Sponsored by SCOTTIES Facial Tissue
When the Holidays are here, we want to feel good and be prepared for unexpected sneezes and coughing bursts. Scotties Facial Tissue are here to help us to keep our skin soft and less damaged when we need to use a lot of tissue.
We would love to bless a family with at least month’s supply of Scotties in their new Winter outfit for this Holiday Season and a $25 Amazon gift card for yet another gift for family or friends.
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We get lots of rest and drink fluids.
We make sure we keep hydrated and get plenty of rest.
Steam showers, drink lots of water and get lots of rest.
I gargle with warm salt water for sore throats and use a vapo-rub for congestion. The best thing to do–and the most difficult–is to just rest.
Drink plenty of green tea & hot water with lemon & honey.
We make sure we have vapor-rub on hand, take steam showers, make sure we cover our mouths when coughing, plenty of rest and fluids!
We wash our hands and clean very thoroughly so that the virus does not spread. We also load up on soup and blankets.
We start taking TheraFlu Green Tea with Honey and Lemon, plenty of rest and sanitize everything so no one else gets sick.
What remedies do you use when your family gets flu and cold?
in bed,stay away from me…thats all i know
I get lots of rest.
I make sure everyone is staying hydrated, rest (usually for all but mom lol), tea & honey.. everything else just depends, we treat the symptoms as needed
lots of water and get lots of rest.
I eat chicken noodle soup, drink lots of water and tea and gets lots of sleep.
We drink plenty of fluids and live on the couch in front of the TV for a few days. Also LOTS of delicious chicken soup ( Jewish Penicillin) YUM
drink a lots water
When the family is sick, I make sure everyone is staying hydrated, I monitor their temperature, and make homemade chicken noodle soup.
We drink hot tea with honey.
We make sure to drink lots of water, eat homemade chicken soup and get lots of rest and cuddles!
We always rest and end up at the Dr’s due to our poor immune systems to get B’k shots etc
lots of rest and fluids.
We first go to the dr. to see if there is anything they can do. Then we give medicine to make them comfortable so that they can get lots of rest. Thank you!
I use salt water for sore throats and drink a lot of water to keep hydrated.
Plenty of liquids and rest seems to help us.
Mucinex and rest.
we get rest ,and drink plenty of fluids ty
Homemade chicken noodle soup and rest!
Lots of fluid and rest always help.
We get lots of rest and relaxing down time. Drink plenty of fluids and eat soup.
We drink a lot of fluids and get rest.
drink lots of water, rest and tylenol as needed
We use Nyquil and a vicks humidifier.
Plenty of rest, ny quil and fluids
Lots of liquids, rest and extra love
Thanks for the chance
Rest and lots of liquids, mostly water when we get sick. Sometimes even mild colas like 7up help but not if its a stomach bug you dealing with
A honey, lemon, and whiskey blend works well for coughs and scratchy throats.
We drink lots of fluid and get plenty of rest
AlkaSeltzer Plus Cold is a must have for colds!
We make sure we keep hydrated and get plenty of rest.
Lots of fluids and rest!
We drink tea, use old medicine, scotties tissues .
Rest, fluids, crackers, soup. Ginger ale. NyQuil doesn’t hurt. LOL.
Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, take extra vitamin C, and some homemade Chicken Soup are good remedies!
Well a cold vs flu is treated somewhat different..with a flu..uggg..not much helps..need to see dr. Maybe tamiflu..if caught early..echinacea, zinc might help. With both sleep and fluids..vit. C
We drink more hot tea, water and take extra vitamin C.
Spray the house with with Lysol spray and lots of hot tea.
I grew up with Scotties tissues awesome as kid now as a Mommy ..
we use the humidifier and heat pads to help move the congestion. my fiancé is a doctor, so he tries to push medication at me. i won’t the it unless nothing else is working.
Extra vitamin C and zinc, keep hydrated, wash hands alot and use antibacterial gel
We drink lots of water& run the vaporizer;)
Vitamin C, rest, fluids and soup.
We use the usual remedies such as medication, soda for upset stomach, and Vick’s Vapor Rub for stuffy noses. Thanks for the giveaway!
Depending on what they have, my treatments would vary. Either way, plenty of rest and water are always needed!
i make my family drink lots of water to stay hydrated and give them tea with ginger in it.
When some in our family is sick – lots of rest and fluids.
thank you
When some in our family is sick – lots of rest and fluids.
thank you
I use essential oils, fluids and rest
I usually make sure that we drink plenty of liquids and drink plenty of hot tea with honey.
I sleep and take tylenol. If I have a congested nose or chest, I use a hot steam mist a few times a day. Lots of hot tea and tons of tissues too!
I make hot tea with honey and lemon.
We drink gatorade to help with dehydration:)
Lots of fluids and vitamin c, rest as much as we can and that’s about it. Just wait for things to run their course and stay as comfortable as possible.
We use lots of fluid and rest and if needed over the counter meds.
We drink lots of fluids and get a lot of rest.
kport207 at gmail dot com
We sleep and eat a lot of chicken soup.
For the adults, a shot if whiskey and honey. For kids, lots of water, TLC and soup.
Washing your hands and disinfecting the house helps.
Lots of fluids, rest, and disinfectant spray
drugs and rest.
I like to use Vitamin C and Thieves essential oil.
Get a lot of rest and fluids too.
Thos DIY eucalyptus shower bombs are great in a hot shower to relieve cold symptoms.
Lots of fluids and rest for the flu here at my house.
Plenty of rest and Lysol.
Fluids, rest, and hot toddies for the grownups.
Lots of rest, stay hydrated, keep hands washed, etc
We get lots of rest and drink hot tea and other fluids.
Plenty of rest and liquid. We use warm tea with fresh ginger for coughs.
Rest, rest, rest, and plenty of fluids!!
We get lots of rest and drink lots of water!
I eat light, as I’m usually stuffed up and can”t taste anything. I will use a vaporizer at bedtime to help with congestion if I can’t seem to sleep.
Scotties tissues is big help in our cold remedies, I also like using peppermint essential oil.
Drink lots of fluid, rest and just try to stay as comfy as possible. Thank goodness for Netflix, Amazon and Hulu! Oh, and don’t forget the chicken soup!
I make sure we get plenty of vitamin C.
I prop my head up with extra pillows if I have a cough and suck on some heavy duty cough drops and I get plenty of rest.
Stay home..sleep, hydration, chicken noodle soup
Homemade Chicken Soup, extra Vitamin C and feet up on the couch, helps!
Extra Vitamin C, plenty of fluids and rest!
11/19 daily comment: We use medication, humidifiers, Vick’s Vapor Rub, and coke for upset tummies. Thanks for the giveaway!
We do loads of water, a humidifier, rest and hot tea
Lots of fluids and rest.
Lots of rest.
Sometimes it is best to just cuddle up, keep warm, eat soup, and rest.
When we are under the weather, we try extra rest, fluids, and whatever over the counter medication that diminishes the symptoms.
Humidifier, hot tea with honey, lots of rest.
When my family gets the flu we take medicine, drink lots of water, and get a ton of rest.
When my family gets sick we usually drink plenty of fluids, rest!
I like to stay hydrated and take Dayquil to get better.
Now and then, I have wore masks, gloves, etc. especially when I go to public places, because of my immune system!
We just rest, drink a lot of fluids, maybe a little ibuprofen, and take Airborne at the first sign of illness.
Lots of rest and tea with honey and lemon.
We use Dayquil, Nyquil, tea, soup, and gargle warm salt water.
I tell my grandkids not to share drinks or borrow chewed up pencils from their classmates. That’s how germs get passed on from one to another! I don’t know why but usually everything goes in a kid’s mouth – it’s like a magnet!!
We rest , drink lots of water, and eat soup.
We wash our hands often and eat chicken soup if we get sick.
Thank you for the giveaway. We try to get plenty of rest, drink lot’s of fluids, and wash our hands frequently.
We get rest and drink tea.
I also run a humidifier at night for the kids. It tends to keep them from that hacking cough.
make sure we keep hydrated
We all drink plenty of liquids, get a lot of rest, take our vitamins and wash our hands.
I give them vitamins and plenty of rest.
We drink plenty of water and extra vitamin C like oranges.
Lots of rest, drink lots of water, and make sure you take those vitamins.
I usually rest, try not to go outside, and drink plenty of fluids. I also buy ginger ale.
we use the remedy of rest. we just try to sleep the illness away. we also drink warm tea with lemon and honey.
Plenty of Vitamin C, rest, fluids and make sure we wash our hands
We rest a lot and keep tissues close by!
Vicks Vapor Rub and warm blankets are a much when it becomes flu time. Plus some chicken broth to keep your strength up.
Breathing moist air helps ease nasal congestion and sore throat pain.
We try to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.
We drink warm tea and broth.
We use OTC cold meds, humidifiers, vapor rub, hot tea and soup.
I also make sure to sanitize everything so the rest of the house doesn’t get sick.
Drink plenty of liquids, eat soups, take vitamin c and get plenty of rest.
I believe in lots of rest and fluids to help get over colds and the Flu.
Take some Vitamin C & drink plenty of liquids!
Rest, lots of fluids and tender loving care!
Washing hands, sanitizing the house, lots of rest and vitamins
We go with tons of fluids, some Vitamin C, and some extra good hygiene.
When my kids had a fever with a headache, I would give them a fever reducer, but I would also have them lay down and keep a cool cloth on their forehead. I kept the rag cool until they fell asleep or their head felt better. If they wanted, I’d also rub their temples.
We do hot tea with honey & lemon!!~
I like putting vick vapor rub on the bottoms of the feet then wear light socks.
Lots of hot tea with honey and lemon, and my moms chicken soup.
We try to drown our colds with lots and lots of fluids. It usually helps a lot.
When my kids gets sick, I give extra hugs And snuggles! Make sure they get plenty of rest, fluids, vitamin C
We get rest and drink plenty of fluids.
plenty of rest, hand sanitizer, and lots of water.
I make hot toddies to make me feel better.
We try to get plenty of rest, and drink lots of water/juices. It’s always nice to have plenty of Tissues close at hand
I whine a lot and let my husband wait on me.
Drinking chicken broth is a lifesaver for a sore throat, it tastes really good and the salt kills bacteria in your throat, much better option than gargling with salt water
I use lots of honey and lemons.
Plenty of rest and fluids.
Our cold & flu remedy is homemade chicken vegetable soup, and plenty of hot tea with lemon & honey !
We are battling colds right now. Fluids, rest, and cough syrup. We also pull out the humidifier.
Lots of rest and tea with honey