ability to see into the future so I could win the lottery. lol
I would have the superpower of flight. I would travel all around the word visiting places
Mindreading so I could read minds.
I would love to have the power to transport myself instantly to anywhere.
I’d like to be able to fly.
shop all I want for free
I’d be invisible so I could take money from the rich and help the poor!
I would love to be telepathic. It would be really useful and fun to be able to read people’s minds.
I’d want the power of invisibility!
I think teleporting would be so awesome!
I would love to be able to fly! It would be a faster way to get places! It would be fun too!
My super power would be to share with everyone the ability to have a positive future without choosing bad ways to get ahead. There would be no poverty/hungry – but hope for everyone.
I would want to be able to become invisible. Then I could sneak around without being seen.
I’d love the power to heal the sick.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I think I would love the “super power” of not aging. Would love to live in different times in history.
I would love invisibility.
I would like to fly, I would fly all around the United States and see all the beautiful country
I would like to have the ability to heal people.
I think I would like speed.
I think it would be awesome to have the power to clearly remember anything I had read once. It would be so useful!
I’d love to have the ability to heal people and animals because I could do so much good with it.
ATM, I’d chose the power of invisibility. Sometimes a woman just wants to be left alone. able to heal atleast pain
INVISIBILITY so I could listen in on this crazy govt. that we have !!! That way I could know the truth
Time travel, so I could experience great moments in history.
It would be flight, so I would never be late.
I would love to be invisible, I could go wherever I wanted!
I would love to pause time. It would b great to get stuff done then restart time to play with the kids.
To be able to see into the future. There’s endless possibilities with that one!
I would like the power of invisibility, because I can get away with a lot and no one would no the better.
I would want the power of healing
The super power that I would love would be the ability to fly!
I would like to have control over time so that I can get things done, but at my own pace. And also so that I can sleep a little longer in the morning before work.
I would love the ability to read minds. I would know when people are telling the truth, and what their thoughts really are.
I would like to go back in time.
I would want to be able to fly because IRL I am afraid of heights
My superpower would be the ability to grant unlimited wishes upon myself and others. Like a genie
I would love to have the ability to fly.
I would love the power of healing to make my loved ones feel better.
I would want to be like Bewitched and twitch my nose and my house would be clean.
I would want the power of invisibility I could get in all kinds of trouble!
To be invisible!
My super power would be to make everyone happy. There are too many struggles in the world!
I would love to be able to fly! Traveling would be so much easier and I’d get there so fast!
Invisibility so I could see what things were going on behind my back.
To know people’s heart desires to better help them
It would either be: Flying, teleportation, or invisibility
Control time- then I could go back and fix things
My superpower would be the power of healing, so I could help people.
They all would have some drawbacks, but I think I would like to be invisible at choice. No particular reason, but sometimes it would be nice to be completely able to visit otherwise crowded locations when nobody else was there!
I would love to control the weather. There are some people that need to be struck by a lightening bolt.
I would want the truth. Always.
Teleportation would be amazing! That, or going back in time.
I would like to have the ability to fly. It sure would be convenient.
I’d be able to be invisible, so I could mess with people.
The ability to heal others.
I would want to teleport so I could travel anywhere instantly.
I would want my superpower to be the ability to read other people’s minds so that I would know what they are planning to do before they do it.
I always tell people that I would love to have the power to grow things, like Poison Ivy, but less evil LOL
Mine would be the ability to fly. i think it would be fun to get to places faster
healing but if not that shape shifter would be so cool.
Teleportation so I could easily travel anywhere!
snap my fingers and house laundry and dishes be cleaned and put aways
Flying! I would love a birds eye view!
I would love to have the power to fly why so I could fly up to the clouds and back or over a rainbow that would be so cool plus if i could fly I could get to where I wanted to go without riding I would be flying
I would like the power to heal people that are sick. Thanks!
I think the ability of reading other peoples thoughts as a superpower could be very useful in life, business, etc. !!!!
To freeze time so I could compose myself in certain situations and not overreact right away.
power to save homeless animals and people.
I would want super speed, because I have arthritis and my pain keeps me from doing things but if I could do them super fast then I could get more done on my own.
The ability to talk to and understand animals do they could tell me what they are thinking and if they don’t feel good
I would love to have the power to heal. I’d be able to help so many people.
The power to take away evil and fix the worlds problems.
I would like to have the power to influence people to use their talents and skills for good deeds instead of criminal behavior.