Doc McStuffins: Friendship Is The Best Medicine” Will Include Five Full Length Episodes of the TV Series
She loves to watch “Shake It Up” and “Jesse”
My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
she adores dora
My kids love all the disney cartoons
All Disney cartoons!
it used to be pooh corner but my kids are grown up now. I want this for my neighbors kids.
Mickey Mouse was my son’s favorite until Doc McStuffins…Now, that’s all he ever wants to watch!
Mickey’s Clubhouse.
jake and the neverland pirates
My 2 year old just loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. My 4 year old (she would tell you she is gonna be 5 LOL) watches Jessie, Ant farm, Shake It Up (she wants to go to Shake It Up Chicago) Austin and Ally. I love Good Luck Charlie
Doc McStuffins, Jake and the Never Land Pirates, JoJo’s Circus, Stanley, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Rolie Polie Olie, Imagination Movers. She said she couldn’t choose.
Mickey Mouse Club House
she loves them all, the wiggles , jojo circus
Anything Disney!
My daughter still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
She loves Good Luck Charlie
Phineas and Ferb for my oldest son and Doc McStuffins for my younger! Thanks!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the fave right now
My daughter’s favorite right now is Doc McStuffins!
Kalya loves doc mcstuffins
Mickey mouse clubhouse is my daughters favorite.
I think I love Doc nearly as much as my girls do! I love that her mom is a working mom too!!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and then Doc Mcstuffins and then Mickey again. She wants to watch them both over and over again but she only has Mickey on dvd so when doc goes off on Disney that all until the next day.
We don’t have cable or satellite. We buy $5 DVDs here and there. She loves Disney movies, but I can’t say she has a favorite TV show. Thank You and Good Luck to Everyone!!
Well, we adore Doc McStuffins, but don’t have cable so watch it at the grandparents.
We watch PBS mostly and love Cat in the Hat.
Thank you for this giveaway.
Mickey’s Clubhouse.
mickey mouse clubhouse
Really all Disney but her recent obsession is Doc McStuffins (she calls it “Doc is in” lol) and Jake and the Never Land Pirates.
JoJo’s Circus and Doc McStuffins
Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Phineas & Ferb
My girls love doc mcstuffins
My daughter likes doc mcstuffins and my son likes chuggington
All things on Disney Jr. Especially Doc Mcstuffins and Octonauts.
Little Einsteins!
mickey mouse club
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My boys like Jake and the Neverland Pirates
My daughters favorite Disney show is Good Luck Charlie
my kids love any thing disney,they really like icarly
Doc McStuffins is her current favorite.
No cable or satellite but they adore their DVDs! Peter Pan is the current favorite!
We also have some old Ducktails shows on VCR tape and even I have that song memorized!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
Doc McStuffins ismy daughters favorite
My daughter loves Good Luck Charlie.
Neverland Pirates is a fav in my home
Mickey’s Clubhouse
my kids are only allowed to watch disney, nick and pbs
my granddaughter loves good luck charlie and jesse
My son love doc mc stuffins and he loves Mickey mouse club house
My daughters fave is Tinkerbell and my soms fave is Cars(Lightning Mcqueen)!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
We don’t have satellite or cable. She is young so anything on the TV amazes her (she loved the Olympics!)
My grandchildren all like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
My daughter loves Micky Mouse Clubhouse!
My kids love the Mickey mouse clubhouse and Doc McStuffins
Doc McStuffins
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Mickey Mouse clubhouse! And Doc Mcstuffins 2nd
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Dora!
anything disney
My quadruplet 6 year old daughters LOVE Doc McStuffins. It has surpased all other cartoons and it thier favorite. One of the only things all four actually agree on!
The Little Einsteins
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
My daughter’s fav is shake it up
My kids love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
mickey mouse
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Club House
My daughter loves all things on disney
Right now her favorite show is Doc McStuffins. She can’t get enough of it!
My daughter loves Disney.. Mickey Mouse since she was a baby and now Doc McStuffins and Tickety Toc
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because that is what I allow LOL.
Fish Hooks
Jake and The Neverland Pirates.
Alysia likes Dora best.
our daughter loves the mickey mouse clubhouse
My daughter loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Right now it is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
My grandson loves Good luck Charlie and Shake it up
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
My grandkids love everything on Disney!
phenious and ferb
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and doc mc stuffins
doc mcstuffins she loves them
My girls love a lot of programs on Disney! Like Phenius and Ferb, Doc Mc Stuffins, Mickey Mouse CLub House, kid vs cat
Mickey Clubhouse
Definately Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Thank you for the great giveaway…
my niece loves phineas and ferb
my kids love woody
Phineas and Ferb!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse….
mine loves Doc McStuffins
Dora and Mickey
Mickey mouse clubhouse
Dora of course
Currently my 3 year old is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and my 5 year old wants to be Doc Mcstuffins lol
anything with the mouse! lol