Thanksgiving 2013 $150 CASH Giveaway!!
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Comment below what your favorite Thanksgiving traditions are? I know I cannot wait to have our first Thanskgiving with little Gradie, I just love the family time spent together!!
Last day to enter is 11/28.
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My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is cooking and baking with my family and then sitting down to eat together!
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is putting up the tree and lights the day after Thanksgiving.
My favorite thing is to go around the table and say what we are thankful for
My favorite tradition is baking desserts with my little grandchildren. I used to do it with my kids and now I have another generation to do it with.
my immediate family and I have a small Thanksgiving dinner and then my mom and I head out for some shopping
My favorite tradition is to cook the Thanksgiving meal for my family and occasionally friends we invite. I love to watch everyone eat my food with such gusto and pleasure!
I love being with family n puttind xmas tree up
Love being with the family!
We eat way too much food and have a good chat.
My favorite tradition is preparing Thanksgiving dinner for my family and having us all together.
My favorite tradition is having my family in my home and each of us stating the things for which we are thankful.
I love getting to eat turkey and dressing at Thanksgiving and spending it with family.
I have to have Cranberry Celebration Salad and pumpkin pie on my table.
This is one Day ,we All get together for a meal and Chatting
I love having everyone coming together.
I love hanging with my family, eating turkey and cranberry sauce and watching old family home movies all night!
Cooking, eating and just relaxing with people I love.
My son gets to see his cousins and us girls sit down after dessert and map out our Black Friday shopping day strategy
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is that while I’m clearing the table and putting all the delicious leftovers away, my husband and kids get out the tree, assembling it & stringing the lights. Afterward, we all spend time together putting the ornaments on it. So much fun!
having a family dinner and everyone saying grace and we each tell what we are thankful for this year
Having turkey and all the trimmings with my 4 kids and their families at my house.then going out shopping at midnight for great bargains on black friday
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is using the occasion to give thanks to everyone I know and all the things I appreciaate in my life whether big or small
I like getting together with my family, having dinner, and heading to the movie theater.
We always eat by noon!
I love the family together on Thanksgiving day laughing and talking about the great times we had as kids. Sometimes you find things out you didn’t know
just knowing we will all be together <3!
My favorite tradition is going around saying what we are thankful for.
My fave tradition is dinner with both sides of the family coming over and eating, watching football together.
My favorite tradition is getting together with family and sharing a huge meal and then watching some football!
eating pie!
My favorite tradition is after the family dinner playing games together.
Watching the Dallas Cowboys game and eat dinner as a family.
My favorite is making our traditional cornbread stuffing and made from scratch giblet gravy for our Thanksgiving dinner.
our tradition is to have an extended family thanksgiving with cousins aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews
I really love preparing for the big meal. Now that I have grandkids I have lots of help which is even more fun!
My favorite is the fact that we don’t do any traveling during this time of year. Its normally just the 4 of us. Oh and the fact I don’t do the cooking.
My favorite tradition is eating turkey. However, my mom is smashing my dreams this year and we are having honey baked ham instead. ALAS!!!
We have a tradition of putting out a glass of wine for My grandfather who passed away 2 years ago and each drink a little from the glass on Thanksgiving
We like to watch the Macy’s parade in the morning, watch football, enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
I love watching movies the night before and preparing the foods.
Watching Macy’s parade; and will do some baking for Christmas.
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is just getting together with the family…. eating and playing games.
cooking with family, playing and have fun entered
Our tradition is a late afternoon get together with extended family for a huge meal together
We really have no tradition. Cook a turkey and eat it
We stay up all day and night cooking and eating with family
I enjoy catching up with my family from out of state
time with the family is a definite favourite
early afternoon nap..