This giveaway is sponsored by The AKC
Hosted by Mom Does Reviews.
Check out AKC’s new social experience on their website. The Breed selector questionnaire helps you pick the puppy that is right for you and your family. Another new feature is You vs Breed. Find out how you much you have in common with your favorite breed!
Check out Mom Does Reviews’ results from the new social experience on The AKC website HERE. Then find out your results!
One lucky reader will win a $100 AMAZON Gift Card!
The giveaway is open to US only, 18+
The giveaway ends 7/1 at 1159pm est
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I don’t totally agree with the results, if only because I know some of the breeds it suggested need more room and time to run around & they won’t get that in this tiny apartment!
I thought it was fun taking the AKC quiz to find my next dog
It gave me other options to other types of dogs i did not think of checking out.
Yes I totally agree and I would love the Lhasa Apso
I’ve never heard of the three breeds they showed me at the end.
Shibi Inu, Saluki and Havanese?
I will get a pug.
I thought the site was really neat, but I did not totally agree with the results. I felt that there were other considerations not included. I like beagles and dachshunds, border collies… I did agree with the silky terrier.
I am totally cool with a Clumber Spaniel. I thought it work give me a Yorke though.
Only one of the three they suggested would I even consider. The one was a Chow and I don’t like those. They are also too hard to keep groomed. Another was a Terrier, which looked nice but again it had wire hair and grooming would be horrible. The one that they suggested, that I don’t remember the name of, might have worked as it was considered a small dog and short haired. I want to get a Beagle tho
I did like some of the choices the selector selected. I think I would get the rottweiler or the smooth fox terrier.
I definitely agree with the Affenpinscher result I got… small, minimal grooming needed, and mostly an indoor dog.
So so, small dog yes, but not the breed.
Perfect match! I got a Shetland sheepdog.
I wasn’t quite sure what I would get, but I got a Rottweiler!
I liked the breeds I was matched with, but I really wanted the Bulldog (which I wasn’t matched with).
Thank you for the chance to win!
Check out the breed selector- did you agree with the results Which dogs did you think you would get?
im a cat person,but it was pretty interesting…cool enough
I know the breeds it showed me they looked great and I have 3 rescue dogs from the 2 shelters where I live they get
Purebreds all the time and mutts like mine.
I actually didn’t agree with the results and it gave me three large dog breeds. I’m more of a small breed kind of person.
I agree with the results in that I would get a smaller breed of dog. They matched me me with a few terriers. Thanks.
The selector should have had a question about allergies. I was hoping to be matched with a poodle or poodle mix. It matched me with a chow chow, french bulldog, and havanese.
My match was an Akita!! They are such a beautiful dog
I’d get a border collie.
The breed selector suggested an Akita for our family which I think might be a good match for us.
I agree with the Akita.
I thought it would give me my current dog, which is an over active American Eskimo. But love my Tibetan Spaniel.
I agree and would love to have a french bulldog
I agree with some of the matches, especially the bichon. Didn’t address the non-shedding hair dog needed for allergies.
I got Bulldog, Chinese Shar-Pei, Affenpinscher, Rhodesian Ridgeback and Dachshund. I think any of these could be fine. I was surprised the questionnaire did not ask about other household pets (besides dogs).
I got a German Sheppard and I agree. I’m not a dog person but IF I did get a dog, it would be a large breed like that one.
I don’t really like the breeds they recommended for me. Most of them are terriers.
My best match was a rottweiler! I actually thought that I might get a Golden Retriever, but I love rottweilers,too!!!
The only one suggested that I would consider is the SEALYHAM TERRIER
I got a few results, a couple of which were a Beagle and Dachshund. My favorite was a beagle, but I am a little surprised at the results because I thought beagles are a little high energy.
The dogs they selected for me: Shiba Inu, Dalmatian, Canaan Dog, Belgian Tervuren, and Rhodesian Ridgeback…I honestly haven’t heard of 3 of those so I’m not sure if they would be a good pick for me. I do agree that I would do best with a bigger dog. I’ve always wanted a Pitbull or a Beagle!
I haven’t heard of any of the breeds I got! I prefer a yellow lab. I got a Kuvasz and a coton de tulear and a few others. I really prefer a lab!
The matched me up with DANDIE DINMONT TERRIER, I love it! Great match for me.
Eh, I seemed to get a lot of smaller dogs. I’d prefer a larger one.
I’d get the Entlebucher Mountain Dog. Thanks for the chance!
I agree 100%. I love boston terriers.
I got Briard, Dogo Argentino and Yorkshire Terrier. The Briard and the Yorkshire Terrier both have long hair…not what I would have thought would be chosen for someone who said that they keep their floors very neat. In my experience Yorkies are somewhat barky so I don’t know why it would be selected for someone who said they wanted “a little” noise. I don’t know much about the Dogo Argentino but it is a large dog and they are generally less vocal than smaller ones and it also has short hair which is a plus. When we had dogs we had Chow Chows and a Chow-Collie mix. Loved them to death but would not want to deal with the grooming issues now. Getting lazy in my old age I guess…I’m not sure what I would choose if I were to get a dog now. I’d probably adopt an older dog without a home as I don’t have the energy or patience anymore to deal with a puppy
I don’t know about the breed selector. I filled it out and they selected 2 small dogs and one med. I changed the noise level just a tiny bit and they selected 5 large dogs. One being the Bull Mastiff. I do like large dogs the best. I had a lab (Sam) for 14 years. I still miss him so much!!
It picked the bulldog for me.
I got Boykin Spaniel
I agree with the results. It said I should get a lab.
I never would have guessed Rottweiler, but okay. Quite honestly, I’m a cat person.
Interesting picks for me. I would not mind having a chihuahua
I would say lab, but the Irish terrier is pretty cool. I kind of agree. Thanks for the chance.
I got a russell terrier and afghan hound… I have a russell terrier mix and a hound mix so I guess its pretty close.
I agree with the results. I would get a German Shepherd.
I was pleased with my results. An Irish Wolfhound. I’ve always wanted one. They are so large.
Did not agree with the survey results- they picked small dog breeds- which I find generally too high maintenance, often sickly. The dog I would choose is a border collie: they live a long time, very hardy breed, sharp and wonderful with other animals.
I didn’t get any of the breeds I expected, several versions of bulldogs and a pomeranian.
I agree with the results! I love dachsunds!
I do mostly agree with the breed selector although it chose the Boerboel for me and I am not at all familiar with that breed, but I’m learning about it now.
I did agree with the results- my favorites were the Irish and Scottish terriers!
Well the website said the bulldog.
It seems like I got a variety, I think I would get the cane corso.
All the dogs it showed for me were large dogs. we love our miniature schnauzer!
well the breeds that they matched me up with are not the breeds that I have I have 10 dogs all being rescues 2 pit mixes and the rest are Chihuahua’s or mixes I live on 10 acres they have plenty of room to run and all sleep in bed with me and 1 cat
I like all the spaniels and chihuahuas they matched me with. I was thinking about getting a chocolate lab.
I wasn’t attracted to the once chosen for me, except may the Bulldog. I was hoping for a big sheepdog.
I ended up with a Corgi, and several other breeds I’d never heard of. I wouldn’t mind a Corgi!
I agree somewhat I would get a daschund
The results were pretty good–I did have a chihuahua before, and loved her! However, they should have asked about allergies. That’s the #1 factor when choosing my next dog.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I do agree with the results! My favorite is the NORWEGIAN BUHUND, a SMART, PERCEPTIVE, CONFIDENT little guy
I agree with the results. I would get a German Shepard that is all I have ever owned. They are great dogs..
I would love to get a Pug
I kind of agree it is a Lhasa Apso which I have had before. Love the dog, hate taking care of all that hair and it is alot of work.
Out of the dogs it showed me, none would be a dog I would want. I have select breeds that I absolutly love, these would be the Boxer and the Rottwieler. We rescued a rottie who stole our hearts and will miss forever! He was a great do, kind friendly playful a couch potato if you wanted. He was brought over from Germany from his previous owners and tried to make him something he wasnt. He had an awesome life and he will be forever loved! He passed from cancer this year. Our current breed we have is the boxer. This breed is not for everyone! If you are not prepared for a lot of wiggles and a lot of tag this is not the dog for you. They are very playful and when given the chance to get out of a yard or house, the chase is on! Exercise is a must for this breed. They must touch you. If you dont want a lap dog then this is not the dog for you. They also can not be left in the cold or heat for long periouds, this is an inside dog only! We have one boxer and one mix we rescued she is a seniour. We love both our fur babies!
While fun, I don’t think this is one to take seriously. Too many other questions should have been taken into consideration other than where you live and if you mind a mess. While I like some of the breeds they suggested for me, I’m a fan of the herding breeds and would have liked to see more.
I would want to get a pug.
I like that they include small, medium, and large dogs in the results. However, the dog I really would like is a German Shepard and that breed was not in my results. We also already own a boxer and that was not in my results either. I did like that I had a Great Dane as one of matches as I think they are a very cool breed.
Some of them were ok. If I had to pick my favorite of them it would be the
American Staffordshire Terrier. If we ever got another dog it would be another boxer, which wasn’t one of the options
I definitely agree with the results given to me…
I don’t really agree… most of the dogs were very large. I said I wanted one that would spend time on the couch — most of these dogs were bigger than the couch. I did like the KUVASZ
It showed a bulldog for me which is perfect. I’m not in the market for a dog though since we have our Bella who is beautiful pit. She’s just the perfect pet for us. She is a big snuggle bug and the girls love it. Thank you!
Most of the dogs that came up were bigger than I prefer. The English Springer Spaniel was kind of cute and I like the temperament.
I agree slightly with the results except that one of my matches was a large dog and I would definitely want a small dog.
We have always owned labs so I was surprised that this dog wasn’t on my list! There is NO WAY I would own a chihuahua or a cocker spaniel, though. I’ve never heard of a Kuvask and I might consider a rottweiler, but I really love my labs!
I would like to have a border collie.
I want to get an English Bulldog and that was not one of the choices. The quiz did suggest Dogue de Bordeaux which is a stinkin’ adorable dog soon maybe the quiz isn’t too far off after all.
Yes, I would love a great dane or Keeshound.
Interesting, my matches were Rottweiler, Sussex Spaniel, and Cesky Terrier. Honestly I did not know what to expect.
My last dog was a chihuahua and it actually did pick a chihuahua for me!
Yes – I loved the results. I would so get me a West Highland White Terrier! I have 2 pitbulls right now – and have always said that once those pass on if I ever get another dog I would love to have a small/medium sized dog that I could actually take on walks and stuff and wouldn’t be walking me!
I agree with most of my matches. There were some great suggestions for larger family-friendly dogs that came up.
I think the test can be a helpful tool. I really am not looking for a new dog at the moment since we have 2 and a cat. I do think a German Shepherd would be a great fit like suggested if we were looking for a dog right now.
yes I like the English Springer Spaniel
I agree, but I really want a pug!
i got great dane as one and thats exactly what my husband wants
I agree with the results a little bit. I got an eskimo and setter. While it would be great as a guide I do not think it can judge what breed is right for someone. Every dog is different even though they have their own traits. I have 2 Mals and I loveeee the breed but both are very very different.
I agree 100%
I agree with several of the breeds recommended for me, especially the Cesky Terrier or Bernese Mountain Dog.
I agree okay with the results but did not care for the breeds recommended
West Highland White terrior I would love one!
i thought i would get something like a yorky… i got an american stafford terrior! my favorite.
Too bad this can’t include all the wonderful rescued dogs, like mine. No idea what she is, but she is perfect for our family. All in all, it was still fun.
I like the German Shepherd or Tibetan Mastiff.
II have one Chihuahua Corgi mix so I might get another Corgi; though really when I get a dog or a cat I always get a rescue and I don’t concern myself all that much about breeds.
They recommended a toy or full size English Springer Spaniel. I currently have a terrier so I figured maybe I would get one of those as a choice.
i mostly agree. the German Sheppard would be a top pick of mine
I liked the suggestions but we are actually looking to get a dachshund.
i agree, love the Lhasa Apso
I like all the dogs it picked for me.
A bunch of large breeds I have never heard of. Nope, none of them are dogs I would get.
Oh yeah, I can live the dogs they picked. I love Huskies and Malamutes (both were in the 5 they chose for me). I was kinda surprised that German Shepard didn’t make the list though. I miss my last one horribly and would’ve thought another would be great.
It matched me with an Irish Terrier, it is not a dog I would think of.
Yes, the results were great! I like the Pointer a lot!
It was good, I got Boston Terrier
Ha! IO thought I would get a Yorkie…which I have 2 of. I actually got bigger breeds and a French bulldog
I love them all, so it’s good.
I currently have a lab and a german shepherd that live inside the house. It suggested some different options that don’t really sound like our family, but I would consider any dog! My matches include a silky terrior and a shih tzu
I was a bit surprised with the results, as I thought I would get a very low key dog. I do like Boston Terriers, and that was one of the 6 on my list.
I agree the akita
My top three were: Chinese Crested..I’m gonna go with no on that one, Great Dane..I like them and Chinese Shar-Pei
i agree with all of mine they are for sure my personality and the rotweiler i knew for sure
I got all large dogs, which is what I have. I somewhat agree with the results.
Rhodesian Ridgeback. Hmmm – I thought I’d get a terrier since that’s what I have now.
I agree, I want a bull dog
I got the Pug for the small breed dog, I thought I would have gotten a minature poodle or a yorkie.
I thought I would get a Golden Retriever since I adore our Golden mix so much, so I was surprised when that didn’t show up! One of them was the Chinese Crested, which is a crazy looking beast. LOL!
the results were way off, all tiny dogs and i like labs
They were somewhat accurate. We do like dachshunds, and they were one of the options. We really like a Havanese.
It paired me with a mastiff. I thought I’d get something a little more active.
fun quiz lol I want the yorkie though
Well, one of the choices was English Springer Spaniel, and I do have a Cocker Spaniel, so close enough!
I got a pug in my results. I would get a pug!
yes i agree,i love a short hair terrior
Honestly, I wouldn’t have guessed I would be matched with any of those breeds. I’m more of a fan of labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, jack russel terriers, mixed breeds, and german shepherds.
I got American Staffordshire Terrier which I would love.
no, too large, too much exercise
I know why the results were those dogs…but none are for me. I live in a tiny apartment right now with no private yard and no big dogs allowed. I would never own a small dog. That’s what my ankle biting cat is for haha.
One of the dogs it said would be good for me is a Jack Russell Terrier. While I had them for many years, I have 2 large dogs and I doubt the Terrier would be happy about that. So, no I don’t agree.
I didn’t have a clue what dog I would get, but was happy with the results, especially the Akita.
no I don’t agree with the breed selector it had me getting large dogs and I cant handle large dogs, I have 2 small dogs, fox terrier and corky dogs
I agree I got the Akita which I like.
I don’t agree with the results because there are thousands and thousands of wonderful mixed breed dogs euthanized every year. The AKC is ruining dog breeds and I have always gotten mixed breed dogs from rescues. Plus, the breeds that I matched are rare breeds that aren’t commonly available as rescues.
I do like some of my results. I got Skye Terrier and chihuahua and a few others. I like smaller dogs.
I got a Corgi – I would love that! So many great suggestions!
I guess I could agree with the breeds it chose, though I have two Huskies and I’m quite happy with them.
I got a pug for the small breed, and that’s what I have. Yay!
I’m not familiar enough with dog breeds to really be able to speculate, but I was hoping it would tell me to get a cocker spaniel or Sheltie. My recommendation form the site was an akita,
I thought this was neat. I like that it gives you several breeds that fit your needs that vary in sizes. I was surprised that one of my recommended breeds was a Bullmastiff.
I got the Saluki…I didn’t think I would end up matched with a larger dog but I like it!
I have always adopted my dogs from shelters and never looked at breed, which is why neither of my dogs matched the ones in my AKC results. I guess if you were unsure about the best pet for your situation this would be a good starting off point.
Akita, funny cause my dog is mixed with that
I agree with the choices and I really like the Bichon Frise and the Yorkshire Terrier.
It selected a few for me and I thought they were all adorable. The Norwegian Lundehund is new to me but adorable!
I never would have thought of West Highland White Terrier, but that probably is a good fit!
I didn’t agree with having a Pekingese but I like westies!
I thought I would get smaller dogs since we just moved from a house to an apartment, one I got is the cavalier king charles spaniel – fancy name and cute doggy!
I was matched with a skye terrier but I would love a Puli.
instagram ID gmrich22
I agree with the results as I love small dogs.
I didn’t really agree with the results. there was only one that i would possibly consider
I got the west highland terrier which I’ve loved since I was a kid
I agree with my results, I love labs! I used to have a chocolate one. She was the best dog ever.
Nope, I have doxies and it put me with a large dog
I would say it was pretty accurate! They gave me mainly large breeds including German Shepherds and St. Bernards!
I’m surprised that my result was the Boston Terrier
Thank You for the giveaway…my wife agrees with the results —> a Toy Fox Terrier
I got a strange mix, including pug. I was surprised. I was thinking bulldog. I have three bulldogs.
I agree with the results! I love dogs! I would take all 3, but I’ve never had a Siberian Husky!
silky terrier is shown, but I have no desire for a dog.
Thanks for the contest.