My take on Pokémon GO!!
That’s what I thought too……….PokéWHAT?
I should preface this with – I do not play video games – I played Mario Brothers and Tetris 25+ years ago, that’s how adept of a gamer I am.
So – along comes Pokémon GO, it’s all the craze, I see screenshots from friends that they’re catching Eevee’s and rats and other odd looking creatures on their Facebook feeds and *the horror* these creatures are even INSIDE their homes sometimes………….

Again – PokéWHAT?
My interest is now peaked, I mean there has to be a reason that this game is catching on like wild fire, that gamers are leaving their computers, and living room couches to venture into the great outdoors to catch these things right?!
I download the game and BAM I am denied setting up an account as the servers were too busy, understandable when there are millions of people playing the game.
Gradie wakes up at 3am that night – BONUS, it appears the system is not bogged down at this hour; I sit on the couch watching Peppa Pig (again) so I create my Pokémon dude, or dudette.
Luckily Gradie went back to sleep so my Pokémon GO adventure would be delayed as I went back to bed!
Low and behold the next day I forgot I downloaded it, I’m such an avid gamer, I know! Later in the day I opened up the app and I found this guy running around on my keyboard;
Wednesday night I found this guy at the park after we watched the Summer Music Series;
I prefaced this post and I should have added this – this is in NO way a tutorial. My knowledge of Pokémon Go is still extremely limited, really you can take the GO off of that and say my knowledge of Pokémon in general is still somewhat nonexistent.
This point is proven in the conversation below, between Jeanna and myself, note the very Pokémon incorrect terminology I use

However, what I do know is that since I downloaded this game/app I have walked on average 3 to 4,000 more steps a day, which isn’t a ton, but it’s a lot more than I was doing. Now I am in no way stating that Pokémon GO is the next great weight loss tool but I do know that it will not be a bad thing for me to get up more often and walk to lunch instead of driving my car.
Of course the game tells you to pay attention to your surroundings when it starts up – I do NOT walk and attempt to catch em little guys, I stop, throw my Poké ball things and catch them, and then I move on. I am ‘walking challenged’ I fall down a lot on flat surfaces; I don’t need anything to challenge me more, that would be an unfair advantage to gravity.
To conclude this semi pointless post, it is my opinion (take that for what it’s worth) “PokéWHAT” is a good idea for many reasons and even though Gradie’s response to getting asked if she wanted to go catch Pokémon’s with me, was “What is PokéNUTS?” She is now a great Pokémon GO companion as you can do it at a slow pace, at YOUR pace, which means at your three year old’s pace.
Who knows, I MIGHT even get Jeanna to join us.

P.S. I joined Team Mystic (blue) – even though I have NO idea what that means and in my first ‘battle’ I lost horribly!!
This actually sounds like an interesting game. Especially if it means getting one up and walking, especially if it means you don’t go on your cell while driving. Going to be looking into this. I found this blog most amusing.
I would like to try this.My older sons were into pokemon.
Pokemon Go was a front page article in our Sunday paper. Brings visitors into town and kids seem to be enjoying it…as well as our Fire Chief!
i see a lot of good with the game, but i also see a lot of bad. i think if people play in moderation it would be great. unfortunately the people playing seem to not be able to put it down.
I’m sorry, I can’t do this. The last computer game that I really played was Tetris.
I dont use a cellphone. Yes I know, I am the last person on the planet not to do so. I say though if it gets people moving, why not. I do hear though that it is tracking your movements. How accurate that is I dont know.