$25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
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In celebration of their children’s book review of “A Little Book About Friendship” Tatu Digital Media is generously sponsoring a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Head on over and Check out this adorable children’s book review about one of life’s most important lessons Friendship!
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I taught my son to be nice and share. We moved to Seattle and the neighbor next to us were nice but their kids had potty mouths. Soon my son had one too.
It was a very good review about friendships and how to handle situations in a positive manner.
sharing is important and helps develop relationships with others
I teach them about friendship by relating my own experiences with friends, bullying and how I dealt with them all
I also tell them that the way I did things might not be the way they should and to use their best judgement in any situation
My examples are just a rough guideline from one perspective 
We read books with friendship as a theme
I taught my children to always be a good listener in their friendships and to be honest at all times.
Thanks so much for the review. I am always looking for good books to read to my grandchildren and I really like good teaching books.
I think there are alot of good books that model the kind of things that kids need to know about being a good friend and I think it really sinks in when they learn it in a fun way like through a book. While kids listen to what we say as parents I think they like to hear it from other sources even more lol
I hope I set a great example by being a good friend and having positive friendships. I’ve always told my three daughters that to have great fiends, you have to be a great friend. I also expected that they always treat others respectful, even those that aren’t their friends.
Well, I lead by example and try to treat others with respect and kindness.
I taught my children and I am teaching my grand children that God created all of us and loves each and everyone of us! He (Jesus) teaches us to Love our neighbor as we love ourselves and when we love people we want to be friends them! We ask God to let us see others with His eyes and to allow us to feel the love He feels for all of His children!
We are working on our sharing & being kind to everyone no matter what!
I taught them to be friends with everybody. I also said not say anything negative about anyone because you may be in the same situation one day.
I always remind them to be respectful of others and treat them the way you would like to be treated.
we talk about it, talk about accepting attitudes, things friends do and do not do, etc.
I think by example first, and we have books and dvds about friendship, too.
I try to always go back to the golden rule… treat people the way you want to be treated. Helps settle disputes between friends.
I make sure he THINKS about how he would feel…..I encourage him to BE NICE, take turns and be kind.
I tell them to always be nice to other kids, never mean.
I teach my kids about friendship by telling them to be kind and helpful to others.
We talk about being nice to everyone so they know they can always feel comfortable around us.
I tell my niece and nephew to practice being kind at school and at home.
Teaching children to share is a good way .
I’m an honorary grammy to my hubby’s grandkids- from what I’ve heard, all three kids are exceptional, have lots of friends: I think the important thing is to think of the other person and how they feel.
one way is teaching him to share his toys.
I try to get my sons to share and to be kind to their friends..they like to wrestle but I try to tell them not to so no one gets hurt!!
treat everyone just like you want to be treated.
love and share
I teach them how to react to conflict.
Well, one important way for me was to teach by example. It’s hard to expect your kids to grasp the meaning of friendship when you talk badly about your friends behind their back, or get in petty fights, or behave badly in your own, adult friendships.
Never base friendship on money, clothes, or what others think. Base it off of the person standing before you.
We teach them through stories and also talking about the friends they are making
I teach them to share and we read books about best friends and sharing with others and being there for each other!
read some books about it or do role playing of what being a good friend looks like
I think it’s important to teach kids about being kind to others.
I teach them by example. I always remind them not to say anything negative about anyone and to apoligize even if they think something wasn’t their fault.
I would agree with everyone, I teach by example, being kind to others, sharing. I think friendship just comes naturally with being a good person.
I teach my kids by showing them how I am a good friend to my own circle of girlfriends.
I’ve taught them about sharing and compromising and be kind.
Thank you!
I teach them to be kind to others and to share.
I always told my kids to treat any other person as they wanted to be treated. If they could share or help someone out, do it.
It’s important to teach your child about honesty and being kind to others. Those qualities will lead to strong, long-lasting friendships.
We read books about friendship and I also teach my grandson about respecting others and treated them kindly!
emphasis the importance of being a good friend as often as you can.
I always tell my kids it’s quality not quantity.
sharing is important and not making fun of people
Some of the things I try to install were to be honest and to be there for a friend during the good and bad times.
I told my son to be loyal and be there when his friend needs someone to talk to.
Encouraging them to be team players on their sports teams
Always teach to share and to treat someone the way you would want to be treated.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
I get my daughter to socialize a lot at the park. She makes friends there.
We always make sure to tell our daughter to share.
My sister always teaches her kids to treat others the way they want to be treated.
I teach by example
By telling them to be good people
I stress the importance of kindness, understanding, and forgiveness to my son
I have taught them to love and be open minded about everyone. Stereotyping is not a way to find good friends
Some ways I teach my children about friendship is to model good friendship and to read books about unusual friendships.
The golden rule!!
By showing him that Jesus is my friend
That sharing is caring!
I think it’s important to teach kids to share and to be nice to each other.
I taught my children to think for themselves and don’t rush to judge or be friendly with someone. If you couldn’t bring this person home to meet your family, better think why are you friendly.
I teach my kids the golden rule, and to share and to be patient. I think those are some important friendship tips
We were military and and that means you change schools; we put a positive spin on it that each new class or extracurricular activity was an opportunity to meet new friends. In military communities there is a consistent turnover each year and it’s not just your kids who are new.
I teach him about friendship through play dates with other kids. Honestly he’s the most loving person I’ve ever met and has never met a stranger. I feel like he teaches me more about friendship than I teach him.
I don’t have kids, but I would tell them stories, listen to theirs, and teach them about how to get along with others!
Lead by example. Treat your friends like you’d want your children to treat theirs
I teach my son to be nice to everyone. And if he is having a “not so friendly moment”, I remind him to think about how he felt during certain situations… when someone was mean or wouldn’t share and how it made him feel at the time and also a time when someone was being nice to him and how that made him feel good.
I lead by example.
I make them play at the park with other kids and share their toys.
We talk about how the other person might feel.
I always teach him to introduce himself to one other kid at the playground, park, etc!
I tried to teach my kids to show respect for everyone! And to reach out to kids that are shy and don’t seem to have a lot of friends.
to share and treat people the way u want to be treated,have respect,be kind,outgoing!
We teach through example. Books & certain tv shows are also helpful.
My kids are teens now, but I think that children just naturally seek out others like themselves to bond with.
I always tried to lead by example.
model it and read books
That’s easy! I don’t have children.
My Pinterest name = Chellesyvonne
Do unto others!
“Do unto others…..”
I teach my daughter to treat people with kindness and respect. And that she should receive it in return.
I teach my grandkids to treat others as they want to be treated.
We try to work in “how would he/she feel?” moments of reflection whenever we can to encourage them to understand other people’s feelings and perspectives, and we try to lead by example by showing random acts of kindness to our friends and family members.
Reading books, watching educational shows & just learning from us.
Adorable books. Too bad my child is almost a teenager (sometimes I wish he were little again), he’s a little too old for that book but I have some nephews that are approaching story-book time.
You should let them play, and learn, with other kids and have fun no matter the race/gender. Just let the kids be kids.
I guess I would say telling them to be nice to people and not be a person that talks about people behind their back
I have always instilled in them to be caring and accepting of others
ive always taught my kids to treat others they way they would wanna be treated
Teach them by being a good example and guiding them with their friendships.
I don’t have kids.
The importance of honesty and trust, and the lifetime foundation it builds.
Teach about sharing
teach your children to interact with other children unselfishly, teach them to be kind . manners is a way of showing respect, teach them with your actions . teach them with books, teach them with programs set up for children right choices and wrong choices, but always teach them to love, and not hate, and teach them everyone was created equal.and teach them to share,
I think the best way to teach is by example. If I do something nice for a friend, they learn the concept of doing for others.
I tell them to be nice and try to be friends with everyone
One of the most important things in a friendship to me is understanding…so, I teach my kids how important it is to be understanding of other’s, even when we don’t understand.
I think the best way to teach your kids about friendship is to model the behaviors you want them to have.
Teach them to share and not to judge anyone.
Do unto others…
By setting a good example.
I have always told my kids to by nice to others and they will be nice to you.
I told my daughter to be loyal and be there when her friend needs someone to talk to.
I show them good examples of what being a friend means
i have told her that when things are rough, you can only count on your friends. so you need to be there for them as well and treat them well.
I teach them the golden rule.
I teach by showing how to share and give to others.
Books that discuss friendship and bullying is a good way.
We use their favorite movies and talk about what the characters might do (or not do) that helps build friendships.
No kids. This looks like a great book.
Thanks for the contest.
Love the title of the book, I know its a great book.
When we read them stories we often ask of what they learned and emphasize the qualities that make good friends (and friendships).
To be kind to everyone
I don’t have any kids. I would teach them about friendship through interaction.
I try to teach them the importance of sharing with other kids
I lead by example and really enforce empathy; how you would feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.
I tell them to share.
We talk about friendship and how to treat our friends and read books.
Thanks for the giveaway…we try to lead our kids by example: treat others well, sharing, mutual respect, how to apologize when you disrespect others, etc.
I like leading by example. Demonstrating our own healthy friendships and respect is the way to go.
We talk about things that friends talked about during the day. Letting them know how important friends are.
Teach them by talking about your own experiences
To be able to share with other kids and to get along with them by being nice to them.
We talk about sharing, listening, and being nice.
We read devotionals together and read stories with friendship themes in them.
Making them write sorry notes when they have been rude.