JORD Wooden Watch Giveaway!!
It’s about time someone delivered an unconventional answer to age-old wrist candy. These JORD wooden watch take people away from today’s metal & rubber. Read Donna’s Deals and More’s full review here.
We’re giving one lucky reader a chance to win the Ely Series Jord Wooden Watch in Cherry for Women. Just enter on the rafflecopter below. PLUS you have another chance to win the Ely Series Jord Wooden Watch in Cherry for Men over at Powered by Mom!
*Giveaway is open world wide.
Giveaway ends Thursday, 11/26/2013 at 11:59pm EST.
Disclaimer: The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We are not associated with any of the companies named above. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open world wide 18+ only. Confirmed Winner(s) (by will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. My blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
I went on an amazing trip
I became a gramma
The best thing that happened to me this year was that i got a newer vehicle. I have never owned anything newer than like a 1998 and i now have a 2005
nice to win a wooden watch. look really nice for a wood.
Hmm that is a tough question, I guess we completed a lot of renovations on our house, although we still have a long way to go!!
i got my first own place and first job
i got pregnant, most amazing thing ever
We moved to 5 acres!
We bought a home.
We became GREAT Grandparents for the first time in Sept!!!
adored God’s grace in my life and family…..for giving us this grace to see the year end.
had my baby girl…
My sister finishing her treatments for breast cancer.
nice to win a wooden watch.
Nice watch. me likey
I resolved some problems that I had with my parents.
I haven’t seen or spoke to my eldest son since last feb. and now he is here – home for the holidays. That is the most exciting thing to happen to me this year.

I became a mommy in late 2012, so 2013 has been an amazing learning experience.
I became a father
Beautiful and stunning to the eye. Thanks for the entry cheers.
I got a promotion at work
I had a sad break-up. Nice watch though
Am loving it Amen
The most exciting wonderful thing that happened is that my friendship with the most amazing girl in the world has grown stronger and deeper than I could ever have imagined ….
Give me Wood!
Love the look of this watch. Very different
I adopted a puppy that lifted my wife from depression
I made it! Sounds lame but it was a difficult year.
It was a rather eventful year – but probably the highlight and the greatest gift came in October when our extended family welcome THREE new members (BABIES) into the family!
The most exciting thing to happen to me this year was moving to a new home.
My son got married to the sweetest girl
The most exciting thing to happen to me is Typhoon Haiyan which devastated my country. Although it cost a lot of lives and ruin, the outpouring of help from all over the world touched me deeply.
The most exciting thing i did this year was a second honeymoon with my hubby.
Graduating college with a 4.0 GPA was the most wonderful thing that happened to me this year.
I want to win this one for my lady!!!
me husband seeing his sister with cancer after not seeing her for 10 years
The birth of our second daughter. Great year!
my autistic daughter saying — for the first time – I love you Mommy
They found the cancer in my mom’s lung when it first started so there was no spreading or having follow up treatments. She is feeling wonderful.
Would love to win the watch.
birth of my child!
I got my first raise!
I am expecting my first child so excited can’t wait to hold my bundle of joy.
A unique idea, I would love the opportunity to see one.
My husband loves anything in wood. He does wood turning and I am so sure he would adore to be wearing this unique watch.
I went on an ASIAN cruise, It was amazing. Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bali. What great experiences I have had.
We finally got back together with my sole mate.
I entered a contest for $300 childrens’ presents and day after day I checked by email and after 6 weeks I gave up then yesterday 2 huge parcels arrived at my house – one was for a child-size Elmo! It’s the very first thing I have ever won and I’m absolutely over the moon!
I won my first IPAD in almost 8 years of entering a contest for them!!
I got laid off of my job and found a new one that I like so much better.
Many nice sunsets!!
Oh – I really need to search hard. Everything is good today, but 2013 was a different year….
My son graduated at the top of his class!
I fall in love . Thanks
i got to see my daughter
it has been exciting our girls first words, steps & taking her places & seeing all new things, now all new Christmas things to excite her,,
My daughter got married
I reconnected with some high school friends.
my hubby took me to Hawaii for my 50th birthday
My brother and Nephew came home for Christmas after 6 years of not having seen them!
I beat my personal best in a 10k run, aiming for a half marathon in 2014
Cool wooden, bronze look
My boyfriend and I went on our first trip together overseas to JAPAN for a month!
My sister asked me to be her matron of honor.
beating cancer so far! been a long hard journey but thank god im still here and slowly but surely getting myself back ! the lord is so good!
The best thing that happened to me this year was that I started running!
Elena Rudaya
queen-of-pain @
Grateful members in family regained health and were able to share time together.
The most exciting thing that happened this year is that my doggie had pups.
My older sister had her second baby!
Thanks for the chance.
wish 2 win
i got a great prize
2013 has not been great for us we lost everything we own except the clothes on our back.
Went Paris for a week
The most exciting thing that happened this year was I got a full scholarship to go back to graduate school!
I got to spend more time w/friends and family!
I moved house to the Far North of New Zealand
I just got a new job.
Nothing great happened to me in 2013 but I am hoping for something wonderful in 2014. Happy holidays everyone!
I met the man of my dreams
I became aunt
I got engaged!
I won a $100 gift card this year.
I got a wonderful new job after two years of looking.
My sister got married!)
The most exciting was when we visited Orlando
Wooden watch.. wow!
When i win one iPad Mini!
I went on vacation to Las Vegas!
I moved into a new apartment!
become a mommy
I had my first litter of puppies .
Landing my new job with an awesome company. Doesn’t pay the best, but the environment is amazing.
Nothing, really, this year was exceptionally ordinary.
The most exciting or wonderful thing that happened this year was celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary to my wonderful husband.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I got promoted at work!
I got a new niece this year! Yeah!
Travelling to Berlin and camping out in forests in Brandenburg was awesome!
Beautiful wooden watch. I love it.
Our fourth grandchild (Samuel) was born March 22nd and our fifth grandchild (Emma) was born on my hubby’s 50th Birthday May 13th. :0)
I became a personal assistant to an amazing musical talent!
It wasn’t a very good year, but I got a job right at the end of it. So, it’s not all that bad.
My daughter got engaged!
We surprised the kids with a trip to Disney World!
The best thing that happened to me is when i received a notification saying i won a new ipad and phone, not at the same time but both for 2013 so i hope to get this as well thanks:)
i fall inlove
when we decided to stick together..always..all the way..huff it has been a tiring journey
i’ve adopted a cat .
Took our 6 year old on her 2nd international trip – amazing!
I got my first casting for a small role.
My daughter’s first pregnancy is the most exciting thing to happen to us in 2013.
i hope win
i got a FT job
I found out I get to move back home! I’m so excited!!
My daughter start school,and yesterday learn to tie shoe laces,I am proud mama.=o)Amazing giveaway,I love watches and love wood so this would be perfect for me,thank you for the chance to win it.Happy holidays!!!
The greatest thing for me was that my grandson moved back home after being out on his own in an unsafe environment.
for me I guess the greatest thing was I was able to stay employed for most of the year!
My friend wins 5 longboard Deck and He’s going to give me one ! and Also My diabetes is Stable this year
Maaaan, the most wonderful thing? I guess getting my first job! Which, yes, took a lot of my free time away, but is so good having MY money, y’know? It makes you feel more… independent I guess? Yep. :3
nothing comes to mind, wasn’t a very good year
travelled to prague.
I became a brother
the most wonderfull happened this year is to get to sport club
My daughter graduated from college.
my daughter made straight a’s all year
I started College.
I went on a trip with my boyfriend
Most wonderful thing? That both my girls are in school now, and that I finally got a promotion (there WAS none in my department…the new manager made sure that we got recognized).
I am still alive and that by far is wonderful thing
The best thing was getting to sleep.
new baby
i became an uncle!
I celebrated my 5th anniversary with my wonderful wife!
travelled to local destinations with my friends
The best thing from 2013 was spending the summer fundraising for Doctors Without Borders!
The most exciting thing that happened to me in 2013 is that I finished my first half marathon!! On may way to some fitness goals in 2014
I got a promotion!
I became an aunt again!
I won $3000 in a contest
my husband and I moved into our own apartment!
We spent 5 days in New York City
my new kidney(no joke!!!)
The most wonderful thing that happenned to me is when My son came for the holidays from Paris…I missed him so!
thank you for this beautiful giveaway!
Travelling to Vienna.
The best thing that happened to me this year was graduating from college, just four days ago.
I’ve never seen anything like this! What a classy way to tell time! So many people use their cell phones these days, instead of wearing a watch. Not only is this a fantastic conversation piece, it’s also a gorgeous work of art that I’d be proud to wear!
The most amazing thing that happened this year was the birth of my little boy Sammy. Nothing can ever beat the birth of your children.
We finished redecorating our house!
I got engaged.
Met my best friend!
The best thing that happened to me this year, was my nephew came to visit from Canada.
I spent a week in the desert.
I went to visit my hometown and saw friends I had not seen in many years.
My cousin’s beautiful daughter, Ella, was born!
My beautiful niece was born!
this year i purchased my first new car
Finding out I’m pregnancy again just a few days ago!
I met the man of my dreams, now my boyfriend.
We visited Disney World and had a wonderful time
I became an auntie again.
My daughter turned 2!
I finished my first graduate course!
I got engaged.
I continued towards my goal of becoming a veterinarian!
I moved across the country.
My son got a car
Getting my other 4 cats.
The most excited thing that happened this year, was that my family and I went to Disneyland for the first time.
I met and stayed in the same hotel as Bon Jovi!
My daughter got accepted to 4 colleges
The best thing that happened to me this year was I lost 80 lbs.
I started a new blog!
March 22, 2013 at 2:37 PM. I still know every little detail about it, it was a rainy afternoon… I was out for a walk and about to buy burgers for my brother and my niece. When I was walking, I saw a hundred dollar bill lying on the ground and wet, thought it was a play money but it wasn’t. I went to the village’s police department and handed the money over but a week passed, nobody claimed it is theirs so I kept it.
I sat in on a sound check for Bob Seger this summer it was awesome then I went to the concert
i lost my hearing
Nothing exciting really happened to me in 2013, it was a pretty uneventful year.
I got a new job.
All of my family was home for Christmas
My sister-in-law delivered my niece in the ambulance just outside their home this year!
I won an Ipad mini in a judged contest out of 310 entries.
I started a great new job in March.
I was with my whole family for the first time in many years.
My sister finally decide to settle things between us that’s been keeping us apart.
Nice Watch!
i got a new job i am excited about
My son started feeding therapy and is chewing!
I opened my own company!!!! I am over the moon happy!
We celebrated our daughters first birthday!
The most exciting thing would be my son making the underclassmen dream dozen for vermont state in basketball
Well, what was most exciting for me was having my gallbladder removed!
I went to Cancun with my son and we had an awesome time and I am looking forward to more wonderful things in my life!
traveling to daytona beach florida
we made it through 2013 alive and we are looking forward to great things in 2014
My baby was born! ♥
2 things, my nephew was born and I went to NYC the first time
received my first social security check last month ! I made it– didnt think I would live this long Hurray !
Great looking watch
My daughter stated preschool.
I got to meet justin bieber and sit 3rd row
got to live another year
I gained a little sister.
My younger son has moved close by.
After 14 years of marriage my son and daughter in law had a beautiful baby girl
i got to meet my love this year… finally
Found out I’m going to be an aunt again!
I got to visit New York City for the first time ever!
my most exciting thing is my son got married to a great girl
My husband got a job after several months of unemployment.
this giveaway
My granddaughter started walking!
I became a grandmother to a sweet baby boy.
Two things. My chemo ended and all tests great and our daughter began her college career.
Nothing spectacular happened this year. I am hoping that 2014 offers a lot more happy times!
Thanks for the giveaway…best friend, a long time bachelor, just got engaged to a wonderful woman.
became a aunt