One thing I am certain I have learned since becoming a parent is that parenting is HARD! I know everyone says this, but I never really knew how hard it was until I had my own bundle of joy.
While Gradie is only 4 years old and we have so much living yet to do and I’m sure we’ll have many challenges along the way. Heck I know I barely survived the ‘threeanger’ year, they say terrible 2’s but that is because they haven’t moved onto the 3’s yet.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter with all of my heart and I absolutely wouldn’t change anything about her, but I sure could use some help when it comes to learning how to deal with a toddler tantrum. They can go from happy and easy going to freaking out over the darnedest things.
I found Boys Town has weekly parenting email series and one of their topics was ‘Toddler Tantrums‘. I knew that checking it out wouldn’t harm anything, and I was confident it’d at least help with some useful tips and tricks. After all, Boys Town is backed by 100 years of research and experience, plus their content is backed by a series of psychiatrists, psychologists and parenting experts.
I was really excited to share with my good friend who is going to be fostering children in the very near future that they have additional parenting topics too and I sure she’ll benefit from subscribing to many, if not all of them;
- Parenting Principles
- Success in School Email Series
- Teen Discipline
- Today’s Teen
- Kids and Technology
- Anti-Bullying
- Tween Discipline

I have really enjoyed reading the Toddler Tantrums series, and I have applied a few of their tips and tricks in our home, such as, letting your child know when it’s time to actively listen. They recommend using a catch-phrase to alert your child. In our home we applied this by letting Gradie help in coming up with the catch phrase, it’s silly, but it works, when Jeanna or I need Gradie’s attention we say, “Howdy Doody – time to turn on those listening ears.”
Week four’s lesson, THE INS AND OUTS OF USING TIME-OUT, was the lesson in which I learned the most, I only wish I had this email series about 2 years ago, but it’s never too late and it is coming in very handy now at age 4.
I have also subscribed to the other topics available as I know the time will be here before I know it where I can apply what I read and learn today.
It’s often said that ‘it takes a village’ and I am here to recommend adding these Boys Town Email Series’ to your village. Head over to their website and sign up today, I am sure there are topics available that will help in your home.
This sounds extremely interesting. And some of the advise on its pages will help me when I have my grandchildren over. Thank you so very much.
That sounds helpful! You’re so right–parenting turns out to be so much more difficult than we anticipate in some ways…so it’s always good to have good resources available!
This is great information, I’m sharing with my friends. It’s good for anyone who cares for children. Sometimes we all feel angry and sometimes a tantrum is the only way they know how to tell you. Off the subject, but the same; our dog has tantrum and growls, wines and pulls things off the furniture if he wants a treat and can’t have one. I guess you can say this would apply to a lot of our family members. Thanks for sharing.
I think these are some good ideas. I am going to try out the listening technique with my daughter (and also my husband)!