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lalaloopsy dolls
based on where I work (a suburban Target) I would say the my size Frozen dolls
Anything dealing with the movie Frozen!
Anything from Frozen.
Anything frozen
Anything “frozen” for girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for boys
Absolutely anything Frozen. I work at Ross (dress for less) and anything Frozen flies out the door.
a nintendo wii u
Any toys or clothing from the movie Frozen!
Zoomer the Dino seems to be very popular this season!
Anything merchandise from relating to “Frozen”
a vtech innotab max
Frozen anything or Xbox 1. At least that is what my kids are asking for!
The Frozen Elsa doll.
With the renewed popularity of Lego products like games and movies, I’d like to think the actual Lego bricks are coveted.
Frozen Toys
I would say Frozen toys.
American Girl Dolls
Any of the Frozen toys are a must-have.
I’m not sure what the hottest toy around the country might be, but I know the hottest toys in our house are anything Funko
Mega Blocks anything. Everyone loves those.
I’d say the Inno. Tab Max. Or anything to do with the movie Frozen.
Carol L
Anything from the movie Frozen seems to be the most coveted toy this Season.
Anything relating to the “Frozen” movie. Dolls in particular.
anything that has to do with frozen
Frozen dolls and Transformers
Did anyone say Frozen yet? Ha!!! And I have 3 Granddaughters!!!
I think it’s the new Skylanders
Elsa doll!
The innotab max,is in our house.
I don’t have children and there are only adults in our family now. That said, I don’t have a clue as to what might be popular as far as toys are concerned!
I think Frozen was the big hit for children this year so it would any of their toys
I’d say Frozen dolls.
For my family anything Lego
I’m gonna say Xbox one.
For me, my daughters are all about Shopkins, Pokemon and Minecraft so I think those are the most coveted ones.
Here it is a Silouhelle die cut machine… but in general probably something from Frozen.
anything frozen
The specialty Lego sets – and of course, the Frozen themed toys!
Anything with Frozen, probably!
Definitely anything Frozen
Anything from frozen!
Frozen toys
Lego friends mall
Inno Tabs
Zoomer the dino and skylanders
frozen for sure
Anything to do with Frozen or video games.
probaby something frozen
I think Frozen toys are popular.
Toys from the movie Frozen.
Elsa or Olaf from frozen!
Elsa or Olaf from frozen! Or in my son’s case, anything ninja turtles!
Anything Frozen!
I would guess it would be anything Frozen related. But it’s gadgets on their lists at my house.
Anything from Frozen
I dont even know, but my son wanted a scooter and nerf gun. Done and done….glad i’m done shopping for my kids. I dont even know what on sale today. Kinda proud of myself lol.
Any Frozen toy…especially the dolls.
Thank you!
The Skylander Trap force game.
anything frozen
Disney infinity marvel pack!!
I think anything movie related, particularly Frozen, is really popular right now.
Thanks for the chance to win!
not sure whats “trendy” but my kids are into legos and monster high
Leapfrog LeapTV. Thanks for the chance!
I think the Zoomer Dino is the most coveted toy this season
from Frozen
Any kind of Frozen doll – especially Elsa.
Frozen toys seem to be extremely hot right now.
Anna and Elsa toys are all over the place.
Thanks for the chance.
I would say anything Minecraft related.
I agree anything frozen with hunger games mockinjay being a close second lol
Anything related to Frozen is hot right now.
I think it would be something from Frozen. Perhaps a Frozen Elsa doll
Stuff based on popular animated movies.
I think it’s the Frozen Elsa doll!
I would say a Barbie Dream House.
Minecraft figures!
Frozen Toys, quite probably
I don’t really have a clue, Elsa or Anna dolls maybe. I have a 10 year old boy and he does not want any toys this year.
Everything Frozen!
Elsa Doll from Frozen
According to my grandson it is Skylander Trap Team.
Anything from Frozen
The Go Go Dog.
Definitely Frozen toys!
Frozen toys are the most popular
I agree with many others that toys from Frozen are the top requested, especially any of the Elsa dolls or costumes.
I’d say it’s an XBox or PlayStation. Non-tech toys, I don’t know, maybe Barbie or Frozen dolls.
Elsa dresses!
Anything Frozen.
The innotab max
I think it will be the new Skylanders trap team.
I have been hearing the Ouija board is very popular because if the movie.
Anything “Frozen” related! Thanks for the chance!
Frozen anything. I work at a store that sells Frozen merchandise, and it is flying off the shelves.
Anything to do with Frozen.
frozen toys
Dolls from Frozen are impossible to find these days. Well anything Frozen
Frozen dolls or anything from that movie for girls or boys I guess.
From what I have seen it would anything Frozen related.
Pour les plus jeunes, tous les objets promotionnels reliés au film ” Frozen ” et pour les plus vieux jeux vidéos et autres trucs électroniques.
I am sure something from Frozen
Anything related to Frozen is going to be a big seller this year.
Frozen dolls and lalaloopsy stuff
Frozen Dolls.
I would say anything to do with Frozen. I don’t have kids but I hear alot about it
Thank you for the great giveaway!
My daughter is grown so I’m pretty out of touch with current toys, but I would think anything Frozen.
Anything from Frozen!
Anything from Frozen – especially the plushies
I think it’s My Little Pony toys.
Frozen items
I think it would be anything Frozen.
My kids are older so I think anything to do with the PS4.
Anything having to do with the movie “Frozen”.
According to my daughter, Zoomer Zuppies!
My kids are older now and aren’t asking for toys. My best guess would be Disney Frozen dolls and toys.
I have no idea since I don’t have any children. I’d guess a new video game or console of some sort?
Probably the Wii U I would guess.
Anything related to Frozen such as the Frozen dolls and toys.
I’m sure it’s got to be something that has to do with Frozen. I would think an Elsa or Ana doll. Thank you!
Smartphones! They’re everybody’s toys now.
I would say the Frozen gown would be coveted
Anything with angrybirds
frozen dolls
to my 5 year old, anything frozen, especially Elsa
everything Frozen
Anything that has to do with Frozen.
Anything Frozen!
Frozen items
Frozen items
Obviously anything from Frozen, new game consoles, and tablets. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the Frozen Elsa doll is the hottest toy.
Frozen dolls
Lots of Frozen items
The AirHogs Laser car
Frozen items like the dolls are certainly a big item for kids .
I like the Frozen movie.Olaf snowman is very funny and cute!
Anything that is related to the Frozen movie/soundtrack.
I feel like I see Olaf from Frozen everywhere. I know my little cousin loves him!
I think it’s the WowWee MiP Robot. Thank you for the nice giveaway!
Anything Frozen and Spiderman
I believe the Xbox One was the most sought out gaming console because a lot of places knocked the price down to $329 and offered additional games or gift cards with it. As for as regular non-electronic toys go, I think Frozen was a huge hit this holiday season from the Elsa dolls to anything with Olaf on it.
Frozen, I guess. Not up to date on all the toys. My kids are getting bigger. All electronics now
The toys from theFrozen!
Definitely frozen toys. They’re everywhere!!
I think Frozen or TMNT
Anything related to movie ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ for boys and from movie ‘Frozen’ for girls.
My paypal email is
I think it must be “My Size Elsa” since people are paying $150 on Ebay for it and most of the stores are out of stock.
I would think Xbox one, Thank you!
Anything frozen
I would have to say anything from Frozen.
Anything fROZEN
The Monster High items!
It is definitely anything to do with Frozen
Anything related to Frozen, I guess. My kids are older now and they want pricey electronics.
I am guessing anything frozen and for older ones the xboxone.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
frozen toys
I would say that anything related to Frozen–dolls, costumes, plush toys–would be the most popular.
I am guessing that anything dealing with Frozen will be a big seller
Definitely Frozen related items and ninja turtle items
Frozen dolls
Anything from Frozen would be my guess.
Frozen dolls for my daughter
It seems like everyone is obsessing over Frozen toys this year.
In my house, the XBox One is the most wanted. My niece wants ANYTHING Frozen!
For girls I would say Elsa from Frozen boy rescue bots.
Frozen dolls
Anything frozen.
“Frozen” toys are really “hot” this year. Ha -ha!
I think anything that has to do with Frozen will be popular. We have a paint ball gun set and a WWE 2K15 Xbox 360 game on our must get list.
I noticed when i was out shopping it is anything to do with FROZEN
The Elsa doll that lights up AND sings… because we all want to hear that song again, right?
Max Tow Truck! I can’t find it anywhere!
The Ipad Mini.
I’m going to be honest, I have no idea.
In our home it would be anything that deals with music, video games, and that sort of thing. I would say an iPad, the newest Xbox, or the newest version of cell phone. She’s a great girl and she’s really okay if she didn’t receive anything.
In our home it would be anything that deals with music, video games, and that sort of thing. I would say an iPad, the newest Xbox, or the newest version of cell phone. She’s a great girl and she’s really okay if she didn’t receive anything.
Leapfrog LeapTV is what my kids are talking about
I’m not really sure. Maybe a toy from the movie frozen.