Be sure to read more about this great movie and wonderful prize package giveaway below!!!
Middle school can be a tough time both for parents and for our children. There are so many worries that we have. But they don’t have to be the “worst years of my life.” One way to make it easier on our children is to make sure they have a locker to put all their items in. Our friend at Money Saving Parent found out she not only has to request one in her school district but pay for it too. But now her daughter has one and it means she has a place to meet with her friends as well as keep all her items safe and sound. No more hauling around a 45 lb backpack all day long.
There are so many ways to make life a little easier for your middle schooler which is why we are excited to bring you this fun filled Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Blu-Ray and $30 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
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Sponsored by Lionsgate Entertainment
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life
While Money Saving Parent’s middle school experience has been pretty nice so far, it isn’t that way for Rafe, (Griffin Gluck) in Middle School The Worst Years of My Life. Our family laughed our way through his hi-jenks as he takes on one tough principal and school where rules rule for no good reason.
Rafe has an epic imagination…and a slight problem with authority. Both collide when he transfers to a rule-crazy middle school. Drowning in do’s and don’ts, Rafe and his best friend Leo hatch a plan to expose the principal by breaking every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. As the principal strikes back, Rafe’s world, at home and at school, explodes into hilarious chaos (both real and imagined) in this laugh-filled family comedy based on James Patterson’s best-selling book series.
Pick up the BLU-Ray Combo pack or DVD and get these special features!
· “That Middle School Life” Featurette
· “Middle School = The Worst / Making Movies = The Best” Featurette
· “The Wedgie Wheel” Featurette
· “Yolo: Behind Operation Rafe” Featurette
· Gag Reel
· Deleted Scenes
Middle School Movie Locker Swag Giveaway
Enter for your chance to win a $30 Amazon Gift Certificate/Card to swag out your favorite middle/high schooler’s locker and
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life on Blu-Ray!
Giveaway open to US, 18+ entries only
Giveaway ends 1/12 at 11:59pm est
The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We are not associated with any of the companies named above. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open to USA, 18+ only. Limit one entrant per household. Confirmed Winner(s) (by will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. My blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest, Instagram or Klout.
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Starting to get caught up in peer pressure.
Kids being introduced to drugs.
I worry about outside influences and kids doing things that they don’t really want to so that they can fit in.
kids getting into fights over friends
My kids are grown now, but all of the peer pressure they felt was bad. Trying to decide right from wrong is hard at that age.
I worry about peer pressure and bullying in middle school
I’m nervous for my daughter to go to middle school next year because of her size. She is such a tiny peanut compared to her peers. I’m just nervous she’ll get pushed around and teased.
Some worries that will make middle school “the worst years of my life is bullying and peer pressure
I worry about “the mean girls”
I get concerned about bullying.
It happens way too much!
thank you
Definitely all the bullying you see in the movies.
It seems that bullying these days is at an all time high! I worry about kids being bullied and pressured.
With all the news about bullying, that is what scares me the most for kids in schools these days
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I worry about outside influences and peer pressure.
my kid love to watch fun
I worry about my shy son having to deal with bullies in middle school.
Social acceptance is a big concern for kids in middle school.
The hardest thing so far for my daughter was the stress of finding all of her classes. After that first week she was fine. The next hardest thing is acceptance. I really wish it wasn’t something they had to deal with but it is.
I get concerned about bullying. There is a lot of it at the schools,
We didn’t have middle school when I went to school, and our children are homeschooled.
I worry about bullying its so bad now it touches most households.
I am now a grandmother of middle schoolers. I am concerned about them getting caught up with things they are now ready for.
I feel like middle school is when the bullying starts to happen, and kids starts to get clique if you know what I mean
My worry was not getting picked for a team in PE class
l love middle school.
I think bullying is something that would make middle school the worst days.
I always worried about bullying because no matter how much you want to protect your kids and the school doesn’t..You just can’t go out and beat the hell out of a middle schooler like you want to.
Having someone bully my son who is autistic and is nonverbal.
bullying seems to happen a lot in middle school
Middle School is when drugs, sex, and bullying really start to blossom, kids start to shape who they are (or who they want to be) and all these things are of a great influence during this time frame. Keep an eye on your babies!!
Bullying concerns me.
I think the middle school years have been the worst years of a lot of people’s life, including mine. The bullying is the worst, and then there’s puberty to deal with. Ugh.
I think peer pressure is one of the biggest concerns with kids in school today.
I think bullies are a problem for kids now .
If I had a child, I would worry about bullying and peer pressure. That’s always a flaw in the basis of middle school. Being different always suffers through the ridicules of society.
We are past the middle school years but my biggest fear was that my son would be influenced by his peers. I was lucky he wasn’t.
I think the scary word is Hormones! So many changes.
Thanks for the contest.
I worry that she will not have friends and be made fun of.
My son’s almost done with middle school but the social aspect is the worst
So far my boy has been doing pretty well. We homeschool so he doesn’t really have problems with school friends… I trust the kids he meets at coop, church, and his Trail Life Troop.
I guess that he could get negative influences from his neighborhood friends, but so far, so good. He almost never goes over to their houses and they often play over here.
Oh my gosh my list i soooo long. But my first concern would be teenage drama.
One year left of middle school for my son and peer pressure is the biggest worry I have!!
Peer pressure and bullying are two things I worry about for my daughter! Next year starts middle school for her!
I’m hoping hormones don’t kick in so much that my son because a know-it-all or disrespectful to me or others. I’ve seen that happen with middle school students and if it did here, that’d def. be a m/school nightmare.
Bullies distracting kids and making school hostile for quieter kids.
I always had very specialized interests in school and was terrified of math problems. Every other subject, no problem . . . but math made me run screaming for the hills.
My children being picked on.
My biggest fear is bullys!
The worst real worries are peer pressure, drugs and alcohol, and bullying.
Bullies is the biggest fear for kids.
The horrible bullying that’s happening right now..
Vapes – all the middle school kids are now using vapes because they think it’s cool but safer than cigarettes
It is certainly the kids that bully others.
Bullying is one of my worries.
kids judge each other so hard it make’s them fill insecure all the time.