Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso in the upcoming, highly anticipated, Rogue One: A Star Wars Movie. While you might not know her by name, you will after this movie and I am sure you’ve already seen her photo plastered on the Rogue One movie posters and in the movie trailers.
During our press event in San Francisco this weekend we were able to sit down with Felicity Jones and discuss her role as Jyn Erso.

When asked to discuss her character in the film Felicity explains that as Jyn Erso she hates the Empire, hates everything they stand for. They destroyed her family and every time she sees a storm trooper she is like an animal who wants to take them down. However, she has a wonderful humanity and learns how to be a leader throughout the film.
She starts off and she’s a bit of an outsider, she’s very suspicious and un-trusting of people. She’s had a bit of a hard life, a lot of struggle, so it’s not easy for her to trust people. Throughout the film you see her actually forming these kindred spirits with the other rebels. And finding something that they all have in common, a dislike of the empire and they unite over that despite their differences.”
Asked how she got the role; Felicity explained that her long time agent had told her that she was pretty sure it (the role) was hers, but when Gareth Edwards called to make sure she sounded really surprised. When Gareth called Felicity played along saying she’d love the role. Although, she jokes that her next thought was, “Great but there’s gonna be a lot of training involved in this film so I’d better get my ass to the gym.”
Did she bring any suggestions to the character of Jyn? Felicity explained; that throughout everything it was very collaborative. Costumes were worked on together, first the costumes were a sort of combat style, combat trousers and a kind of flack vest. Felicity tried this and it just didn’t feel quite right and it didn’t feel Star Wars enough.

Resulting in a lot of discussions about bringing in something more of a Japanese style that you see in those early films with OB Wan Kenobi. Resulting in the martial arts type clothing that they wear.
Felicity continues;
To bring out that side of Jyn to bring something a little bit more spiritual into her characterization through the costume. But, every step of the way it was a very, very open dialogue in terms for all of us bringing as much as we wanted to the characters.”
As Felicity mentioned, she would have to go to the gym for this role, which is understandable. She was asked exactly how much training was involved.
I’ve never done any of this stuff before so it was just learning everything from the very beginning and just working very closely with the stunt team who took me through these sort of acrobatic moves that Jyn would have to perform eventually. So it was just a lot of practice.

Felicity Jones said that as a child she did judo, which she absolutely loved, so she had a bit of martial arts background and she loved that side of her role in Rogue One. Even though there were a lot of early mornings where she was half asleep, running around the set. Joking that everyone was permanently in sweat pants.
In doing these moves and stunts we wondered if she’d sustained any injuries or bumps and bruises during filming. Felicity was a lot of fun to talk to, she immediately joked about how much she should reveal about this, joking about liability for Disney/Lucasfilm. She laughs and continues;
But, no, I’m going to reveal what happened. There’s a lot, you don’t realize ’cause the adrenaline is pumping so much and then you get home and you’re literally covered in bruises, enormous bruises all over. But, in a way I probably bring it upon myself ’cause I get really into it and take it very seriously.”

What did it mean to Felicity to be a part of the Star Wars empire? She explains that she feels the reason Star Wars has lasted for so long is it’s about family. Not just blood relations, it’s the family that you form with friends and what makes those friendships so special is that they are friendships across different races and languages. People coming together as they’re united by fighting the forces of evil.
You have to agree, in today’s day and age, we can all come together, across race, gender, and nationality to fight for a common goal. As we interviewed the talent of Rogue One it was also great seeing how this happened in this movie, cast members are from countries across the world and speak many different languages.

A female lead, in one of the largest movie franchises ever, being interviewed by 25 mommy bloggers, of course we asked about the role and being a strong woman in a world dominated by men. We’ve had the damsel in distress woman leads in the past – this is NOT one of those roles.
Absolutely, I just wanted the audience to just really care about her and empathize with her and be in it alongside her. She’s very resourceful and it was very clear to Gareth and I, we’re both from the same page about this, we didn’t want her to keep being saved. You know, sometimes in films the, the female character is often the one who’s sort of in distress and then the male character comes and gets her out of it.
We were very clear about making sure that she could survive on her own. She’s capable, but also at the same time, they do need each other, there is a team. Part of what makes someone strong is being able to work in a team, and to rely on other people so it was trying to get that balance.”

Being a strong female has always been important to me. I am fiercely independent and since have a daughter of my own, I love that there are movies like this, where woman are leading the way, kicking a** and basically showing men that they can do it just as well, if not better then them! Thank you Felicity Jones for your role in this movie, and showing my daughter that she too can be anything she wants to be!!!
Asked what she would want young girls to take from her role, Felicity said that Jyn is not a princess, she’s not really rich, she’s not privileged, which is what we’re used to seeing in these sort of leading Disney roles. She’s very much an ordinary woman and ordinary girl who’s had to make the best of things. She would like young girls to take from her role is resourcefulness and, and self reliance.
I think that’s what’s important that young girls don’t feel like they have to conform to some idea of what a girl should be. It’s like you can be whoever you want, whatever you are and take confidence in that and there isn’t a standard that we should all be working towards. It’s like, this is what perfection is you know, ’cause that makes everyone feel bad. It’s about finding and celebrating what’s different about us.
Growing up Felicity Jones’ favorite Star Wars character was Han Solo because; “Just because Harrison Ford is really hot.”
As you can tell from this interview sitting down with Felicity Jones to discuss her role as Jyn Erso was a lot of fun. She is an amazing actress, very friendly and personable in person and let’s not forget that she is the lead role in a STAR WARS movie!! How amazing, lets keep the woman coming, kicking a** and taking names! Positive role models is what we need for our daughters, showing them that you don’t have to fit society’s perception of what is right and wrong for you as a young lady.
In case you haven’t seen it yet, but I am sure you have because, well, who hasn’t seen it yet – here’s the Rogue One trailer. Watch it, enjoy it, and BOOK YOUR TICKETS TODAY!!!
Be sure to read my recap of the Rogue One Press Event over HERE.
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The more I read about this movie Rogue One the more excited I get and cannot wait for December 16th to see it. Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso sounds amazing. A woman after my own heart. Thanks once again for your most interesting and informative Blog.