This weekend Jeanna and I went shopping, we saw Go-Gurts (please note the brand of ‘tube yogurt’ is irrelevant, this is just the brand we picked up) and we thought that we would give them a try for Gradie. She LOVES yogurt but still has a little difficulty feeding herself from the yogurt cup and she’s in the “I DO MYSELF” stage so attempting to help her is next to impossible. We also thought that they would be a great on the go snack.
For the most part we were right. Gradie loves them and calls it a ‘yogurt freezy’, however, we ran into a new problem now. Gradie is only just two years old, she doesn’t quite understand the concept of slowly pushing the yogurt up to be able to eat it so she either gets frustrated because there is nothing come out or she squeezes too hard and ends up wearing her yogurt.
That is until Jeanna said; “Why don’t we try put a straw in for her to suck the yogurt up that way?” We had a package of straws at home and gave it a whirl.
Toddler Life Hack SUCCESS!!!
Now I am not saying that we’re the first mom’s to think of this idea, but we hadn’t heard of it before and for us it is an incredibly easy Life Hack that is making our life just a bit easier so I wanted to share this with my readers. Hopefully this will help you out too!!
Couple things to note:
- Gradie was able to suck the yogurt up with a regular straw (shown in the first picture above), however, we took a slightly wider straw from one of our straw cups and used that and this made it a bit easier due to the thickness of the yogurt. Example of a straw I am sure would work great – click HERE!
- We noticed there is less opportunity for spilling/mess if you cut the hole in the top of the yogurt tube as close to the width of the straw as possible.
- We recommend inserting the straw slowly, as you displace the yogurt in the tube some could spill out of the opening.
Sophia,M.,McConnery says
Good idea.I always keep the straws from drinks and wash them out.The ones they have at 7-Eleven with the little spoon end should work great for that!
Katherine Riley says
Never thought of using a straw with the yogurt. Great idea!!
Jennifer Odom says
This is a great idea! We always have yogurt messes, unless frozen.
Holly Thomas says
This is a really great idea.
Kimberly Hilbert says
What a cool idea. FYI, Big Lots have very wide straws that might make it a bit easier.
Josh says
I’ll be using this for my nephews
Jerry Marquardt says
I think this is as cool as that commercial of the brother and sister fighting over spoons and eventually a straw is to the rescue.
Elizabeth H. says
This is really neat for all children!!
Tina Peterson says
I’ve been squirting out Gianna’s(21mo) yogurt out and putting it in a bowl w a spoon. I hadn’t thot of a straw.good idea!
Katrina Angele says
So smart to do the straw trick. We freeze them alot too. It’s like a pop.