Just 10 minutes
Seems so small yet the impact can be dramatic.
I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m talking about? I’m referring to the 10 minutes out of each day that you could take to better yourself. While we all battle to find the time in the day to set aside to work out, to eat right, to just take time for YOU, I am sure that we could all probably find 10 minutes in our day to dedicate to YOU!
With a toddler running around, and working a full time outside of the home job, and blogging in my ‘free’ time, I completely understand how hard it is to find the time, I also understand how easy it is to make excuses to not do the things we know we probably should be. That’s why, just this week, we have decided to make sure we find the time we need to start doing better things for ourselves.
We’ve made the decision to eat healthier. Living life as we do, two working moms with a very busy toddler, we too often picked up dinner at fast food outlets, or making bad eating decisions when at home – so this week we made the decision to change that!!
We are taking 10 minutes every night to pack ourselves a healthy, nutritious, portion controlled lunch. What is this doing to help us live a healthier life? It’s actually doing a couple things, first and most important is that we aren’t picking up fast food at lunch time, we aren’t making poor vending machine snack decisions and we’re eating food in the correct portion sizes. Second is the obvious impact this has on our wallets. Taking time to prepare our lunches for the week and packing them each night is having a keeping a lot more $$ in our wallet instead of spent on stuff that isn’t good for us!!
Gradie is at the age now where she takes in EVERYTHING! She is our little copy cat, she repeats what we say and what we do. That’s why we know we have to make these life changes, so she sees us living a healthier life and she wants to do the same. While we’re only managing to fit in 10 minutes a day now, I am confident we’ll be able to grow on this, and build in small work outs too. For now we are focusing on small, attainable goals so that we can see success and have the drive to keep on going!!
Now, I am sure you too can find 10 minutes in your day – 10 minutes to pack your lunch, 10 minutes to go on a walk with your family, 10 minutes to start a new workout routine. Just find those 10 minutes and start out small and take things from there.
If you’re looking for a little extra motivation I wanted to let you know about America’s Biggest Health Fair at WalMart on October 10th. A perfect event to help you jump start your 10 minutes a day, get ideas, inspiration, and education.
If you love social media as much as I do be sure to take a photo of yourself attending the fair and tag it with #just10 and #WMT on Instagram. For more information I encourage you check out their website and then make sure you head to your local Walmart on Saturday October 10th from 12pm -4pm.
Very informative post thank you!
This is such a great concept. Taking just a small amount of time each day and building up from there. Making those goals achievable.
I’m definitely going to check out the health fair at Walmart this weekend. Thanks so much for this great post.
Congrats to starting small! Recently I was annoyed that I kept putting off grocery shopping and meal planning so we were resorting to grabbing take-out on the way home, too. I decided to spend about 10 minutes once a week to plan out our dinners using Crock Pot recipes (easy is key, right?) and wrote my shopping lists around that. We’ve had so much left overs that I’ve been eating that for lunch and we’ve cut down eating out for dinner to just once a week. I spend about 10 minutes per day preparing the meal and we’re eating better and saving money. 10 minutes can really be life changing! Thanks for sharing.