Why do I blog?
This is a question that has gone through my head for a couple of months now.
Honestly – I LOVE blogging, but why, WHY do I blog?
It is so completely different from what I do as a ‘real job’, but that’s exactly the point, blogging IS a job, so I have two jobs, plus a very busy toddler, and an irrational love of hockey. Blogging takes a LOT of time and commitment. I’ve grown this little blog from my faithful 3 followers (my mom, wife and a friend) to what it is today.
Blogging has provided me with absolutely amazing, out of this world experiences and it has brought me out of my comfort zone many, many times.
Blogging has provided my family with amazing products that we’ve tested out and shared our experiences with everyone. Blogging has also given us opportunities at making a little extra income.
BUT – NONE of this comes without a cost. My brain thinks about blogging more than just about anything else. Receiving those products is fantastic; I’ve shared many good mail day photos on my blog and social media sites.
However, with each product received comes hours of work, testing the product and then summarizing our experience, taking high quality photos, linking to the product website, to their social media sites and adding in any links if available on Amazon (an affiliate link which gives me a very small % of the sale should you purchase through that link – although I am not very good at this I believe I might have made roughly $20 in ‘commissions’ in all this time!)
Sponsored posts also take large amounts of time to research the topic, to share with you information that I fully stand behind, services and products I would use with my family, these are some requirements to sponsored posts on my blog. I don’t share just anything; I believe you, my readers, deserve this much.
This brings me back to WHY – why do I blog? I do not blog full time, I have a full time, outside of the home day job as an accounting manager (see very different than blogging), this can be a high stress job, or perhaps I stress too much, either way, blogging is a fun release for me.

As I am re-evaluating what it is I share with you, my readers, and where it is I want this blog to go, I want you all to know that you might see a slight turn in what it is I am posting about, and/or how often I am posting. I also have to consider how I will be providing quality work for companies that want to work with me and how best I can serve them as they bring their products and services to you, through Africa’s Blog!!
My #1 priority in life is my family and I have to put them first, my time spent with my wife and daughter is limited to say the least, we both work full-time and Gradie is in daycare. At night I do not turn the computer on until after toddler bedtime and I am often exhausted at this point and just want to go to bed.

With this said – I am NOT going away. I am here to provide you with quality content, amazing giveaways (those aren’t going away, and I will continue to partner with my blogging friends to bring you these), and hopefully topics, products, and services that are relevant to you and your family, be it for the grownups, the kids, or the pets.
I hope you’ll stick around for the ride. Comment below and let me know what you would like to see more of, what would you like to see less of? What are you passionate about, what is important to YOUR family?
My goal is to make Africa’s Blog relevant, fun, and focused on our families!!
It would be nice for me since I have no job.The only issue is who pays you?