Welcome to the Cook’n & Diamond Candle Giveaway!
5 winners will receive a copy of Cook’n software and a DIAMOND CANDLE OF YOUR CHOICE!!!!
Cook’n has added over 50 new features to their recipe organizer software recently and want to do this awesome giveaway to celebrate! If you aren’t familiar with Cook’n, it is the number 1 selling recipe organizer with over 3 million copies sold. The software is amazing and can do so many cool tricks! You can read more about it HERE or watch this quick 2 minute video highlighting some of it’s features!
50 Improvements in the last 4 months (these are just a few!)
- Launches Twice as FAST (see video demo)
- Capture Internet Recipes 17 Times FASTER!
- New Bookshelf View Loads in Less Than 1 Second!
- Capture Recipes From 100 Top Websites with One-Click!
- New, Easier Recipe Entry Window
- FAST Cookbook Printing (50 Times FASTER!)
- New Preferences Dialog Gives More User Control on how you use Cook’n
- MAC Printing and Other Enhancements
If you already have Cook’n version 10, then this upgrade is free! Just start up your Cook’n and it will update itself! If you don’t have Cook’n, you can buy this awesome recipe software here! Perhaps my favorite part of Cook’n is their 200% Guarantee: “If you are not completely satisfied with Cook’n, I will not only refund your purchase, I will go one step farther and buy you the recipe software product of your choice. So, try Cook’n today!” -Dan Oaks-President Wow! What an awesome guarantee! You really have nothing to lose!
Cook’n and I have teamed up with Give oh Giveaway, I Love My Kids, and a few other awesome bloggers to share with you this incredible giveaway! This giveaway is open world wide and ends on July 10th at 11:59 pm. FIVE different winners will receive a copy of the latest version of Cook’n & a $25 gift voucher to diamondcandles.com. Diamond Candles are soy candles with amazing scents and hidden inside is a ring valued anywhere from $10-$5,000!
Now that you know the prizes, you can enter on the rafflecopter form below. If you are not familiar with rafflecopter giveaways read this awesome tutorial here. You can share this giveaway daily on Facebook & Twitter to get extra entries….so don’t forget to check back each day to claim those! Finally, to get 25 extra entries (on the rafflecopter form) we ask that you like ALL 24 of the participating bloggers to claim those entries. Every blogger listed runs giveaways frequently and shares money savings tips or interesting blog posts. If in a week your news feed is feeling a little clogged, please don’t unlike the page simply right click on that post and hide the notifications from your news feed. We rely on fans to get awesome products to giveaway to you…so your like is important to us! But the choice is yours, do as many or as few entries as you’d like! The more you do the better your odds! Winners will be randomly selected and emailed and have 24 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen. Thanks!
GOOD LUCK! Go enter now!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I did not receive any monetary compensation for sharing this giveaway, I just like to share awesome giveaways with you. Cook’n is responsible for prize fulfillment. Thanks for being a fan and GOOD LUCK!
Don’t have a Cook’n book but would love to win 1 & the scent would be Midnight Kiss! Thank you!
Favorite Diamond Candle Scent is Carnival Candy. Haven’t gotten to try Cook’n.
Thanks for the chance!
Vanilla is my favorite
cinnamon roll is a favorite.
i love that i can enter in what foods i have on hand and it will create a recipe from there – no runnin g to the store for some odd thing you will never use again
I would have to say that the vegetarian cook’n and the freezer cook’n books would be my faves. If I don’t win one, I am definitely buying one or both of the books! As for the candles, I like something that can make my entire house smell good without having to light several candles.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!
I’ve only ever bought the green apple scented Diamond Candle, but it definitely smelled heavenly!
Thank you for this great giveaway!
Gingerbread Latte Candle
I like sweet pea,berries,lavenders…
https://www.facebook.com/mchamberlinmoody/posts/493627403996217 – I shared on FB
Thank u for another chance at these wonderful products.
I love that I can put in ingredients that I have already and it will find a recipe. I would love to try Hawaiian coconut.
I print them out and then stick them in my junk drawer.
I have notebooks currently!
In a folder
I just put the most popular ones in a notebook under general headings like “chicken” and “breakfast.”
I make copies and stash them in my top kitchen drawer and most of the time loose them.
I live in Atlanta, Ga and have never even heard of the diamond candles
I organize my recipes in a small filing card box
My recipes are stacked in multiple places. Mostly in large ziploc bags. Some in books. Thanks for the chance.
I have printed out pages clipped together. Very unorganized and hard to find. Everything else is in a general file of favorite pages on the computer.
I keep my recipes on my computer, once i get quite a few of them i make a CD
I google for recipes… I would love to have somewhere to write them down!
a recipe box
in my head
i keep them in a file on my computer
I use a cookbook and mark them
I don’t really organize my recipes. They sit in a stack on my bookshelf or crammed in my cookbooks
I don’t! Lol I just have cookbooks
I dont they are stuck in between pages in cook books
I just remember recipes in my head, I must invest in some cook books soon
I go to gooseberrypatch.com and find one
https://www.facebook.com/mchamberlinmoody/posts/395963380461376 I shared on FB
I have a bunch of cook books; I lack in the organization department for all things…sorry
i like vanilla
I put them all in a folder.
I have 3 books with recipies.
I have printed several hundred recipes off the internet. I went to Big Lots and bought a decorated box with tie closure that holds 8 1/2 by 11 paper. The box is elegant and one would never know I have all my recipes inside. It keeps the counter neat and I can easily find the recipe I’m looking for.
I dont really use cookbooks but I maybe should.
I have a shelf of cookbooks
right now my recipes are in a blue school folder
Lots of cookbooks!
on index cards in boxes
the widget to enter is not working!!! HELP!!
I have them in a binder
On the Internet
In a box
i really dont they are in a small box in a kitchen drawer
I dont really. I probably should lol
I don’t currently have my recipes organized at all
Right now I don’t have any method of organizing my recipes; so can’t find the ones I need at time of need
they are on my computer or pages are in a kitchen drawer for easy access.
plastic recipe box
I currently have a folder with all my recipes in it.
I keep them in my head or just google it each time.
I keep them in a recipe notebook
havent tried cooks but would love too and i love cotton candy..lol
i use a little coupon book.. although i deff need to update my system..lol
recipe box
My recipes are in a drawer near my stove
In several recipe boxes.
I just have a little box that I keep them in.
Not well
Favorite recipes are taped to the inside of the pantry door
i use my pc for organizing recipes.
My recipes are pretty unorganized. They are all gathered up in a binder and I have to flip to look for them.
Thanks for the opportunity:) I use my PC for recipes….
In a file box
I keep our family ones in a home made cookbook at my mom’s house
i keep my recipe books in a cupboard in my kitchen
I don’t really… I just have cook books mainly, and some recipes written down on paper inside them!
They’re stacked in my cupboard. It’s a mess.
In a Peterboro Basket beside my refrigerator!
I have a database on my computer to put them in….a lot of effort but worth it!
Online through bookmarks
Does thrown in a drawer count as organized? “cause that’s how I do it lol
Right now I have a bunch saved in my email and stuffed in various cookbooks
In file hanging folders, organized by dish type and main ingredient.
All of my recipes are stored in a big brown envelope.
recipes box and cookbooks
I save them on my computer, then once ive make them I print them out and save in a folder.
Organize? You mean clipping and keeping in a folder isn’t the best way to keep all the recipes you want to make gain?
My recipes are in a 3-ring binder inside plastic sleeves
I don’t have a collection yet!
In a 3 ring binder.
Thanks for the chance.
My recipes are printed and tucked into cookbooks-totally unorganized!
Not organized at all! They’re all piled up in a shoebox
Very few are organized. Some stored in binder but lots just shoved in cupboard.
I use card boxes
in an old reciepe box
Thanks for a great contest! janna johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com GFC: janna@feedyourpig
I have to admit the word organize doesn’t apply really well. I have a bookmark section on my tablet just for recipes and all my family ones are tucked into cookbooks—of which I have way too many. I could really use this software!
I have a binder
not very well//they are shoved behind my cookbooks yellowing in the sun, lol
I have a computer file, but not well organized.
in a very old recipe box that my grandma had when she was young!!
I have a certain drawer I put my recipes in.
I like to use a binder with page protectors for recipes I find in magazines
I have a recipe binder.
i keep them in a recipe box
I only use cookbooks that I have….and I bookmark the recipes I find online
i use pinterest, copy recipies on paper, bookmark them online, buy books
I have a recipe box I put my favorite recipes in its full! I have to dig through to find a recipe I am looking for quite often haha its a mess but I know they are in there somewhere !
in a photo album. IF i write a recipe or print one up online i place it in a old beat up photo album (the kind with the pull back clear pages)
I don’t organize my recipes.
I organize me recipes by keeping them written on paper in a folder =}
I have scribbled pieces of paper thrown into a drawer..I definitely need help!! lol
In a file on my computer
I use a binder and tabs on my browser
I keep them in a folder in My Documents on my laptop
Shared on FB http://www.facebook.com/holly.hennessyswint/posts/278130805628455 I subscribed to the required email newsletters with astroqueen67@hotmail.com
Lol I don’t have any organization for my recipe’s right now.. just the Kitchen drawer!! I would love to get more organized though : ) Thanks for
the chance!!
I really don’t have a way to organize as of right now!
I have a notebook I just shove them into..im bad
I have then in a spiral note book cause I am really bad about losing cards or spilling on them
i have cookbooks and i have notebooks
they’re all just in a folder in no particular order
I don’t organise my recipes
i use a recipe binder to organize my recipes.
I don’t. And that really causes a problem as much as I cook!!!! I would so love to win this software!!! thanks for the opportunity
I have a recipe folder on Dropbox.
I put my recipes in a big binder and keep it in my kitchen.
I have my recipes and the recipes my grandmother left me in a notebook.
recipe box and written in recipe books
Folders and recipe books are used to organize my recipes ^^
I use a recipe box!
Would love a cookbook.
i just shove all my printed recipes into a drawer in the kitchen! i need to organize it!
I keep a bookmarks folder on my computer.
I dont…I just bookmark them on my computer under “recipes”
Currently I have no real organization system for my recipes. I just look them up online as I need them, lol
I usually print them off the internet and then shove them in a drawer. I so need help organizing them!
vanilla and index cards with a rubberband around it lol
What an awesome giveaway!
I throw all of my coupons on top of my cook books! It does not work! HELP!
Because I can locate any recipe needed online..I just google them!
TYPO. sorry! Not coupons! Recipes!
I would love to try these candles. Hawaiian Coconut sounds good!
Mostly my recipes are in my head, others are stuck to the fridge with a magnet, otherwise, there is no organization.
shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolyn.a.colley/posts/174178342714505
I have some in cookbooks and the ones I use, most often, are in a recipe box.
On the computer in files…..
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! If I would win, I liked to have the cotton candy or the lavender lemon candle.
I organize my recipes on notecards in a plastic container
We organize our recipes using Note Pad for online recipes and a spiral notebook for handwritten recipes. Not very organized but it works. lol
I’d love to win this!
I print recipes and stick them in a drawer or on a shelf. I am not organized!!
I currently use an excell spreadsheet
I print them and put them in a binder.
online and some are in books
I have a drawer set aside for my recipe books.
I put all my recipes on index cards and then used a photo album and slide an index card where the picture would go.
I just dump them all in a file on my desktop
I usually put my recipes in a small plastic box and organize them by dish groups, such as main course, dessert, side dishes, ect. I try to alphabetize them but that just doesn’t work especially if I don’t know what I’m looking for but an idea for a meal!
Mine are in my kitchen drawer!
i have some in an old recipe box and others in folders!
annae07 at aol dot com
I dont!
i just search a recipe in the internet and write it down to my recipe notebook.. I just made that notebook for me to write some recipe i love to cook..
I have a HUGE binder that’s a hot mess. Things are falling out of it and tucked in the wrong places. Yea, it’s great
I have several recipe Boxes
They’re all in an overstuffed binder.
I use a recipe box.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
I don’t organize mine at all. I have some stored on the computer, some in binders and I collect cookbooks.
I have some shoved in an envelope and the others are on my computer.
I have them in a box arranged in alphabetical order.
in boxes
I have them in a binder in my kitchen
I organize my recipes on excel, lol. Typical accountant!
Stuffed in a drawer.
I don’t have any written down right now. I just save them all over on web sites and in my cookbooks. They’re everywhere!
Unfortunately, I don’t have any recipes. I have a few cookbooks that I go to, but nothing of my own.
Great opportunity….we love our candles!
Recently married; don’t have any recipes yet!
Recipes, we keep a few in cook books but, my wife has a computer program that she enters most of her fav’s in. Thank-you sooo much!
Organize my recipes? lol. I don’t. They’re in books on the shelves and papers throughout the kitchen drawers.
I have some in an envelope but most are stuck in the pages of my cookbooks. The ones that are printed in cookbooks either have a post-it or the page is turned down.
I have some in an envelope but most are stuck in the pages of my cookbooks.
in a little box!
madamerkf at aol dot com
I have certain drawers in the kitchen for these…thanks 4 the chance to win
they aren’t organized, I have them in various places and forms
I put the in a recipe box.
I currently use a binder.
Pinterest!! Or I have a recipe binder as well!
I email recipes to myself and then store them in a special folder.
I have my recipes printed from online piled on top of my cook books in a cupboard in my kitchen.
I don’t
I have a recipe card box.
I have a folder I put ideas in. When I actually cook them and like them, then I put them in a photo album.
on the computer
i use a box to file them in
In my computer.
Ummmm……they lay on the counter top, on the bar, stuffed in some cookbooks!!!
We have a 3 – ring Binder with the ones we use the most and a file folder for the rest.
I have them in a binder
I keep them in my head… and when I don’t remember exactly, I improvise! I would LOVE to win this!
i organize mine on my computer!
In a drawer.
I have a recipe box with markers for different event, occasions and main meal ingredients.
I really don’t organize them. I use cookbooks that I have I guess or I look online and use the app from my phone to read the recipe. I also do a lot of throw stuff together and hope it works.
I clip recipes out of magazines, I have a lot of cooking magazines that I subscribe to such as Taste of Home and Food Network. I also have cooking apps and I go online. To bad that the video went so fast I could get the chicken pot pie.
I have the Cook’n software!
I’d love to try a diamond candle!
I organize my recipes by writing them on index cards and storing them all in a book right now. I’d love to not have to write them all out by hand!
I have a bunch of different books and boxes.
I could not “Like” 4 of the pages. My Facebook is not working.
I don’t really organize them. Most of my frequent ones are saved in my smartphone bookmarks, or saved within my Allrecipes account. Some I get to thru their blog creators. I’ve got tons of books and loose recipes just kind of shoved around in the kitchen. I’ve always had a dream of making a real recipe book for ME to share with my family tho!
I couldn’t like two pages on the extra entries. Facebook is not working for me.
My recipes are in a plastic box……not really organized!
I would love to win!
I have a recipe binder and a drawer full of loose recipes.
I have favorite recipes marked in my cookbooks, recipes stuck next to my dishes and some taped to the inside of my cabinet doors!
I don’t have any recipes I just cook as I go.
I don’t have any organization. I have some recipes written down and some on the internet in bookmarks.
I print pages out and throw them in a folder. Thanks!!
Most of my recipes are on pinterest
recipe box
I have a notebook where I organize my own personal recipes–mostly of the dessert variety. But my family has an old rolodex with all of the old family recipes. It used to be in a huge pile of scrap paper but we organized it years ago. The software would be a huge help. My family loves to share recipes and clip them from the internet.
i have a blank cookbook
I don’t organize my recipes
ha ha I don’t really I end up going through all my recipes till I find what I want
I have them in a notebook
Simply mark them in a cookbook.
I put them in my cook books, that way I always know where they are
box of clippings and recipe cards
In my e-mail.