We have a loaded diaper bag in this huge diaper bag giveaway!! This giveaway will make a new mother very, very happy! Stuffed and overflowing with baby essentials and all you have to do is just add baby!
Isn’t it amazing how much stuff a human being so small needs? That is why we have this amazing giveaway for you – an awesome diaper bag, packed full of all the essentials you’ll need! Whether you need it for your baby or as a gift for someone expecting, make sure you enter!!
Diaper Bag Giveaway
Enjoy this beautiful striped bag from Pottery Barn Kids. Inside you will find:
- diapers,
- wipes,
- food pouches,
- nursing pads,
- a hooded towel,
- wash cloths,
- burp cloth,
- bibs,
- receiving blanket,
- binkie holder, and
- teething rattles.
You will not believe the quality of each item!
We would like to give special thanks to our sponsors Lille Rabbagast & Bamboobino who both have exceptional product lines for babies. You will find many of the quality items from this prize pack on their websites.
Giveaway ends Friday (8/1/14) at 11:59pm EST.
Open only to USA residents 18+ and older.
Enter using the easy Rafflecopter form below.
Disclaimer: The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We are not associated with any of the companies named above. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open to US 18+ only. Confirmed Winner(s) (by Random.org) will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. My blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
I think definitely wipes because babies are messy.
Diapers – whether cloth or disposable!!
I think every mom should have a Boppy whether bottle or breastfeeding.
a baby nail clipper and little file for those sharp little finger nails that will cut you and him or her like a knife,lol.
Butt cream.
Bibs and burp cloths!
Every mom should have a homemade recipe for butt cream. Sometimes, the store bought kind just does not do the job when a baby is teething or having reactions to food.
Every mom should have a car seat!
a swing can do wonders for a fussy baby and a rock n play
burper cloths i see so many moms not use them on their shoulders! they are softer and catch all the yuckies! as well as clean the face !
One essential baby item that every mom should have is baby wipes!
Always be great win
Need a thermometer to monitor the kid.
Every mama should have a reliable person that will let her get some rest! I know I wouldnt survive without my hubs taking over for a while. Whether it be a friend, spouse or other family member, every mama deserves that break!
You can never have enough burp cloths.
Baby wipes.
baby wipes! always have a good large pack!
For sure diapers. You can never go with out them.
A baby swing – saves your sanity some days!
I think that every mom should have a good jogging stroller if she likes to exercise.
A boppy. I used mine all the time!
Oh you need a baby swing. It is gthe only way to get your hands free to do anything.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Diapers and wipes!
Diapers and wipes!
Wipes. They are used for everything.
I think every mom should have a Boppy Pillow.
I think baby wipes are a must have.
Make sure you always have wipes, diapers, and a bink when you leave the house.
Aden + Anais swaddle blankets! I use them as swaddles, nursing covers, car seat covers, towels, etc. My 3 year old uses them too still because they are so big!
Diapers and wipes.. swaddlers and burp cloths.
Baby wipes are the most essential not only for bottoms but for clean ups of car tables etc
You have to have a stock pile of diapers. It seems like you can never have too many diapers
A camera to record all your baby’s firsts.
every mom should have a baby blanket.
Hmmm, it am going to go with Muslin Aden + Anais swaddles. Or another brand of muslin swaddles. They work great for swaddling, burp cloths, light stroller blankets or car seat blankets (during the spring, summer, and fall months), a soft spot for playtime on the hardwood floors, and as a changing spot so no poo gets on the carpet at grandmas! I love mine and plan to order more for baby number 3 that is due this coming December! Thanks!
baby wipes not only are they essential for babies but for mommy too!
Swaddlers are very important
Patience…..and plenty of wipes, diapers and formula/milk.
This would be great for my daughter
I need this
Every mom should have a breast pump
A bouncy chair was always my essential.
Every mother needs a car seat for safety.
Every mom should have lots of burp cloths.
cloth diapers!
Baby wipes are a good thing to have…clean up everything.
Every mom should have a good quality baby swing.
When nothing else soothes my babies the swing would always do the job.
My babies loved their swing.
A thermometer.
I think every mom should have a Boppy
I think wipes are one of the essentials.
Lots of burp cloths and receiving blankets!
I have to go with baby wipes as an essential. They are like a miracle in a box.
Diapers and wipes is a must have at all times
teething tablets!
I won this amber teething necklace a while ago and it a lifesaver. Everyone should have one for their child.
No matter what age your children are, wipes are always needed. Thank you
Burp cloths
an open mind!!!! or baby wipes
Every Mom should have a burp rag.
i think it’s important to have a change of clothes, accidents happen