If you ladies want to show your camera courage feel free to add your own photo to your post
Powered by Mom Blog & Dove wants us all to feel beautiful!
I know I’m as guilty as the rest of us but when did we all become camera shy? It’s time for us to find our #cameracourage again and love ourselves and fall in the love with the camera!
Since Gradie was born we have taken a LOT of photos, but myself and Jeanna are very seldomly in those photos and they’re even less often of just myself or Jeanna or both of us. That’s why I am going to participate in #cameracourage to make sure we’re in more of the pictures with Gradie.
Sponsored by: Dove Hosted by: Powered by Mom Blog and a fabulous group of bloggers
To help with that Dove is helping women all over the US to feel courageous with the CameraCourage events at Walmart! Go this Saturday January 25th to a Walmart to participate in a Camera Courage Photo Booths! GO HERE to find a store near you. Remember those times as kids where we wished we could go have fun with our friends and take goofy pictures in a photo booth, or with our sweetheart or one just to remember the fun we were having that day? Well here’s your chance!
Shop all Dove® products today at see.walmart.com/dove to get the best value!
Now go and enter the giveaway and remember to show us your #cameracourage!
Disclosure: We are not associated with any of the companies named above. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open to the Continental US 18+ only. Confirmed Winner(s) (by Random.org) will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. My blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements. Entrants must only enter with either one email address, IP address and/or Facebook account, anyone found violating these rules will be disqualified. It is at the sole discretion of the admin of the giveaway if the winner has met the rules or not.
You have to show them. It’s MUCH easier than showing them…Do a makeover!!!!
Just remember who made you and GOD never makes mistakes. You are beautiful. Think it, believe it and go out and do your best.
Find out what they like about themselves. What do they like.
I tell them to be themselves
I would tell them to just have fun.
I’d tell them them they’d be great as long as they be themselves. And to confident and proud of who they are.
i would help them to have fun with it because everyone feels more confident when they are having fun
To never listen to what others have to say about you! You are beautiful no matter what
trust the good lord makes each person beautiful and beauty comes from within as much as on the out and u r beautiful ans special ust be yourself and have fun and your true beauty will shine through!
Start out with black and white photos because it always shows the true beauty and then when they feel comfortable add the color.
Be confident and kooky to show off and be an example
Point out their positives and tell them how beautiful they are.
I encourage my daughter to be courageous by building her self esteem about her body image.
I build self esteem by sincere compliments.
I would tell her to be herself.
I would tell them to smile and act natural.
i have always told my daughter to hold her head up high. She is a wonderful person.
Be positive, smile and think of good positive vibes!
Be proud of who you are!
try to be as natural as possible in the picture.
Society makes girls feel like they have to look a certain type of way to be beautiful. That isn’t true. Be you. Your natural beauty will shine.
I would just tell them how beautiful they are and that they should be proud of themselves and smile with confidence.
I would tell them that they are beautiful inside and out and boost their self-esteem.
I would tell them that the people who make fun of you, always trying to hurt you are the ones with the problem not you.Just do your best.And that everyone is beautiful in someones eyes and what really counts comes from within.
Be your own person and don’t worry about what others think!
I would tell them that they are beautiful and everyone is perfect in their own way!
we teach our littles about kindness and compassion. when you have a kind and compassionate heart, your inner beauty shines on the outside too!
Even goofy is beautiful and a smile is always a winner.
Tell them to have fun and be themselves
kport207 at gmail dot com
always be your self, and know that you come first
There is no such thing as perfect. So trying to take perfect pictures is trying to attain the impossible. Love whatever is in the picture as it is real.
tell them they are beautiful
You are beautiful inside and out!
I would encourage girls of all ages to feel courageous in front of the camera by taking lots of pictures of themselves so they get used to it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Encourage children to feel proud and happy about themselves.
Help them to feel confident about themselves and look for the positives.
i would tell her to let her inner beauty shine through.
set the example and let her know how beautiful you know she is
Hold your head up and keep smiling
I would tell them to smile and be positive.
I always know that you are beautiful no matter what.
To just be who they are
Think happy thoughts and be happy.
tell them to just have fun
I would give positive encouragement that they are beautiful on the inside and out and that God makes us all beautiful and there is not one person on this earth that is any more special than she is .
You gotta let them know that it doesn’t matter who thinks what about them, they are BEAUTIFUL!
I’d tell them to be themselves and don’t wonder what others think of you. Just go out and try your best.
I have them practice with an outfit they KNOW they look good in, or pose with a pet, the inhibitions disappear!
I would make them feel wonderfully beautiful by always reminding them and also having many cameras in the home. We would take lots of pictures and make lots of beautiful memories!
Remember your great the way you are so just be you.
that everyone is beautiful in their own way.
By trying to be a good role model.
don’t let others determine your worth.
too many people get bullied or talked down to by boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends, best friends, siblings, parents, etc.
only you can determine your self-worth. everyone has an equal chance at love and happiness & shouldn’t let others ruin that. there are too many bad and negative people in the world who live to bring others down; the good news is there’s also a ton of amazing people in this world that will pick you up and inspire you to be better.
do not allow anyone to be negative as a joke – To many of us grew up with families where siblings and even parents were allowed to joke about how we looked. We need to respect our children which will help them respect themselves. It is so sad to see bloggers posting photos of their kids and pointing out something negative that they clearly think is funny. It’s not a joke …it’s bullying Speak up and let the adults know it isn’t right.
We encourage our kids to be themselves and be proud of who they are
Everyone is unique – be proud of your strengths whatever they are
I would tell them to smile, be confident and know they are beautiful.
Let them know that they are beautiful. Tell them to believe in themselves, that everyone is beautiful. Thank you!!
I tell them that it’s just a camera, no one is watching them!
We do Improv Nights. They can act and have fun at the same time. Everyone is having the same fun.
To remember that they are beautiful – that we are all beautiful in our own ways
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Always encourage the girls on whatever they want in life.
Tell them to always focus on the positive voices and block out the negative!
tell them that beautiful is as beautiful does
Life is good
Have fun & be yourself!
i think you just need to build a childs self esteem starting at a very young age
make it fun and remind them how beautiful they are
I tell them to be themselves and not care what people think
No one is like you. You are unique.
Find out what they like about themselves.
I think that is a real challenge because many of us women feel less than positive about our own bodies. I have three daughters and I tried to instill in them the importance of character rather than looks, but with peer pressure, advertising, famous folks, and social media, it is a tall order for any parent. You just have to do your best to make them feel secure and loved; any shape they are.
I would tell them to stand tall and smile and to also be themselves!
tell them their beautiful inside and out
Tell them the are beautiful for who they are and how they treat people.
Thanks for the chance.
I would remind that them that everyone is unique and has insecurities, but that is what makes the world such a beautiful place.
tell them they are beautiful inside and out and not to care what other people think
Just be yourself and don’t think about the camera.
Told her not to worry about what others think and to just be herself.
Just smile and have fun. The ones who matter wont mind and the ones that mind wont matter!
Hold your head up, stand straight and smile!
be themselves
My 12 yr old daughter is very developed for her age and what mainstream would consider “thick”. I have been very impressed with her positive attitude about her body. I have always told her she is beautiful and that it’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy. I think you have to show them as older women and as friends to women our age through our own actions and words how to love ourselves and to accept the body God has given you and how to keep it strong and healthy not skinny and frail.
Be confident and smile!!
I’d say embrace the skin you are in, you were born this way, love yourself unconditionally.
I would just tell them to be true to themselves and be real. Real is beautiful!
I would tell them that beauty comes from within and that if you’re a beautiful person inside, it’ll be reflected on their outside.
I would tell them to not care about others thnink and think of what is special about them
Remind them that beauty is merely skin deep
I am always telling my daughters how beautiful they are. I have taught them to always be true to themselves and what they believe in. And that beauty is not just on the outside but the inside as well.
I would tell them that confidence is more important than outer appearance
Would tell them that they are beautiful and show the world!
Doing well is all about whats inside and confidence and poise is beautiful!!
I tell my daughter shes beautiful and can do whatever she sets her mind to
I’d encourage them just to have fun and remember they can do anything they put their mind too.
Act natural and pretend the camera is not there
Get to know them a little before the photos so you can help make them feel comfortable by discussing what they like during the photos.
I tell all the girls in my family just how beautiful hey are.
Encourage them to be silly and then give a big smile
I tell then everybody is different and different is good.so be your self.
I would tell them they are beautiful and when they smile and have fun they shine
I would tell them to just have fun
First of all beauty comes from within. If you’re a good person people will see your beauty
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I’d like to encourage woman everywhere to know their worth is not based on their physical appearance. Be confident and hold your head high, you are worth it.
Beauty comes from confidence,so I would tell them how beautiful they look and turn on some feel good music for them to let go and be themselves!
tell them to be who they are and not care what people think because the people that matter love them no matter what . Encourage them and tell them that they are smart and beautiful.
Smile and giggle a few times and wave to the camera.
I would tell girls that they can do whatever they put their mind to. Stay focus and follow your dreams.
Be yourself and feel pretty:)
Always remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder! If you believe in your beauty, it shines through you
Tell them to follow their dreams and be themselves. Don’t worry what other people think.
I would encourage girls to always believe in themselves.
i encourage my girls and all girls top be courageous in front of the camera by having fun with it and just taking a ton of pictures.
I would tell them they are all special in gods eyes.
I would remind them that we are all special because of our differences.
I think everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way and I would just tell them to be their own natural self.
instagram ID is gmrich22
Teach them confidence in who they are. Let them know they are beautiful the way they are. Let them know they can dream and do whatever they want, there are no bars holding them back.
We try to teach our daughters the shallowness of our prevalent consumer culture where standards of beauty are constructed by photoshopping a model’s image on the cover of a magazine; advertising is not reality.
Also, we encourage them to set goals & challenges for themselves that they can realistically achieve; achievement builds self-esteem.
it would have to come from an ongoing effort to build their self esteem. Supporting their discoveries in themselves
I tell my daughter how beautiful she is all the time and that beauty comes from within.
i would tell them not to worry what other ppl say be young be you and your always beautiful
just be your self and be confident
Be yourself ! You are beautiful inside and out !!
I tell my daughter her beauty inside gets out the most when she smiles big
I would say that every thing that is bad doesn’t matter when you get older. Have fun and laugh because life is grand.
Use your smile as your best feature!
I would tell them that each person is beautiful and what really makes a person shine is confidence.
Don’t focus on appearance only.
I would advise them to hold their head high no matter what
Just smile and don’t worry about what others think.