Tiffany & Co – I Love you Charm and Bracelet Giveaway!
The Pay It Forward Crew is celebrating Valentines Day early with a 3 day Weekend Flash for a new Tiffany & Co I Love You Charm and Bracelet
Love is in the air. Valentines day is fast approaching and we want to pay it forward to our fans by bringing them a fabulous Tiffany & Co I Love you Charm and Bracelet Giveaway! We are doing this just because we love our fans and we want to show it by showing you some love!
This weekends Pay It Forward Team is:
Couponing4you, Emptynester Reviews, Powered By Mom, Mom Does Reviews, Cajun Couponer, Donna’s Deals and More, Fuggs and Foach, Coupon Hauls, Zoe’s Printable Coupons, Its Free At Last, Frugal 4 Four, Africa’s Blog, Kimberly’s Thoughts, Give Oh Giveaway, and Free Fun Fab
DISCLAIMER: The winner of this giveaway will have a choice of a 7 in or 7.5 in bracelet. This giveaway is open to our U.S. Fans only and it will run from 1-11-12 at 8pm central time to 1-13-12 11:59 pm eastern time. The winner will be emailed at the end of the giveaway and will have 24 hours to respond back to their email to claim their prize. As soon as we have a confirmed winner the winner will be announced on the rafflecopter. This giveaway is brought to you solely by the Pay It Forward Crew and the prize will be fulfilled by Couponing4you.
I honestly dont have a really good memory. Not one that i can think of anyways.. Thanks
No favorite memory of Valentines Day, we’ve never really celebrated it… and since we’ve had kids 9 years ago, we’ve always just done something fun with them.. like a heart themed breakfast or something like that.
I would have to be my first valentines day card from my son once he was old enough to draw!
No favorite memory. Thank you for the great giveaway!!!
no favorite memory….sad
I love Valentine’s Day and have never had a special man to make it memorable but my favorite memory has to be when my kids and grandkids give me little cards. They are so cute.
I actually don’t have any memorable Valentine’s Days! Well…not GOOD memories, anyway.
Well, seeing as I am engaged I will not mention any ex’s but yes I have had a lot of sweet ones and some have included some of the kids that I watched at the day care an’ or babysat over the years they have given me some of the sweetest gifts of all that I treasure the most.cause in a lot of ways I have thought of them like my own kids because raised a lot of them along side my own children and love them just as much. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my little ones (not so little any more) and to everyone. Thank you for the giveaway
In College when just the girls went out…kinda like an anti-Valentine’s day…we went to Quincy’s and I ate so many of those sweet rolls with honey butter YUM! LOL
My husband and I had been married 3 months and were out of work but he bought me a heart shaped piano jewelry box the size of a half dollar. That was 34 years ago.
win today.
My favorite valentine’s day memory is a beautiful necklace that my husband gave me.
Hubby and I usually go at Midnight or a little after when they put chocolate on sale and buy some.
Nothing comes to mind!
I really dont have a fave Valentine memory!
Thank you!
i just remember in school making boxes and passing out valentines
I would love to win this as a gift for my daughter, she would be so thrilled..
Sorry no favorites.
my bf giving me my key necklace
Ive never really had a great or.special valentines… i do love the kids faces when i give them a little gift
I gave my daughter a diamond heart ring for her 21st birthday, she was so excited!
Sorry, I meant for Valentine’s Day when she turned 21!!!
mine was a few years ago when my 7 year old grandson took me out to Outback for valentines day with a gift card his parents got for this. It was the first time I had been to Out back and the waiter was so nice. He let him make the reservation, order and pay. He was so cute and it will always be my favorite Valentines Day memory.
Valentine’s Day is just another day for me and my husband. We treat each other very well all year long so there’s no need to do that for just one special day!
not really i dont
My husband (when he was my boyfriend) cooked me dinner bought me flowers cuddled and watched a movie with me and then started a bubble bath by candle light and rose petals. it was so romantic, i loved it
Sad I guess, but no, no favorite memory.
No special Valentine memory
dinner and a room at the casino. it was our 25th anniversary. we have now been married 38 years march 1. champagne and chocolate strawberries and we won money. lol
My favorite memory is valentines day 2007. My original wedding ring broke due to weak prongs holding the diamond, so my husband surprised me with a new set and a massive sized teddy bear. Also that day my cell broke so i had to go buy a new one and I got my hair done for the first time in years.
My favorite memory is when my husband filled all the rooms in our house with roses for me
Yes, when I was 17 our family moved to a new town. My sister and I were both really sick. There was a knock on the door and an older man in our church, handed my Mom two hearts of chocolate candy and 2 little stuffed bears. It really made our day
My best Valentines was 2011 while out eating with husband My son was ready to come (I really wanted my food lol) He wasn’t due Untill March but was ready for the world thank God he was healthy no complications Also my husband proposed Said he had it planned for dinner That day 2 of the most important people became my heart
I don’t have a favorite memory. That’s sad isn’t it?
No I don’t have any memories of valentines day
lol tifffany I love this giveaway!! mom lol it
Family dinner. <3
my fav memories are of when i was a kid in school and we passed them out to everyone in class
Every year my husband and I do dinner at home- just the two of us. We have the same meal, same dessert all on the same plates as we did on our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple (only a month after we were married). That first Valentine’s Day as husband and wife was so sweet and we always want to celebrate it.
Sad, but no special memories of Valentine’s day!?!?
No, not really.
I think my Valentines have always been the typical candy & cards type of stuff so nothing really stands out. Now if you ask for worst Valentines then yes… An ex boyfriend & I broke up on Valentines Day. So I went & got my BFF & we had a girls night out & had a blast!
nope. it always sucks for me.
My favorite is when my grandson made me a card. so sweet
It’s been such a long time! My ex-fiance made the whole day around me.. I received gifts throughout the day.. my favorite fragrance from Victoria’s Secrets, dinner, Godiva Truffles (yum), and jewelry.
Two years ago my husband and I went on a cruise over Valentine’s day. He heard me remark to a woman at the airport that I loved her purse like carry-on bag. He found one similar in the ship store and gave it to me on Valentine’s day.
Every Valentines Day is special in its own way!
Yes, my husband surprised me with a beautiful Mother’s ring
every year is great for me because my kids make me hand made valentines shaped like hearts. I know I am a sappy mom!
Married 47 years and have never had a gift or card on Valentines Day!
dont really have any good valentines memories
not really…i remember valentines day being a bigger deal when i was younger and in school
Yes, my first valentine’s day with my husband we officially started dating.
My husband proposed to me on Valentines day.
My favorite memory was a year when we had very little money and my husband was sick. He was in school and had a job valeting cars. He went to work sick and worked until he earned enough tips to buy flowers for me, small gifts for our daughters, and cold medicine for himself. I appreciated those flowers because he felt so horrible yet made sure he was able to give me a gift anyway.
My favorite memory of Valentine’s Day is when my then boyfriend bought me a bouquet of red roses and a promise ring. He also took me out to dinner. I did marry him!
My first one being married.
A couple of years ago my sister got me tickets to see Mary Poppins live for Christmas the show was on Valentines Day my sister made this big deal of it by taking me out to dinner and getting me flowers before the show it was so sweet!
My favorite is from my mom she always made it special…
no real favorite memories stick out.
The only one I got is when we would make Valentine boxes for our Valentines we gave everyone, I loved collecting them. C: But that was in Elementary School. Cx
My favorite memory was when my husband cooked dinner and set up a picnic in the living room with candles lit around us. It was sweet!
I loved exchanging valentines in grade school with my classmates.
No, I don’t have a favorite memory of Valentine’s day.
My favorite memory of valentines day was 2 years ago my daughter was 18 months old and I left the house for about 3 hours and came back and my husband had her dressed up as Cupid.
it was beautiful
Valentine’s Day 2005 (Monday) is the day I got married.
No great memories of Valentines day.
I just love spending Valentine’s day with my love, every day is like Valentine’s day for us. He brings me roses just to bring them. He took me away for a weekend at a 5 star hotel which had a jacuzzi tub and a heart shaped rose petals on the bed.
I don’t have any that come to mind, I don’t really celebrate the holiday
My favorite memory is getting ready to have my daughter the day after Valentine’s Day and just being so excited all day !
I remember one year in high school I received a dozen red roses while I was in history class taking a test. It sure did make my day better; can’t say as much for the test grade.
no memories, except when my kids were younger and made me handmade cards and items!
My husband suprised me with a trip to Reno one year, it was magical. We had a nice steak dinner and danced, then won money playing blackjack.
Nothing really that stands out. I kind of think it’s a day for companies to make money. If you want to show someone you love them there are 364 other days for it! But my kids making me things is great!
When I was in head start I was in love with this boy Jeffrey and he gave me a flower…we were 4.
Years ago, one of my beloved cats had her kittens on Valentine’s Day <3
None particularly stand out, but last year I got my wife a dozen red roses and a beautiful gemstone bracelet that she was more than thrilled about
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
My favorite Valentine’s memories are of school days trading valentines with boyfriends
no, I don’t have a favorite memory
Two years ago when I spent it with my daughters father on vacation
I have never won anything, ever!
After we girls reached the age of 14, we were always gifted with chocolate covered cherries by our uncle. We so wanted to reach that important age so we would be considered grown up enough for a gift.
yeah 2 years ago after i reunited with a middle school sweetheart we are now married and just had our first child together
we took a cruise over valentine’s day a couple years ago
My then-bf (now my husband) sent me a big bouquet of roses at home. Totally unexpected because we were on a long distance relationship.
It is my birthday so every birthday i ever had was hearts and red!
vmkids3 at msn dot com
yes my husband asked me to marry him ten years ago on Valentine’s Day
I have had lots of wonderful Valentine days but since I am happily engaged I won’t go into any of the ones involving an ex but I have several were kids I watched at the daycare or babysat would make me things or give me candy and even to this day I think of many of them as my children because many of them I raised along side my kids so Happy valentines days to all of my little angels and to everyone. XXXX
My Dad, buying my twin sister and I – when we were 16, a dozen red roses each, plus Mom. “For all his girls”, made us feel so special!
I don’t but maybe this year will be one to remember
We used to go to Ibex every Valentines Day. Then they closed it down!
I don’t.
I don’t have a favorite memory of Valentines day….sorry! Maybe this Vday : )
My favorite was my first Valentine’s Day with my husband when we were dating because it was the first time anyone had sent me flowers
thank you
My memory is when my husband gave me a ring for our first Valentines together.
My favorite valentines day was the valentines day 3 years ago that I started dating the love of my life
When I made homemade chocolates, marshmallows and candy for everyone
last year, i got a diamond ring..
My favorite Valentines memory is the year my husband gave me my dozen of yellow roses (my favorite) & then sung our favorite love song we loved when we dated about 36 years ago.
my first valentines with a boy when i was 12. He got me a big box of chocolates and a pearl bracelet
No special Valentine’s Day moment to share.
My hubby, boyfriend then, sent me 3 dozen roses to school. Everyone made a big deal out of it. When you get married though all of that goes out the window. lol thank you!
one time I bought red and silver wrapped hershey kisses and we played checkers with them on a picnic adventure
I don’t really do Valentines Day. I think it is just around for companies to promote and make money
The most memorable memory of valentines day is a guy that I worked with had two bouquet of roses and a basket of flowers to work. It was overwhelming but sweet.
When I was a child my grandparents always got me a box of truffles! Oh how I love truffles!
54 years ago on Valentine’s Day, my older, ONLY sister bought me my 1st puppy, a Cocker Spaniel. What a loving, delightful gift which lasted MANY years !
When I was a child my grandparents always got me a box of assorted chocolate truffles! Oh how I love truffles!
My first date with my now husband was on a Valentine’s Day!
My mom always had a new outfit and bag full of stuff laying out for us on Valentines Day
My husband surprised me with a trip to Disney last valentines day.
We rarely celebrate Valentine’s day..but being with my hubby on that day feels extra special.
I really don’t have any special memories of valentines, but I really enjoy making treats for my kids classes every year!
Nothing spectacular comes to mind. I would say the most memorable one was my first valentines day with my boyfriend of 4 years. He tried to make it special for me and bought me a huge stuffed bear, chocolates, and a beautiful dragon sculpture (since he knew i liked dragons). It was the most thought anyone ever put into a Valentines Day for me.
The best valentine’s day ever was when we went to this funny little German restaurant in a nearby town. They go all out with lots of balloons and candles, and turn the lights way down. It was a blast, and we spent lots of time dancing.
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
great for a unempolyed mom Always last to get!! lol to win
Any Valentine’s that I get to spend with my husband and babies..
yes I got a new side by side
Being in elementary school and exchanging valentines day
I do not really have a favorite memory. I liked when it was more simple when you could just give someone a box of chocolates and their day would be made. Thanks for the chance!
My husband proposed to me on Valentine’s Day 18 years ago.
Yes! The best one was after a long day of work and night classes I came home to a romantic steak and potato dinner. But I was so tired I could barely get through the meal and fell asleep instantly after. LOL It was by far our favorite though
When my husband asked me to marry him on Valentines day of 1997.
The first Valentine’s I spent with my now husband he bought me diamond earrings. They were super small but I love them and still wear them today, nine years later.
went to atlantic city for valentine’s day last year. great time.
No favorite memories my valentine’s days are usually a dud!
getting flowers at school….
I don’t really have a great memory of a specific Valentines day
this would be a great gift for myself
A surprise dinner out with my hubby, without kids!!!
My favorite memory is when I was a kid and my dad picked me up from school and gave me a heart shaped box of chocolates. He said he just wanted me to know he loved me.
i really dont have a great valentines day memory
I loved it when I was young. Candy, cupcakes and little paper Valentine’s, a lot of fun!
I used to like getting valentine’s day cards from all my classmates when I was a little kid.
No favorite Valentine’s memories,
a former boiyfriend of mine waited til i had to use the bathroom and set up a teddybear holding a heart that stated i love you so id see it as i opened the door…how sweet
My favorite memory goes back to Elementary school when I made a cardboard mailbox and received Valentine’s from all my classmates. I read each one a thousand times!
dont have one
Any Valentine’s Day withh my love is memorable.
My first Valentine with hubby was fantastic
We don’t do anything
Pregnant with my first child almost 16 yrs ago my husband asked what I never had as a child and an I told him a valentines barbie and he showed up with one the next day. 25 yrs old with my first barbie=awesomeness
It’s crazy, but my favorite valentine’s day memory was from when I was 11. It was the year after my dad passed away, and my mom bought a heart shaped pepperoni pizza for us for dinner.
It was first & only Valentines Day with my fiance;/true love/love of my life, before he was murdered answering a Domestic Violence call. He was a cop. He gave a a beautiful necklace with a heart charm on it 7 to this day, I still wear it. Beautiful memories with a beautiful man!!!!!!
Thank U for this giveaway, it’s bringing back so many wonderful memories!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
We usually don’t do anything special on valentines day. One year we went the day after valentines day to an italian restaraunt for lunch. we hate crowds so we usually go out a different night
when my husband gave me a big valnetine day basket that had perfumes,candles and even snacks i took pics.
Yes my first valentines day when my husband proposed!he dropped the ring in my wine glass and I will never forget that way as long as I live.
no favorite memories
Nothing too exciting that I can remember, but I do love celebrating with my hubby.
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
my favorite valentine’s day was the year my husband proposed to me
My husband surprised me by taking me to our local 4 star restaurant. Thank you
My husband would always buy me a special piece of jewelry on Valentine’s Day.
My husband ask me to Merry him on that day 18 years ago.
My first Valentines Day with my husband. I finally found the love of my life
Nothing extra special comes to mind
Not valentines day itself since those plans feel apart and we ended up trying again the day after valentines day but we got engaged so the day is special for us