That’s right – to celebrate the start of a brand NEW YEAR here is an easy to enter, easy to share, easy to WIN (come back daily for more chances to enter)
Here are some great options for quality shopping in 2017!!
For the HOME!!
For the KIDS!!

Now ENTER to WIN this $100 Cash Giveaway!!
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Good Luck & Happy New Year!!!
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I’d love to go to London next year. Happy 2017!
My New Year’s Resolution is to eat healthier so I can be here for my kids!
I resolve to eat healthier.
My resolution is to make my home pretty and comfortable. We have been doing massive remodeling, so I am ready to make things “done.”
I do not have or make new years resolutions
I’m going to conquer my Dr Pepper habit and drink more water.
I am just going to do better this year to others and myself.
To eat healthier to nourish my body better. Try and get a little more exercise into my routine.
I don’t make resolutions. I set mini goals for myself that are easier for me to keep as I am chronically ill and need to take everything in small steps.
My New Years Resolution is to take care of myself better and healthier!!!
To eat better and get more exercise drink more water
To eat healthier and try to get into better shape.
My biggest resolution is to start paying cash or using my debit card instead of a credit card as much as possible this year to help get rid of some debt and create a doable budget.
I haven’t made any
My New Year resolutions include couponing more and walking at least 3x/week in my neighborhood for exercise.
My new years resolution is to save more money! I usually buy coffees a lot and i want to stop doing that and make coffee at home.
My New Year’s resolution is to put 10% of each paycheck into an emergency savings fund to help cover unexpected expenses.
My new year’s resolution is to live each day to the fullest and not take anything for granted.
My new year’s resolution is to get more organized. I’m going to start with getting all my photos in photo albums
I’m going to lose 10 pounds and exercise more.
My New Year Resolutions is to be more active!
To eat healthier and lose weight
I usually don’t make resolutions.
My resolution is to meet people in my new city.
I don’t make resolutions.
I’m going to get more sleep!
What are your New Year Resolutions??
i want to go to hawaii…can you help? me
My resolution is to make attempts to reconnect with friends and family who I haven’t seen in a long time. I want to be the one to reach out.
to enter more giveaways.
After so many years of the disappointment of not being able to keep them… I eliminated them altogether!
I made my usual resolution to grow as a person and be nice to everyone.
I want to add minutes to my daily walk and be consistent with it.
To lose weight! And take better care of me in general!
My resolution is to run my first race. It’ll probably just be a charity 5k but still!
My resolution is to read more books.
My main resolution is to find a new job and get out more (I’m always inside ALONE!)
Thanks for the chance to win!
My resolution is to go walking more.
I resolve to enjoy each day more than the last
I don’t make new year resolutions because I never keep them!
To live a healthier lifestyle.
To be healthier this year. JJ Harbert
my resolution it to eat healthier and get more exercise
I don’t really make resolutions. I do want to start more cooking from scratch, and I want to make some DIY cleaners.
I plan on making more “me time” in 2017.
I don’t make resolutions, I make a wish each year. This year is to continue with my weight loss.
I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions anymore! I never keep them anyway.
I plan to drink more infused water and take my vitamins more regularly.
I am so excited for 2017. I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, because I don’t stick to those things. I am shooting to make 2017 the best year yet. Making each day better than the last. I look forward to all the opportunities that I will have, and all the people I will meet.
My New Years resolution is to visit family more and treat my mom more.
eat better and work out
I do not have resolutions
Our resolution is to start saving a little money each payday. Thank you for thr entry.
I’m going to continue to work on eating healthier and being more active.
I want to strengthen my legs more.
My goals for 2017 is to volunteer more and get back to running, my goal is to do at least one 5k and 10k this year, hopefully more
To play more sports with my sons!
My resolutions are to pay off my debts.
My New Year’s Resolution is to exercise again.
My new years resolution is to start making an effort to meet people. We moved in the fall, and with me not working its been hard to find a group of friends. I need to be creative and branch out
I only resolve to try and live a better than than I did the previous year.
My New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking.
My resolution is to exercise more and eat healthier.
My resolution is to loose 30 pounds.
I quit making New Years resolutions a long time ago for the most part. Getting and staying organized is always on my mind as well as eating healthier and exercising more.
I resolve to eat healthier.
travel somewhere tropical! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
To spend more time with my kids during the day & do my cleaning more after they are in bed! That way I can spend more time with them.
I would like to be more disciplined in a work out routine.
My New Years resolution is to eat healthier.
i want to live in the moment more
I don’t make resolutions but this years goal for me is to be more positive, more in the moment, and just try to be a better version of myself all around!
Eat better, exercise 3 times a week, lose 8 pounds, read 60 books, and pay off my car. I’ve got a lot of work to do!
I want to read God’s word more.
I want to save up enough to make a down payment on a house. Thank you!
Fewer carbs and more vegetables! I’ve been working on shedding some baby weight for 7 years now. I’d say it’s finally time
To continue exercising!
To eat healthier and collect more toys
As usual, lol, my usual resolutions are to lose weight and improve my family’s financial backups.
I don’t have any New Year’s resolutions this year. I already try to be healthy and do my best at what needs to be done.
I’ve set my mind on seriously decluttering my home and donating most of the things I no longer (or never!) use.
To manage my time better and make each day as productive as possible.
Study harder
New years resolution is to lose weight
To lose weight
Don’t make them so I don’t break them
Would love this.
My resolution is to get fit so I can travel to Scotland!
I never make them. Just to do the best I can. And to strive to be a better person.
I am going to try to inspire others to be kinder to eachother by being kinder to others. I really feel that if we were all just a little kinder, our world would be a much better place.
Prioritize. Put God first. Focus on schoolwork. Make sure that I am doing things that make me happy but don’t waste time.
Mine is to be more active instead of not moving around all the time
I didn’t make any resolutions for this year.
I don’t do resolutions, that way I don’t break them!
I don’t have a formal resolution but I do want to be more organized. Thanks
I need to get more sleep and exercise more.
I am eating a lot more non-starchy vegetables.
My new years resolution is a biggie…to start my own small business from home and work extremely hard! Also weight loss is another resolution
To eat healthier and make better choices when it comes to food overall. Esp. when it comes to cooking for my family.
We have both family new years resolutions and also personal ones this year. Our family goals for 2017 are to hike and play more board games more. And to travel to one new place this year!
my is that stay out of the hospital and then keep the weight off
No resolutions. My goal is to swim 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.
I didn’t make any resolutions this year. I am just going to try and do a few things different then I did last year but if I can’t do them different so be it.
this year i resolved to workout more and stay away from sweets. so far so good. i will still eat sweets just not as often only on special occasions.
My resolution is to save more money for my children’s futures.
My resolution is to start doing Yoga. I got a mat for Christmas, so I am hoping to try all aspects of yoga, including hot yoga.
My 2017 resolution is to loose weight and walk a lot more to loose the weight.
Practice yoga daily and eat healthier.
My resolution is to drink more water and less soda pop.
Instead of a resolution, I made an annual goal. I am revamping my site day by day. There is so much that I want to do on it, along with rewriting my book about my daughter’s suicide to not only show the pain, but to offer hope. So far, I am on track and that is a good thing. It’s a big goal, but step by step I will get there!
My New Year’s resolution is to be healthier and not get sick so many times this year! I’ve had about 17 colds this year!
My New Years Resolution is to lose 20 pounds. I gained weight after I quit smoking.
This year we decided to take more photos, to treasure more moments together
haven’t made any resolutions this year
My resolutions are to quit smoking and to stop drinking mountain dew by the gallon.
I did not make a New Year’s Resolution.
I didnt make any.
To get more healthy – by exercising, eating better, drinking less alcohol. I need to go to bed earlier too.
Get my craft room organized
I don’t really make resolutions, but ultimately, my goal is to end 2017 happier and healthier than it began.
My new Years resolution is to get my house de-cluttered.
My new years resolution is to eat healthier.
My resolutions are to lose weight and get healthier, and to save money!
My New Year’s Resolution is to lose a little bit of weight and to vow not to lose my temper.
To not let small things get to me.
I haven’t made any resolutions. I’m always just trying to do better in general.
i do not make any,if i want to start something or stop i dont wait for a special day to do it
I don’t bother making resolutions.
I don’t usually make New Years Resolutions! I do plan on taking more time on “me” this year though. As a SAHM I really don’t focus on myself ever, lol.
I never make resolutions, but do try to continually work on myself.
My New Year Resolution is to gain more muscle and get back into shape.
I have no New Year resolutions this year.
My resolution is to lose weight and to start to eat healthy. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway.
Doing more exercise and eat healthy
I like to do small walking to get well & healthy again.