Mom Powered Media wants to celebrate!
Everyone loves Diamond Candles so we decided to give another one away!
Come and enter now for your chance at one of these wonderful smelling soy-candles!
A surprise treasure in every candle of a $10, $100, $1000 or $5000 valued ring!
Ends July 11th @ 11:59pm EST – US Only
This giveaway is co-hosted by:
Mom to Bed by 8 | Real Mom Reviews | Powered by Mom | Mom Does Reviews
Our thanks to all the other wonderful bloggers who have joined us for this fun giveaway! If you get a chance stop by and visit them on their sites or Facebook pages.
I can’t wait for the contest I’ve never seen one of these candles.
The link for the 2nd Set of FB likes is not working. Also, the first and last Facebook pages on the 3rd Set are missing (HREF error).
Thank you Olivia!! I have the person running the rafflecopter checking into it!!
I just LOVE candles…..
my story involving a candle is when my fiancee surprised me with a DC candle for our anniversary. he knows how much i love them, and he saved up and gave it to me with flowers and candy. super cute: D
strangest candle story is seeing my boyfriends bedroom rug with a HUGE melted candle blob in the middle…hummmmmmm
Don’t really have a story, but my mom is obsessed with candles. She has draws and draws filled!
the link for the second set of FB likes does not work.
I use to bring small vigil candles to work. I was on a kick of vanilla candles, but I use to smoke back then, and I’m sure everyone enjoyed the candles instead of the smoke.
i may or may not have made an error in the twitter addies i have 2 twitter accounts and im unsure if i typed in the right one and since i cant go back and fix it heres my 2 addys
thanks and sorry!
My husband is the one who likes candles, especially my Hershey’s Smores candle….
one time i was sitting watching one of my many routine tv shows that i watch and i was so in-golfed(sp? dont even know if this is the word im thinking of…LOL) in the show i almost..ALMOST drank a candle! lol good thing the jar was hot cause i wouldnt have realized what i was doing its like i was in a daze and i grabbed the candle thinking it was my drink *cause they were sitting right by eachother* so thank goodness it was hot!:P lol i still feel like such a dumb a@@ to this day:P
A funny candle story is when I got my mother a candle for her birthday in July. What happened is that I bought her this really nice candle, and I left the candle in my car for three days. Well when I went to get the candle out of the car it was all melted! It was a really nice and expensive candle! What I should have done is not leave it in the car!
We had gotten my mother in law the type of birthday candles that keep relighting for her birthday cake. We were all at a resturant and presented the cake after our dinner. The candles placed ontop of the cake and she kept trying to blow out the candles. The flames kept getting bigger and the only way we could get them out, was to pour water on the candles and the cake. We all missed out on cake, but we laughed so hard and still recall my mother in laws special birthday cake.
I don’t have a candle story
I really like that these candles smell so great and offer a nice surprise
I like the smell of candles
How about ‘Winken, Blinken and Nod?’
My Dad killed himself in 2007, I have been devastated since then. Last year, a friend told me to light a candle and when that candle goes out by it’s self, it was really done by my Guardian Angel. When someone dies, they go to learn how to be a Guardian Angel. It sometimes takes a while for them to earn their wings. That is why when we morn, we don’t “feel” the loved one with us anymore. After they have earned their wings, their first job is to come comfort us. Their wings blow out the candle and that is how you know your loved one earn their wings.
We love candles in the bathroom… we have a stink coverup policy… I love the romantic setting while taking a poo
I love candles because they make the house smell wonderful!
I remember a sad story in college when a candle burned an entire floor down.
I received a large candle 2 years ago at Christmas. When our terrible Halloween hit here in the East, we lost power for a full 5 days. The whole time, this one candle was the only one I had and it lasted right down until the power came back on! I’ll always believe this special candle from a very special person in my life saw us through the storm!
We once had an extened power outage and I kept a differant scented candle in every room.After a while we were overpowerd by all of the scents.I dug around and found some unscented ones so we could breath better. My house smelled good for days.
I had bought a candle that smelled like pound cake. I lit it when I got home and it had been lit for over an hour. When my children got home form school they said ” mom what are you baking, it smells good. Can we have some. My husband said the samething thing when he got home from work.
My husband gets irritated when I burn a candle that smells like cookies, it makes him hungry!
I had a cake candle that smelt so good…but it was a pain in the butt to clean the wax out of the carpet… needed a lil longer than I thought to cool before moving.
I love these candles because they are cleaner burning – which is nice because i have a baby in the house and I love all the different scents they come in. You can always set a nice ambiance with candles too.
I love the warmth and romance that candle add to a room
One time I asked my kids to blow the candles out that were sitting on a side table in my dining room. They blew so hard that the wax went all over the wall behind the table. Not an easy thing to clean off of a wall.
Sorry…no story about a candle. I like having them available for their scent and for a light source during a power outage.
Don’t really have a funny candle story ): I do LOVE scented candles though!! I love my house to smell amazing! I wold love to win one of these candles, I’ve been dying to try one!
yay a giveaway
I like candles because of the soft lighting and the different fun scents
Well, my son spilled candle wax all over the floor before…does that count?
I absolutely love candles! never seen one of these before but i see the giveaways for diamond candles and i still have yet to win one
My cat got a little to close once…caught his whiskers on fire. Opps! He was fine. However he never did it again!
The first time I ever lit a candle, it was for my birthday – probably around my 10th. I dropped the match and left a little burn mark on my parents’ laminate counter.
No candle story….except would love to win
i love candles, i tend to burn 10 at a time LOL. i just love the smell of the scents.
I love candles they have so many different smells and they make the house smell good and last longer than the plug in
Having candles burning relaxes me even when my house is full of chaos!
Kind of cute—-just about everyone knows to buy me candles for any birthday, anniversary, holidays, mother’s day, etc. I love them and burn them daily.
The most fun for me was when we lost power and husband held a candle so that I could still read my book before bed. He’s a keeper.
no story just love how they make the house smell
I love the smells they omit, and all the different types of varieties there are.
I was never able to burn candles in my house when I was younger. I love the smell they give off. It’s like a never-ending spray!
A friend of mine was focused very hard on being the perfect romantic date at a fancy restaurant. While staring into her eyes, he meant to suavely take a sip of his drink, but didn’t notice that he’d mistakenly picked up the lit table candle instead.
I just love how they make my house feel like a home!
I was at a friend’s house and she asked if I would light some of he candles that she had around . One was in her hutch ( it was open without doors) and I did . Yep burned the bottom of the second shelf. Sad, stupid,and embarassing. But the best part was that we are still friends.
My husband and I were at a family Christmas party. At each table was a lit candle in the center. My sister won a door prize and proceeded to open the gift bag. The tissue paper met the flame and, whoosh, went up into flames. I tucked and rolled to the floor for cover while my husband grabbed the paper and stomped it on the ground. We still laugh about it.
I would love a Cinnamon Roll Candle. Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to try the cozy cabin scent.
I think I would like HoneyDew Melon.
I like the soothing, relaxing effect candles have on me…they are mood enhancers.
I love candles in my living room and dining room. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!
I think that I would like the Pomegranate Lemonade.
I love candles. They came in very useful last week when we didn’t have power for 5 days.
I would love to try Strawberry Bliss. I’m sure that would be my favorite. I love strawberries!!
I would love to try out the cinnamon roll!
Hawiian coconut
I especially like scented candles because they both provide a lovely accent to a room and provide warm, inviting light to an area.
Tropical Retreat
Lavender Lemon sounds awesome!
We eat by candlelight every night.
I like the sound of Pomegranate Lemonade.
we love candles burning around the house. ALso they are great when the power goes out at night which has happened often this summer
brich22 at earthlink dot net
cupcake scent
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I would love the Lavender Lemon!
I’ve been trying so hard to win one of these!
I love how they make my house smell!
I want to try Dusk or Midnight Kiss
I don’t have a story but I do love candles. I love the light they put off when the power is off and there are no sounds from the equipment in your home or apt. Just the silent flicker of the flame. Its very relaxing.
that is a tough one…narrowed it down to Hawaiian Coconut or Strawberry Bliss
I love the lighting that candles give.
I would love the cupcake scent.
I like to light candles and play music when I want to take a long, relaxing bath.
I want to try Hawian Coconut
I’d love to try Cozy Cabin!
My grand daughters are always enchanted when I light cadles in the house…. the 3 year old starts singing “happy birthday” everytime!! too sweet!!
yummy strawberry is my fav!
I really do not have a candle story but I love the cuddle scented candle
I would love to have the chocolate truffle candle or the cupcake candle!
I would love to win Carnival Candy, the name of the scent just sounds yummy!
I like that you can change candles with your moods, different scents on some days, etc…..
No candle story….but I would love to win a CUPCAKE scented candle.
Hawaiian Coconut scent!
I have not tried diamond candles, but I LOVE candles, and would LOVE to try them!!! I like different scents, Cinnamon types, Hawiian types, and lots of others….
I remember everytime the power went out when I was little we’d eat pb&j sandwiches for dinner by candle light and then play a game by candle light!!
Strawberry or vanilla!!
When my cat, Tigger, was a kitten, he would play with the flames of candles and get wax on his paws. Then, when he put the candle out, he would go and try to clean the wax off his paw. It was hilarious watching him bat at the flame b/c he couldn’t “play” with it like his other toys. He never pushed over a candle, but he did splatter wax everywhere from time to time!
I caught my hair on fire at a gallery opening.
pomagranite lemonade
I would love to try the pomegranate lemonade!
hawiian coconut
I would like to have Midnight Kiss
Cinnamon Tea
I caught a kleenex on fire with a candle when I was 5. Mom wasnt to happy!!
I want to try Sunwashed
Tropical Retreat.