Blu Ray Family Movie Night Flash Giveaway
September 11 7pm – September 14 Midnight, Eastern Time 2012
This mega Blu Ray Movie Night for your family is hosted by
Celebrate Woman Today – Celebrating Lives of Today’s Women
Mommy’s Memorandum – Amazing place where life is never dull!
Pittsburgh Frugal Mom – Educating consumers on best practice purchases through reviews and shopping.
Kimberly’s Thoughts – Where every thought is an Ocean!
Thank you to our Sponsors and Hosts of this fabulous giveaway! Here’s what the Winner is going to get!
Blu Ray DVD Player, sponsored by Get Moving Supplies, LLC – Where the low cost moving boxes are just a click away!
5 Blu Ray DVDs, sponsored by Glass Handbag Company – Offering Luxury With Every Glass Handbag
$50 Cash/Gift Card + Diamond Candle, sponsored by Bulu Box, the 1st vitamin and supplement nutrition sample box company
Enter your huge chance to win all these prizes and make a Fantastic and Memorable Movie Night for your Family!
But Wait… How are you going to enjoy your DVDs without a huge flat screen? Ha, we have thought of this one too! Enter to win this 32″ LCD TV to hook up your Blu Ray and play your Blu Ray DVDs, while enjoying your favorite popcorn and Diamond Candle!
Harry Potter (all of them)
shawshank redemption
My favorite movie is the “The notebook”
I love the movie- Sound of Music
Twilight Saga
My favorite movie of all time is The Changeling!
Dirty Dancing!
I love When Harry meet Sally:)
Hard to choose like my favorite movie of all time it would probably have to be Sleepless in Seattle or You’ve got Mail. I am a sucker for love or romantic movies. Also love Nicholas Sparks movies.
Princess Bride
Darby O’Gill and the Little People. Sean Connery sings
Twilight of the Dark Master
Lady in the water is my favorite movie.
The Goonies!
I liked My Best Friend’s Wedding.
My fav is Some like it Hot. Thanks for the contest.
Jurassic Park!
my favorite movie is beauty and the beast i dont know why but i love it
My favorite movie is A Walk to Remember.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
The Princess Bride!
WOW GReat selection!!!!!
I have many favorites but a more recent one is 500 Days of Summer
My favorite movie of all time is The Sound of Music. And Labyrinth. And the Neverending Story.
Mary Poppins is my all time fav!
my favorite movie of all time is the nightmare before christmas!! i love tim burton!
Pretty Woman like an non animated Cinderella
National Lampoons Vacation
I don’t really have a favorite movie :/
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, the original!
The Princess Bride!
The nightmare before Christmas!
The Exorcist
boosted blog-Amy Orvin says “boosted blog #5.0k”
lion king
10th Kingdom
Ohh my all the Resident Evil movies I guess.
Last of the mohicans
i like the pianist
for the like these ppl on fb entry the fb profile after coupon centsation fan page isnt working its just showing a red box that says ”
This page can’t be seen by the current user. Please check page privacy and visibility settings.” so i was unable to like whomever it was.. but i liked everyone else!
Sleepless in Seattle
It’s a Wonderful Life!
I love movies, hard to pick a fave….i like the harry potter series. And most disney movies! lol
The Little Mermaid!
I love moulin rouge!
Cruel Intentions
Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Stand by Stephen King
hands down, “rosemarys baby” I know its really not the greatest writing by roman polanski but its cheesy and I love it so much
Edward scissor hands!
Labrynth would be my ultimate favorite….yes there are different layers of favorites and each has its own favorite lol thanks for the chance
The Notebook
The notebook
Arthur. The original with Dudley Moore.
wedding crashers
lord of the rings (trilogy)
I think Newsies is still my all-time personal fave!
Resident Evil
The Godfather.
couples retreat
Bringing Up Baby
I think my favorite movie is…the LoTR trilogy!
Mr Holland’s Opus
Empire Records
Ocean’s Eleven
I think I’m one of the few people that will admit they loved The Heist!
Carlito’s Way!
Beauty and the Beast..
II love soo many movies, this is a hard one:) Lol.I love the movie “don’t say a word”
My favorite movie is Romancing the Stone…=-)
My favorite movie is Labyrinth with David Bowie! An old childhood favorite.
My favorite is Labyrinth!
the birdcage
The Little Mermaid, and The Man in The Moon (NOT the one with Jim Carrey, Reese Witherspoon’s very first movie)
How to lose a guy in 10 days, It never gets old!
the neverending story
Probably Walk to Remember!
my favorite movie of all is THE WIZARD OF OZ
I really love the first 2 Terminator films but I also love BATMAN (1989). I also love the first 2 Superman films, etc.
My favorite movie is Rent!
The Firm – Thanks!
American Graffiti!
Dear John
the original charlie and the chocolate factory
love the carebears
dirty dancing
My favorite movie of all time is Caddyshack.
Forrest bump is my favorite. My second is Christine by Steven king.
Pretty In Pink
dirty dancing
I have way too many but Fried Green Tomatoes is a fav!
Wizard of Oz
Oh boy, don’t know if I have a favorite… There’s Goonies, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Office Space
Arsenic and Old Lace – A classic! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Drop dead fred or little mermaid
I have so many favorites but if I had to pick I would say The Saw series. Huuuuuuuuuuuge horror movie fan !!!
Now & Then
my favorite movie is remember the titans!
Favorite Movie = Beaches
I love What Dreams May Come!
I have two Forrest Gump and Coming to America
Inception is probably my favorite
My favorite movie is “Casablanca”.
Titanic is my favorite movie
Across The Universe is my favorite.
Favorite movie of all time is Say Anything.
my favorite movie is cast away
Poltergeist is my favorite.
ANY COMEDY!!!!!!!!!
The Shining is my favorite.
Newsies! or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
I would have to say… Little mermaid… or really any disney movie! love them all, still!!
my favorite movie is cruel intnetions
Dead Poet Society
fun for the whole family
Gotta be spaceballs lol
I love the Notebook. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Gone with the Wind
Sleeping with the enemy
finding nemo
August Rush
Any of the Harry Potter movies…or Twilight…lol
somewhere in time, I just love, GOD BLESS AND KEEP YA’LL SAFE IN HIS LOVE ARMS.
Boondock Saints for sure!
Gone With The Wind
i like the war horse and then hope to be able to read book on it
I love The Wizard of Oz.
The Shinning !
The Usual Suspects
Reservoir Dogs
Anything with Jason Statham… lol
either Gone With the Wind or Close Encounters
My favorite movie is The Last Starfighter
JUrassic park
My favorite movie is The Philadelphia Story.
I love Beauty and the Beast
Howl’s Moving Castle
The little mermaid or Dear John
Dirty Dancing!
chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
Star Wars and Singing in the Rain are my favorites.
I love Star Wars
I like Garden State
Annie Hall (1977)
good will hunting
My favorite movie is First Knight!
My favorite movie is Van Wilder
It’s hard to pick a favorite but one of my recent favorites is the Hunger Games
My favorite movie is Equilibrium.
Top Gun
I love the shawshank redemption
My favorite movies of all time is Gangs of New York and Rock and Roll High School. Sorry I couldn’t choose just one
Aeon Flux
Sixteen Candles!
i LOVE Friday…lol, soo funny!
I love ghost.
I love Batman with Michael Keaton
Anchors Aweigh
I love the Sound of Music!
jessicaahays at hotmail dot com
I think my favorite movie would have to be.. Braveheart or Dances With Wolves.. lol they are just so beautifully done and have so much passion in them.
The original “True Grit”
Disney’s Cinderella, I’ve loved it since I was 4 so 25 years later I am so proud of her~
Grease because it cam out the day after I was born… And the music was great\
Footloose, the first one.
Dear John
The Hudsucker Proxy
I love Strictly Ballroom.
The Little Mermaid! Memorized all the songs. Love watching with my girls now.