Godiva Chocolate Gift Basket
Dates: Starts Dec 6th 6pm EST runs through, Dec 9th 11:59pm EST
Who: US entries only.
Donna’s Deals and More has teamed up with Sentry Exteriors, I Love My Kids, Give Oh Give Away, Thrifty Momma Ramblings, and some other fabulous bloggers to bring you this amazing giveaway! One lucky reader will be winning a Gift Basket filled with Godiva Chocolates! BUT WAIT….Sentry has sweetened the deal! They are also hosting another giveaway so not only 1 but 2 Lucky fans will each win a Chocolate Gift Basket! After you fill out your entries on this rafflecopter form, please head over here to enter to win the other gift basket filled with Gourmet chocolates!!
Sentry Exteriors provides the Best Roofing, Siding, and Gutters and the most reliable products on the market, using manufacturers like Royal, Crane, Leaf Solution, WinCore and Simonton to ensure the highest quality. Their professional and qualified representatives will walk you through our personal and convenient Free Easy Estimate Service. Their 20 years of experience combined with their 10-Year Workmanship Guarantee is why you can trust Sentry Exteriors to deliver Dependable Quality. Guaranteed.
Just enter the Rafflecopter below! I know that I sure would LOVE this gift basket ariving on MY door step!! And once you’ve entered this one make sure you stop over to enter the other one too YUMMY!!!!!!!
Good luck & Happy Snacking 
*US entries only
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. Africa’s Blog is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.
Either superspeed or the ability to make time stop. I definitely need more hours in the day to accomplish what I would like to.
I would have healing.. to help those that suffer and to not lose any more of those I love to cancer.
I would want the power of telekinesis.
I’d like to be able to twitch my nose like on the old TV show Bewitched… and be able to have jobs done, like the laundry, the house clean etc. Is that a super power???
If I could have any Superpower it would be to give everyone in the world enough food! I would make it that no one will die or go hungry from not having enough food! I want to have this superpower because I can not stand to see the suffering of people without food!
My superpower would be to make sure everyone has food every single day!
The ability to move things with my mind (telekenisis) that way when I move it would be less work!
to cure cancer and all the other things people die from.
Defeating evil doers is my fav super power! Big job!
i would want the power to heal people
hmm what superpower would I like to have….to become a part of a book as I read it. On the sidelines watching as if its a movie
i would like the super power to be able to heal
teleporting. I travel weekly for work
The ability to be in two places at once. There is never enough of me to give or enough time to get it all done.
To be multiple places at the same time. That way I could both work and stay at home with my daughter and grocery shop, etc all at the same time!
I would want the superpower of being able to heal the sick.
My superpower would be to know where all the bad people are hiding and give them away
I would be a superpower that could cure disease.
I would love to be able to heal the world of all diseases.
To find a cure for ALS, I lost my brother this past New Years Eve to this incurable disease..
I would like to heal the angry people
I would like the ability to fly!! Or to be invisible. Or maybe even to fly invisibly! Hee!
I would want the power to bring world peace. The state of the world at this time is terrible.
Healing. I would heal all of the children of the world.
I would like the superpower to be able to fly. I live far away from my family and it sure would be nice to see them more often.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
Time travel, so I could go back in time and change things
Invisibility or super speed – so I could get more things done in a day!
the power to read the lottery lol
power to heal so i can help those who are in pain and sick
I would want the power to heal the sick so there would be no children with cancer or other diseases.
invisibility. You would never have to get in fights and you could sneak up and rescue people and my invisibility could cover them as long as they were with me. I would be like a ghost!
Healing or teleporting.
Nothing I am happy the way I am. Having a superpower would drastically change who you are.
Definately mind control
Not sure I’d want a super power.
invisibility so that i can hide when i am sad
I would love the ability to fly as it would eliminate traffic and delays from road construction, giving me more time in the day to spend with my family!
healing power so that i could take away everyones pain
To be able to make money so everyone who needs it would have it.
I need to fly because it would be awesome
i would want to be invisible
to have the power to have a cure for all the diseases that scientist cant seem to find the cure from, because without your health what good is money and everything else.
To be able to share empathy with a touch. So that people could consider what it’s like in another’s shoes. they might think twice about their behavour, actions or words.
I would want the power to heal so I could take away pain and sickness.
time travel so i could undo some of my choices i have made
I would be a super engineer and give everyone clean water
the power of healing. so i could heal my husband of cancer and all the sick
Healing.. too many I love have been diagnosed with cancer this year or are having other serious health issues.
I’d love to have the ability to fly so I could get to fun places quicker
Teleportation. It would be convenient.
I’d like to abolish all pain and suffering.
I’d love to be able to fly.
The power to give good health and happiness to people would be an amazing gift.
I would like the ability to be invisible.
Teleportation so I could visit my family in Tucson more often!
I’d want the ability to heal — then I could end suffering of those around me.
if i had a super power it would be…. to be able to pull money out of thin air
I’d love to be able to read minds
I would want the ability to heal! That has to be the more amazing feeling in the world.
That’s a tough question. I think I would choose the power to heal. Thanks for sharing this yummy giveaway
Oh yes. The Power to heal definitley. Can you imagine? Healing sickness and disease of all kinds and changing the world!
The power to heal
I’d love to be able to duplicate myself so that I can be in several places at once…school, home, parents’ houses..etc.
My super power would to understand and speak all languages.
Ohhh! This seems so tempting! I am a great fan of Godiva chocolates but since I am not in the US, I am going to miss this:(
Tell the future
the power to heal people
I would like to be able to freeze time.
power to heal all illnesses
my super power would be to be able to make world peace so the wars and fighting would be over
to fly, easy to travel
To be invisible or be able to speak to the dead like mediums do
My super power would be for everyone to be kind to each other.
I would want an edict memory- I’m a firm believer that knowledge is power!
My superpower would be able to heal all illnesses because no one wants to be sick.
If I had a superpower there would no homeless people. There would be no one without shoes and coats and clothes. They would all have what they need. There would be no hunger.
telekenisis and mind reading I could control without being overwhelmed.
for me it would be to read peoples mind,that way you really get to know the true person
I would love to teleport so I would not have to commute to work.
i would like to read people’s minds so i would always know what they are thinking
I’d love to be invisible
Jamie Anderson
I forgot to write why…so to finish the question, I’d love to be invisible so I can hear what people are saying while I’m not there, see what the kids are doing when I’m not there, and see what my husband really does out in his “man cave” lol.
Jamie Anderson
msjamesteagall@yahoo dot com
I wish that I had Superpowers to rid the world of Cancer!
I would want the power to heal the sick so there would be no children with cancer
To see into the future…so I could prevent bad things from happening.
Who doesnt love Godiva Chocolate and remember chocolate is good for you
My power would be to make others happy with chocolate of course lol
I would like to be a time traveler that way i could go back and fix bad things before they happen
I would love to be invisible!
I would love to have to the power to read minds.
being super fast
I would love to be able to teleport. There are just too many important places to be – sitting in traffic or on a plane seems like such a waste!
The ability to heal.
To grow money trees
To be invisible/silent, because I’m nosy haha:)
to be invisible
Ability to make multiple copies of myself — to get more done.
To be able to read minds
i would want x ray vision LOL
The power to read minds, because I wonder what others think a lot!
The power to stop cancer, the love of my life, my Donald died of cancer , GOD BLESS YA
Invisibility, because I’d love to see the look on some peoples faces when I’m able to call them on things and I’d be able to stop evil people from stuff they do too.
super power would be mind control to control my kids
If I could have one superpower it would be to have healing powers So i could heal the sick or injured.
fast running
because my husband LOVES to run and I am terrible at it. I’d love to be able to run as fast as him.
I’d like the powerto be invisible so I could go anywhere and observe–imagine going to to other countries to get their perspective
i would want a super power like mary poppins that would clean my house with a snap of the finger lol
that would be great!
I’m afraid of heights, but I still would like to fly. And if that scares me too much, then I’d like to be invisible.
I would love to have the power to be invisible, sort of like “a fly on the wall” so I could go anywhere, anytime, and no one would know I was there.
Power to heal would be awesome! But also to do things like Mary Poppins or Samantha in Bewitched so I would just be able to play with my kids all day!
The power of healing diseases and sicknesses
i would love to have the ability to make mean people softhearted. it would change their lives.
I would be able to turn thin
I would love to have the power of healing…to help cure the nasty diseases of the world
I would have the ability to fly
I would like to have the power to stop aging and heal people. That would be cool.
I wish I can go back to the past ,,there are lots of things I wish I can change! thank u!
The power to Heal, with 5 kids this would come in SOOOOOO handy!!
I would love to win this!!!
I would love to be able to fly so I can fly down to North Carolina and see my mom who I haven’t seen in 11 years
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you for the chance
I would be like a care Bear. The one that is happy all the time and speading cheer all around and making everyone happy to show them like could be a happy place.
I want the ability to heal anyone with anything. My sister has Juvenile Diabetes and my mom has MS. I want to cure those or anyone with cancer. That would be the coolest and best super power.
Regeneration like Claire from Heros!
Superspeed to get my housecleaning done fast and be home fast.
time travel to go back and fix mistakes
The ability to be super fast, then I could clean my whole house and still have enough time to play with the kiddos.
to make money grow on trees so I’d have enough money for myself, my family, others who need assistance.
Omniscient so I always know where my kids are.
I would love to be able to heal…and fly.
I would like the ability to go back in time.
I would fly, so I can reconnect with family and friends whenever they needed me or I them.
The power to hear what people are saying even when they’re not within earshot. That way I could spy on people and also my family could tell me things long-distance without costing a bundle in phone bills.
The power to read people’s hearts. Mainly so that i would know who was sincere and who isn’t so that maybe i could stop others from getting hurt by someone with bad intentions.
mind-reading, I would love to hear what people actually think and don’t say.
To tell the future, so I know who to invest my time in, and who not to waste my time on.
The power to cure anyone with cancer.
I think it would be neat to be invisible
To fly. I’m disabled & I can’t walk long distances. Being able to fly where ever I go would be amazing.
The ability to fly would be neat.
move objects with my mind..
Wow, there are some really awesome comments! Really made me think twice….I was going to say it would be sweet to be able to make myself invisible, but I think I’d rather go with many of the others and say having the ability to heal the sick would be my superpower.
teleportation so i could be with my guy whenever i wanted
the power to know when something is a lie! Not for any negative reason, just because I am very gullible! haha
I am a breast cancer survivor so I would love to have the ability to cure cancer.
To imagine something and make it appear! ie money stuff….. so paying bills wouldn’t be so hard LOL
The power given to me by the Holy Spirit
Mind control – it’s just cool
super power is a hard one. with God as my source, don’t need super power
The ability to fly probably! I think it would be neat to fly around instead of walk or drive lol plus flying (superhero style) is green! :p
A mind reader so i would know what my husband is thinking.
I would like to be able to read others’ minds
I would want to fly because it would be cool
power to heal
I would choose the power to heal, I would heal my mother first and foremost, then everyone else in need.
Hello, how are you? thank you for this opportunity. I would have the power of all wisdom so that I could know how to accomplish great things.
i would love to be like the flash!! If I could clean my entire house in a matter of minutes instead of hours, I think I would actually like cleaning lol I only hate it because it takes so long to get it all cleaned and then it only takes but a few minutes for them to trash it again lol thanks for the chance to win
The ability to heal and cure
The ability to fly so I could go anywhere!
Wow would I love this! I am going to give up sugar for the new year .. so I am loving it now!
I would love the ability to snap my fingers and get things done. I would love to snap my fingers and have the house clean, laundry done and a hot meal on the table.
To have witch powers so I can do whatever I want and help everybody
i would want super speed so that I could get everything on my extra long to do list done every once in a while
Power to control the sun! Then I could sleep when I want, and have daylight when I want, and can be super productive!
My superpower would be ” super Donna” . I would heal the entire world, peace for all, no more war, everyone loves one another, food for all, spread the wealth equally, slow down time so we all could live longer and healthier
Wewwwww, I would be a super hero with all that on my plate
thanks for the giveaway
Difficult to choose, but I would want to control the elements. I could make it rain in times of drought, stop fires before they harmed, etc.
be invisible
I’d want to be able to fly because I think that would be the coolest sensation in the world!
I would go with invisibility!
teleportation, would rule out waiting to get anywhere.
Holy smokes! Good question. I would want to have super strength because I’m sick of not being able to do certain things by myself (like fix some things.) No wait… I want want to be freaky smart. That would be so cool. Then I wouldn’t have to google everything under the sun to find out how it works or what it means =o)
The power to replace Congress and start over clean, for the salvation of our nation.
Clean up things in Washington and make sure everybody has a place to stay and no drama or killing just a great place to live.
To be able to teleport would be nice or to fly
Love Godiva
I’ve always wished I could freeze and unfreeze time like Evie on Out of This World.
To be invisible
I’d want me superpower to be helpful, like make sick people well.
The power to heal. To cure all the sick people.
The ability to fly
see the future
I would love to be able to heal people
I would love to be able to pick the lottery numbers…at least once!!
I would want the power to heal . So I could heal all the sick ppl of the world
I would love to teleport! Hello not paying for plane tickets anymore!
I would love to see ahead in the future and be able to avoid trouble and problems.
My super power would be to spread love to everyone, so that everyone feels loved and can give love rather than hate
wisdom to lead people to a truly better life and they would accept and follow it
I am happy just the way I am! But it would be nice to be able to wiggle my nose and have my home be spotless : )
I would like the ability to heal people from pain and suffering
I do agree with all of you for the power to heal– but on the selfish side i would have to say power to get things done– quickly relieving much stress
I would want to be able to time travel .
The ability to visit the deseased.
I would have healing powers.
I would chose super speed, wit that i could deliver food to homeless and rush to help those in need
I dont get the page to like each one on fb couldn’t find anything to click on. The log in button took me nowhere
My super power would be super speed so I can be everywhere at once