Avengers Interview with Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth!!
Captain America & Thor
I am confident in saying that getting to interview Captain America and Thor, I mean Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth, was one of the biggest highlights of my Avengers Event trip to Los Angeles.
From the moment they walked into the room they brought with them an exuberance that not everyone possesses. Of course the room was already abuzz with excitement as we awaited their arrival. I can only imagine how this energy level plays out on the set when they’re working.
We dove right into some questions; the first asking them what their favorite fight scenes were from the movie. Chris Hemsworth didn’t have one right away, but Chris Evans did:
In my favorite one I wasn’t even in, the Hulk Buster and the Hulk. I mean that’s my favorite one.”
After which Chris Hemsworth stated that he hadn’t seen that scene yet, he hadn’t even seen the movie yet. At this point we had already seen the movie two nights prior so we were aware of the scene that Chris Evans referred to. However, Chris did state that:
From the trailer what looked cool was the kind of tie in shot between all of us. And at the very beginning of the film where it cuts from each of our individual fight. And it looks like it’s one big tracking shot. I mean, that kind of, that blew my mind as to how they even did that”.
Take a look at the fun we had prior to our interviews, inserting ourselves into the scene that Chris Hemsworth is talking about, from the opening of the movie.
Asked who their favorite super hero was while growing up Chris Hemsworth said his was Superman and Chris Evans stated his was Spiderman;
I grew up with Spiderman. I mean when you’re a kid you kind of like what you’re given to play with. So I had a Spiderman toy and so that was kind of my thing. I never really watched Spiderman comics but he was my guy. He was battling ninja turtles a lot.”
Chris Evans was asked what kind of character he’d like to play if he isn’t busy being Captain America, his response was interesting;
To be honest, I’d love to play like an Ironman. You know, Steve Rogers is such an internal guy and he –. I just want to make some jokes. Can I just make some jokes? I don’t get any jokes and you know, Ironman this fun, free, loose guy. And it was a lot like when I was doing the fantastic four movies. It’s fun to play someone who wears their emotions on their sleeve. And Steve’s not exactly that way. So any other superhero who gets to be a little more sassy I would take. Yeah, Cap’s not sassy.”
Right after Chris Evans reply this playful banter took place;
Chris Hemsworth asked “So, black widow?” Chris Evans replied: “Yeah. I’d look good in that black outfit” Bloggers: “Yeah, you would. We agree.”
Photo Credit Louise Manning Bishop / MomStart.com. Edits by Africa’s Blog
Being that this is the sequel to the mega blockbuster “The Avengers” questioning moved on to cover the topic how these actors get along off set. Do they hang out together when not filming and what the atmosphere was like on set?
Chris Evans: “Absolutely. I mean, that’s one of the best parts of this job. I mean, any movie you’re going to get stuck doing a franchise with there’s a lot of variables that could go south whether or not the movie……I mean, the movies could just be lousy or you could hate the director or you could hate the cast. Luckily, I don’t know how it happened but none of that has happened. We got great movies, love the directors and the cast has become family. So absolutely. Outside of filming we all hang out, we all cause trouble.”
Chris Hemsworth: “I can’t tell you how many people when I was about to do avengers went, oh, good luck on that set. The egos, yeah, especially him. But about like the egos and the I wouldn’t want to maintain that set. I swear to God, I didn’t see any of that and I still haven’t.”
We all know, and love (or hate) ‘Loki’, played by Tom Hiddleston, from the first Avengers and Thor movies, he is absent from Age of Ultron. Chris Hemsworth was asked “You played so well with Tom Hiddleston, did you feel his absence at all?”
Uh, no. Sick of that guy (he laughs). I mean, when I came into it I remember talking to Tom for we were just doing Thor 2 right before this. And I thought, oh no, like they are the sort of Ying and Yang. And you know, who’s Thor without Loki? And what about ….., but then you know, it’s a whole different dynamic. And just as exciting and you know, we save that for the Thor films.”
Photo Credit Louise Manning Bishop / MomStart.com. Edits by Africa’s Blog
Lastly Chris Evans was asked, “What aspects of Captain America’s personality are coming from you and what are the most difficult to portray?” His reply was quite interesting. He referred back to a childhood friend by the name of Charlie Morris. Charlie was an Eagle Scout and in Chris’ own words,
He was just the best guy I knew, just a good guy. And so a lot of times you kind of draw parallels to what Charlie would do but the trickiest thing is to try to make him (Captain America) likable. You know, he doesn’t joke, he’s not fun. His not like sassy or loud or anything.”
I like this comparison that was made by Chris Evans to his childhood friend. I think a lot of us have a special person (possibly two) who had a large impact in your life. Unrelated to anything Avengers, I had a college professor who was this person for me, so it is neat to hear of others stories of similar people in their lives.
Photo Credit Louise Manning Bishop / MomStart.com. Edits by Africa’s Blog
In summation, our Avengers interview with Chris (one) and Chris (two) – who is who is up to you to decide as they bantered back and forth saying “I’m Chris ONE”, “No, I’m Chris ONE” throughout our interview – was highly entertaining as well as enlightening. Seeing famous actors just relaxing, joking with us, answering our questions and posing with us for pictures was such a great experience.
Photo Credit Disney. Edits by Africa’s Blog
Don’t forget – Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters May 1st
Disclosure: Disney provided me with an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles including travel, accommodations and activities. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Oh man must really have been great. Could just imagine what it was like sitting in the same room as both Chris No. 1 and Chris No. 2 who were joking around and you must suddenly realise man they just like normal people. They not sitting up there on a pedastal they just regular people.
Cannot wait to see this Age of Ultron. I just love super hero movies.
Sounds like a fun experience!! I can’t wait to see the movie.
Cindy S.says
Thanks for the great review. Can’t wait to see this movie!
Wow! Great review. Love the Avengers, and Chris is so handsome. We can all watch this as a family and everyone will like it. Thats a feat at our house. Thanks for sharing. We are looking forward to it.
lisa wardsays
I love Avengers… cannot wait to watch this..
Jennifer Hermansays
I think that this is so cool!
Can’t wait to see this movie!
[…] Avengers Interview with Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth!! […]
[…] Avengers Interview with Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth!! […]
I can’t wait for this to hit theaters! I love Chris Evans!
I love reading these interviews! So much fun
Oh man must really have been great. Could just imagine what it was like sitting in the same room as both Chris No. 1 and Chris No. 2 who were joking around and you must suddenly realise man they just like normal people. They not sitting up there on a pedastal they just regular people.
Cannot wait to see this Age of Ultron. I just love super hero movies.
Sounds like a fun experience!! I can’t wait to see the movie.
Thanks for the great review. Can’t wait to see this movie!
Wow! Great review. Love the Avengers, and Chris is so handsome. We can all watch this as a family and everyone will like it. Thats a feat at our house. Thanks for sharing. We are looking forward to it.
I love Avengers… cannot wait to watch this..
I think that this is so cool!
Can’t wait to see this movie!