During the Cars 3 Press Junket we got to enjoy a presentation about the latest Pixar ‘short’ LOU lead by Director Dave Mullins & Producer Dana Murray.

When a toy-stealing bully ruins recess for a playground full of kids, only one thing stands in his way: the “Lost and Found” box.
As it is with all Pixar movie shorts I have seen their story is always near and dear to those who created them and the animation is phenomenal. I am an accountant who sits at a desk all day working on number and financial statements, getting to see the creative ability of those are Pixar is such a treat and break from my ordinary.

The love, dedication and determination that Dave and Dana put into LOU is shown throughout the finished product and I am excited to share with you these 5 little known facts about the short.
Of course, I highly encourage you head to your local theater to watch Cars 3 and enjoy LOU!
Dave Mullins pitched ideas to Pixar for EIGHT years before receiving the green light on the production of LOU.
‘Lost and Found’ was pitched to John Lasseter in 2012 – the story of a toy stealing bully who steals from kids and eventually learns to give them back, with the help of the Lost and Found box.
at the “Cars 3” Press Conference at Anaheim Convention Center on June 10, 2017 in Anaheim, California. Credit Disney/Pixar -
Production of LOU was shut down for 6 months when the animators worked on the feature film The Good Dinosaur.
J.J’s character (the bully) was first in ‘Inside Out’. In fact, all the school yard kids are re-purposed from ‘Finding Dory’ and ‘Inside Out’.
Dave Mullins pitched the idea for the short to John Lasseter in 2012. LOU was sent to layout in 2016.

Enjoy a clip about LOU below;
Now be sure to head to a theater near you THIS WEEKEND to watch Cars 3 and LOU!!
I just know your whole family will love them both!!!
Lou sounds real interesting. As circumstances have kept me from getting to see Cars 3 I am definitely going to take grandchildren to see it this weekend. Now with the Lou short it gives us something more to look forward to. Really cannot wait to see it this weekend.
This looks like a really good movie to take my nephew to see!
Wow – eight years to make it happen!
Lou sounds like a cute movie. Interesting facts, I can’t believe how long it took for this movie to get made.
Yes, you can tell that J.J’s character is similar to Spot in “the Good Dinosaur” (God, I loved that movie!). Short films have the important mission of teaching something in a short amout of time while keeping it funny…It’s not that simple!
Thanks for these fun facts, as soon as I’ll be going to the movie I’ll tell them to my friends!
Thank you so much for sharing these great facts. We went to see this yesterday. It was great. My grandchildren just loved it. Thank you for sharing
I would love to take the grandkids to watch this movie it sounds so good and can’t wait to watch and see Lou
What an interesting twist on the Despicable series..we are going to (and much looking forward too0 Dispicable 3 net weekend
Look forward to seeing this when we go see Cars.
This “Cars 3” Press Conference at Anaheim Convention Center does seem like a lot of fun! I wish I were there.
This is such a cute short, I love Lou! I definitely can’t wait to go see this movie with my three kiddos, we love Cars!
Thanks for sharing these awesome 5 facts with us!
Fun to learn about this animation! Thanks for the post!