$60 Amazon/PayPal 6-Hour FLASH Giveaway!!!
A few AWESOME Bloggers have teamed up to give you this wonderful $60 Amazon Gift Card! We believe in quick, small, and easy giveaways! Our giveaways only have a FEW entries to fill out and you will know if you WIN in just a couple of hours! WHAT FUN! Good luck on this 6-hour flash giveaway!
See you back on Monday for another great FLASH giveaway!
* NOTE: You can choose PayPal instead of the Amazon GC if you are the WINNER!!!
Make sure to check out our wonderful sponsoring sites on their Facebook pages when you have time!
I search all kinds of things, shoes, clothes, DVD’s, CD’s, etc.
Great deals on toys!
I love browsing their music selection! They have great specials!
I used to think I could only find books on there, but my teenagers opened my eyes, and now I search for everything on there…EVERYTHING…lol..
I love to find new authors!
I search for makeup
I search for the best prices on k-cups, hair care, pet products and more.
Organic groceries.
home decor
DEALS! I love it when I find a great deal!
I search for everything…. pet food & supplies, cleaning products, groceries, clothes, and the expected books, music and movies!
Computer parts and laptops
I like to search for books … as if I need any more!
I like to search for toys for my Grandchildren on Amazon
Electronics, xbox 360 with kinect games, wii games
Electronics, make up and cell phone covers, just about everything..
a little bit of this and a little bit of that, I always find good deals and LOVE amazon prime! this week alone I ordered a book, a t shirt, bacon band aids (a gag gift), and a downloaded songs.
I like to search around for gifts and I also like to read the reviews….some of them are hysterical
I like searching for groceries to see if there are any deals on Amazon
I search for any big ticket items that I plan on buying
anything and everything.. Amazon is my go to site for online shopping
good deals
Books, dog food, toilet paper, just about everything.
makeup, electronics, books!!!
I like to search for great deals.
Love looking for music and costumes during Halloween
I look for electronics (my husband needs a new GPS) and home decor. I found a gorgeous 7 drawer spice cabinet last year for $12. Love it! I can find just about anything on Amazon!
Home decorations, sale bargains and anything with the super saving shipping
I search for ebooks.
Electronics, kids toys and computer games.
I like to search for books.
Kindle freebies and baby stuff
Books!! I love to read
I search for DVDs and grocery deals mostly — thanks!
I like to search for Nintendo DS games on Amazon.
i look at everything i love to shop on amazon!!
I shop for almost everything on Amazon. It’s the best!
right now I look for great deals for my kids for Christmas
Beauty and hair care products!
I like to search for ebooks for the Kindle app on Amazon.
Everything, but mainly electronics!
I love getting partially done with Christmas before Black Friday!
Books and cat supplies as well as natural vitamins and supplements
I love to shop for snacks. Thank you!
Electronics! Mostly things for my kids.
I look for deals on books.
I like to look at computers. Mine’s old.
I search for cheap kids toys
Blurays and books
everything, especially electronic gadgets and used textbooks!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
i would search for toys to get a start on Christmas
I like ot look for anything Dragon related
I like looking for jewelry
I look for books and music
Everything….I love Amazon.
I look for books
I search for everything on Amazon first.
books, movies, and electronics
I love to mostly search for books on Amazon but sometimes skincare care stuff too
I mainly look for books on Amazon, lol.
I search for books and music
GREat for kids shoes new clothes!!!!! wow
If I win I would want the paypal, but I like to look at clothes on Amazon.
I search for everything at Amazon. It is my #1 spot to shop online!
I search for kindle books all the time.
I like to search for toys and groceries.
Right now I am always looking for good deals on Christmas presents.
I search for EVERYTHING on Amazon! We are military stationed overseas so this is how we buy pretty much all of our stuff!
I search for coffee, dvds, and books.
I like to search for books and household goods.
I search for free Kindle books.
I like to like at lots of items on Amazon, especially clothes!!!
I am a bookworm!
I like to search for books.
Books and my vitamins. Was stuff for my granddaughter but not now.
Books, Jewelry, cool stuff
I look for books.
Books and DVDs!!
Gifts for birthdays, holidays and just deals for year round.
Books, electronics, shoes many things.
great items at the lowest prices
pool supplies
I like to search for books
I like to look at shoes
I love looking for new music on Amazon…and shoes…
HOme Essentials and electronics deals.
new books and music
Kids toys.
kids toys
I search for toys/Christmas gifts.
What do you like to search for on Amazon? books and food products not at my local stores.
I look at all sorts of things on Amazon. I look for books, movies, music and more.
Thanks for the giveaway!! =)
I like to search for Dvds and pet supplies.
I love looking for books.
Facebook name: Amy Orvin
Blank DVDs and DVD cases
cake supplies, jewelry, clothes, you name it, ive searched for it! i usually look there first for my party supplies too. thanks!
Everything, it is a great go to. Right now I would love a circular saw!
video games and books
Kindle books!
I love searching for toys, books, and DVDs
I like to search for camera equipment
I love looking for recipe books,dvd’s,sheets and lots of other things!
Lately I’ve been searching for movies, make up and video games (Christmas presents/stocking stuffers!)
I always go straight to the Outlet store on Amazon!
Thanks SO much for the giveaway!!!
I like searching for lots of things, but I really like finding electronics.
I search for beauty items
I love searching for e-books on Amazon.
Christmas gift ideas. Okay, and a few things for me, as well.
it would be my first time on amazon..but i can think of at least a million things to seach !
I love searching for bargains and freebies!
I like to search for video games for my kids
Small furniture and appliances for the home.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
Purses and Ipads….I need one of each!!! LOL
I would search for the next series of book that im reading now.
movies, games, clothes
I would like new clothes!!
I usually go on for electronics and phone covers
books. they have every book in every genre!
school textbooks
Anything and everything, but mostly bakeware and books.
I search for books, pet supplies, household items… pretty much anything.
clearence toys! i like to make my dollar stretch and free shipping!
books, dvds, electronics, groceries, health products, etc.
I like searching for board games
I like to search for neat electronics there even when I can’t afford them
I like to search for books, music and kitchen items on Amazon.
I search for books and presents for the kids on Amazon.
I search for Solar Lights
I always end up searching for baby stuff, or for my two year old! This would probably go to my hubby though for his bday in October!
To be honest I have never searched on amazon but think I will go check it out now I know it has everything and I must be missin out!
Jewelry , cd’ & video games
A great time to win this giveaway. Only 3 months until Christmas and could put it to good use. Very generous giveaway. Thank You!