Plasma Car: The Car Powered By Science!
Review by Emptynester Reviews
(Retail Value varies per store I have seen from $40- $60)
What an amazing ride on Toy for a child, that includes science technology that can be taught right from a young age.
I am absolutely in love with the Plasma Car, as is my Grandson Aiden! Aiden call’s his Plasma Car his Go Car, and he rides for hours at Nena’s house. We talk constantly about, “Why it is moving when I am not peddling, Nena?” “How does it go, Nena?” The advantage of being able to teach Aiden is so wide open, when he is using the Plasma Car. Aiden is full of questions and listens while looking at the car as if it is a magical being. I love the feeling of being able to teach my Grandson at such a young age of 5, all about how things on our planet move.
Putting together the Plasma Car took all of 10 minutes if even that, the company has it so it is an easy assembly and faster for your child to get out and go. The Plasma Car came with the car body and 7 individual parts to attach to it. All the tools that were needed were a rubber mallet, and a screwdriver, gone are the days of hours of frustrating assembly while a child whines and cries on the sideline waiting for their toy to be ready to go. There are no gears, no pedals and no batteries for this amazing Car making this a very quiet car also which is great for the parent or in my case the grandparent. Plasma Car is constructed of a thick plastic which is smooth and free of all sharp objects, which sometimes makes a ride on toy less desirable, as we worry about our little ones getting scrapes, scratches, and just plain old Owies!
The Plasma car has an age limit of 3 years of age to 103, as well as a weight limit of 220 lbs on a flat surface/120lbs rough uneven. My daughter age, 24 did have to take a spin on the Plasma car after seeing the 103 age limit, let’s just say there were no pictures allowed and she had just as much fun as my 5 year old grandson! (A lasting memory for me that I am not soon to forget!)
The Plasma car requires the motion of your child turning the steering wheel back and forth slightly/leaning slightly forward and just steering. The back and forth motion sets the Car into go gear using what we adults are use to hearing as inertia, centrifugal force and friction. To go in reverse, the child simply has to turn the steering wheel backwards and do the same exact motions as going forward. Aiden took off immediately as if he knew exactly what to do without being told, is very kid friendly! The Plasma Car is rated to be able to go 6 mph, however Aiden doesn’t have a really long straight flat surface to ride on so he goes in figure 8’s, around and around, and back and forth. Keeping his speeds to a minimum. He wouldn’t want to give his Nena heart failure, or shall I say, his Nena doesn’t want him going faster to give HER heart failure LOL!
Plasma Car does offer a 6 month warranty against manufacturer defect, and also carries a full line of purchasable parts on their website if there should be a break down after some years of riding, or in my case if I can’t keep my daughter off of it.
A Short Video Of Aiden riding his “Go Car”
Follow Plasma Car on their Social Networks, to keep up with their new and upcoming items!
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Disclosure: Emptynester Reviews are of my own words, opinions, and experiences I have had with the product. I am not monetarily compensated to leave a false or misleading review. I believe in only reviewing items for my fans, I believe would be a benefit for them to know more about.
Enter on the RAFFLECOPTER below to win a PlasmaCar!
I would love to try it out seems like it’s so much fun!
Absolutely! We have a long hill for a driveway…
I think my hubby will. That alone will make my day.
i definitely would try it!!
I’m wondering if I am the only one finding on Facebook. I went directly to FB and did a search and I got this message: No results found for your query.
On the entry there is a message displayed: Could not retrieve the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in. HELP!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I found it by Googlig for the face and on one of the pages is a tiny like. it was on the left side down low.
yes.looks like fun!!
I might…but I’m not sure I’d have a turn with my 3 lil ones playing with it!
LOL! I don’t think I will be trying it! I think I may exceed the safe weight limits! But if I was a kid, I would ride it like crazy!
You couldn’t keep me from getting on that Plasma Car!!!
I just might ty it. Why should the kids have all the fun?
you bet i would try it! everybody is a kid a heart, and i’m just a big kid!
If the kids and Daddy share, I’d love to!
Been trying to win one of these for months!!
you bet i would try it! everybody is a kid a heart, and i’m just a big kid at heart.
kats curious cafe link was broken and when i tried to enter it on facebook it couldnt find it.
oh I would definitely get on the plasma car, I’ve been on them before
I don’t think I could get down that low. I’ll leave it to the kids.
lolo tremdeos!
I would try the Plasma Car.
Heck yeah, I’d try it! Can’t a girl have some fun?!
of course!! Fun for all ages..right?!
if my kids will let let me have i turn i would love to try this … my children have them in gym class at school.
I would Love to take it for a spin around the block.
I have never seen one so I am not sure of the weight limit and so on, but if it would hold me long enough, I would love to try it out. But, I am entering to win it for my son. Thank you so much!
I would absolutely try it!
No I wouldn’t try the car (not my style) but Alysia would love it.
probably not
would be afraid I would break it
I’d totally try it out! It looks so fun, I’d be fighting my kids for a turn!
Oh yes… If I fit I’ll give it a go… looks like a blast
Sure, I’ll try it if I fit. lol
i’d absolutely try it!
For sure
I might try it out at least once
Of course!
I would definitely try out the Plasma car, too, if I win!!
If I win, I will definitely try out the Plasma Car. Still, I know that my son would love it so much, he won’t want to share!
My husband and I would probably fight over it!
looks so fun
I wouldn’t have a chance to try it with 5 kids! LOL! They would be trying it and making me laugh! We finally moved to a place with sidewalks and wide streets so they could really use a toy like this. It would be amazing to win it! Thanks!
My big bum wouldn’t fit on that thing but I’m sure all my kids would LOVE it!
I would have to try it out just to show my boys how to use it and to see if it would be safe for them.
I don’t think I’d be trying it out myself. It would be for my grandson.
I am sure I’d try it out too.
LOL my cheeks might be hanging off the side of it, but it sure looks like fun!
i would certainly try it. it looks like fun!
I definitely would!
Thank you
Of course…I play with *all* my son’s toys…lol!!!
Sure, I would want to try it out.
I would want to try it out but would be afraid to break it. Lol.
id definately try it out ,it looks like a lot of fun !
if i could fit on it, I’d definitely give it a go
I would love to try it out!

Nah…I’d probably break it. I just want to get it for my kiddo.
Lol yes but only to show my daughter how to do it ^_^
I would try it out!
If it weren’t for my knees I would definitely give it a go.
I probably won’t try it out. But, hubby prob will.
Of COURSE I would be the first to try it out lol!
Heck no! My big butt would break it LOL!!!
of course I would
I would definately try it
Probably not, the kids can have all the fun,lol
I’d definitely try it out – I’m a kid at heart.
No, my kids wouldn’t let me LOL
Heck yes! I’d be fighting my son for a ride!
sure! looks fun
Yes I will try it
why not
Probably not.
Absolutely!! I have 3 kids ages 16, 15 and 4, I showed them a pic of it and they are excited! This thing looks so cool! My 4 year old daughter is interested in everything. She has a million questions about everything. A friend of my husband gave her one of those power wheeled jeeps (her daughter grew out of it) and she rides it now and then, but she would prefer to ride her bicycle. She would love the Plasma car!! Thank you for the chance to win and Good Luck to everyone!
Yes, I’d try it. It looks fun!
My five year old twins would absolutely love this car, I think I would try it too!
My son would love it, but I would defently have to try it out.
If I could get my big fat rear in the seat, I would!
I know i would give it a try.. I think everyone single person in the family would haha
Of course….it would be too tempting not to!!
I would absolutely try out the Plasma Car! My daughters would totally flip out! Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Erin E
busymom369 at gmail dot com
Unfortunately I think I would break it, too bad though, it looks like fun.
If it will hold me up, Mama will take it for a spin LOL
Id probably be riding it just as much as my kids!! I tried one at the mall and loved it!! A bit too pricey for us, but i would be super excited to win it!
wouldleave the riding to the kids. LOL!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I would definitely try it out for myself! I love playing with my son and he is always humored to see me riding on or playing with his toys!!
I would leave all the trying out to my grandchildren, if I sat on it , it would take a heavy duty crane to lift my bottom side off of it
I would love this for my grandson
i’d absolutely try it! lol
Sure, I’d try
I would definitely try it out, too!!
Oddly enough I was just trying one of these out in a local store two days ago! They are SO fun and amazing! ♥
Oh yeahhhhhhhh, I still ride the big bouncy balls at ToysRUs LOL
Sadly I probably will
i probably would give it a try.
I am not much of an outdoor person but I can bet the other 7 members of my family would
of course i would lol i am a kid at heart
At first, I thought “nah, thats for kids” but hell with it. I’m just going to be a big kid LOL
Of course, i will for sure have to test it out first….make sure its safe and everything
Of course, but it would end up belonging to my granddaughters