If you love your pet this giveaway is for you! Two Little Cavaliers your go to place for International Dog News, Pet Product Reviews, Pet Centric Giveaways, dog friendly recipes Cooking for Dogs, and the creator and co-host of the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop a weekly event where pet bloggers and pet lovers can come together to meet, greet, and hang out is hosting this Giveaway to say thank you to their friends and fans for all of their love and support over the years.

Treat your pet to a shopping spree at their favorite pet store! There will be TWO Winners! The first place winner will receive a $100 Gift Certificate to the Pet Store of their Choice and the second place winner will receive $40 to spend at their favorite pet store (Petco, PetSmart, Pet Supermarket, etc). Are you going to take your pet with you so they can pick out their own special things or will you leave them home and come back with a bag full of special toys, treats, and food for them?

Treat Your Pet to a Shopping Spree At their Favorite Pet Store. Enter to WIN!!!
Mark your calendars for this upcoming event. All Giveaway items will be pet centric that means all the Giveaway prizes are specifically for your pet or about your pet!! (leash, toys, bowls, clothing) or items with animals on them shirts, mugs, note paper, Jewelry, artwork – the sky is the limit! If you are a blogger and would like to participate please feel free to click through and sign up to join the fun!
I have 6 dogs, a cat, hedgehogs, chinchillas, hamsters and fish : )
Great giveaway, my dog’s and kittys thank you
We have a dog
we have one dog that’s ours and usually one other that we’re fostering
2 dogs 3 cats an a fish
I have a 1 yr old Lab Mix.. Her name is Odyssey
The pets i have are 2 dogs, 3 cats, a rat, and a gerbil.. I know i have enough right lol.. BUT I LOVE THEM ALL.. I am also babysitting a sugarglider for my cousin right now lol.
a kitten
have 1 dog
One cat who will not be going with me to pick out her treats.
Thanks for the contest.
3 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 guinea pigs.
We have Leonardo the cat and Hank the dog.
We have two cats and a rat.
We have several cats and a parakeet.
We have two cats and a dog.
We have a guinea pig and some fish
4 cats and 2 dogs
2 toy poodles!
I have a cat.
I have two adorable cats
We have a dog and a guinea pig!
i have a boxer, a bulldog puppy, and 7 cats.
golden retrievers three of them
I have a 2 year black Lab mix (Rosco) , a 4 month black lab (Flash), & a 9 month old orange & white kitty (Pooper-Nickel Tigga-Boo).
I have one cat, but since he weighs 16 pounds he equals two cats, HA! Also in attitude.
Right now we just have one cat and a turtle. We lost both our other cat and dog within the past 6 months to cancer. We are looking to get another kitty this summer, our kitty doesn’t like being a solo-pet.
Four cats, all rescue! My aunt has a yorkie that frequently visits us too.
I have a boxer. I use to have a mini pin, just like the one in your picture. He passed away about 4 years ago. It was so nice seeing a picture of your dog. Thanks for sharing.
I have a Cat named Mittens and I have dragon fish
Dogs and Cats… and a fish
One very spoiled little black diva of a long haired cat
I have a cat
A very sweet 2 yr old cat, named Nimble!
I have one very cute cat.
I have an adorable Pug puppy.
I have a black lab. Smart as a whip, but a little paranoid.
my dog king a pom he goes to the store a lot and lvoe to shop and get his
pic taken with santa
I have a couple of dogs
I have a little six pound Japanese Chin dog and a seventeen year old cat.
I have two dogs, one is a red nose pit bull and the other is a pit bull mix we got from the shelter.
I have a cat.
we have 3 mini bull terriers
We have a little dog name Bullitt.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
I have a dog
We have a Lab/Chow mix, Sweetness and a cat, Sweet Pea
We have a dog named Maggie
I have 2 dogs. A Silky Terrier and a Shorkie. Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway.
I have a Seal point Siamese female cat (Pure breed)
i have two cats!
I have 2 kitties – Rosie and Billy!
2 wonderful kitties!
I have 7 dogs, 1 cat, 8 chickens
I have a kitten, a dog, a lot of little tropical fish, and 2 Oscars.
We have two cats!
I have a rottweiler/German shepherd mix 9 year old dog we rescued as a pup
We have a dog, a cat, a guinea pig and a rooster, lol
I have cat named ash and a turtle named crush.
I have a black lab, a tabby cat and a panther! Lol He isn’t really a panther but he is black and a huge cat!
we have 3 dogs, a dobie mix, a calahoula & a pit bull
1 dog and 1 cat
my sister has a dog and i plan to get fish soon
I have three cats
Have two dogs both saved from abandonment.
I have one dog. A chihauhau.
I have one dog, A Samoyed
I have a cat and turtle
I have a puppy named Roscoe who is a Dachshund
A long-haired chihuahua named Miley who, surprisingly, looks a lot like Ms. Logan…just slightly longer fur.
Punkin’ a dog
I have a black and tan coonhound named Roscoe!
2 dogs a cat and a guinea pig
I have a shih tzu and a kitty
I have one dog and one cat.
2 cats 1 dog and 4 children.
3 kitty…Isis, Raven. & Angel
I have 5 cats
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
My dog is a Chihuahua/Dachsund mix
I have a dog…a pug;)
I have one cat and then two dogs, one is a jack russel and then the big lab
i have 1 cat , 2 dogs and 2 birds
I have two cats and a cockatiel.
Miniature schnauzer & Bloodhound/lab
I have a belguim malinois, 3 siamese, 2 gray and white tabbys and a big black cat.
I have dogs and cats.
1 cat names ovenmitt he is a rescue
FIVE min pins and a shih tzu
It should would come in handing for me. I have a few pets and this would help greatly
Awesome opportunity… Thanks Africa!
I have a beautiful boy kitty named Knuckles
I have a 9yr old Chocolate Lab named Cubbieduke!
we have 2 dogs
I love my dog she is my baby
2 dachshunds, 1 dsh cat, and 3 chinchillas
A Boxer, A Cockatiel and a Parakeet
A husky and a Malumute …big ole babies 9 years and counting
MY COCKER SPANIEL JUST HAD 9 PUPPIES!!!!!! I sooooooo need this!
The loves of my life are: Mr. Wow (Maine Coon Kitty), Clover (Some kind of mixed stray Kitty), and Aster (our 1/2 Black Lab / 1/2 Australian Cattle Dog mix puppy).
I have a mix breed dog i adopted,Hollie, a puppy i rescued in my neighborhood, Buddy, and a guinea pig, Molly.
I have 4 cats and a dog!! I really need all the help I can get!
I have a Beagle Daisy and a cat Diego
I have three dogs. Two Pomeranians and a Miniature American Eskimo.
i have 3 dogs and 5 turtles!! love them all they are so fun!! but my lil one that is in the house is such a baby.they are times i ask my in laws to just keep her for a hour like i would my kid lol
I have a schnoodle (schnauser and poodle) that is 2 years old name Darby (my baby)
And 2 cats named skittles (1 year) and coco (6 years) Coco is a brown longhaired siamese while skittles is a mixed shorthair.
Two pups: a shepherd mix and a pit mix, both rescues.
3 dogs and 2 cats
Wow well I have 2 dogs a Dachshund named Madeline Monroe and a Rotti named Jake!! I have 5 cats named Gorgeous, Phyco, Chirp, Nykala and Shea lol Then I have 4 fish tanks!! I have an Oscar in one 55 gal and 3 parrot Chichlids in another 55gal.. I have 2 10 gal tanks with guppies and other small fish in and another with a angelfish and a baby parrot Chichlid!! You can imagine how expensive these pets are to keep up so I would love to win a giftcard to Petsmart!! That’s where I go for pet supplies.. Thank You for the chance to win : )
we have 2 dogs, a cat, 9 hens, a rooster, 3 ponies, 9 geese, and numerous ducks… lol
I have one dog named Dakota.
Bobbie Anne
1 Dog and 1Cat
A chihuahua/papillon mix and a Tabby cat
We are in the process of getting a mini dachshund puppy!!!!
I have 4 dogs right now. The oldest is 6 she is a Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier named Trixie Tang (yes after Trixie Tang on Fairly Odd Parents), 1 1/2 year old brother and sister Mojo and Sweet Pea they are German Shepherd/Doberman and then my baby Roxie who is a MinPin/PomPom…she is my True Love!!!
I have a 6 year old black overweight labrador and a 13 year old cat called “House” since he was under a house that was being demolished when he was a kitten but survived.
Shes a corgie mix.
i’ve cats!
I don’t have any pets but will be donating it to a rescue place out of CT.
We have 5 cats and 2 kittens(not from our female cats,they were found)-Luna,Oscar,Doodles,Frosty,Dominoe,Trixie and Hazel. one dog-Nakita and a rabbit named Twilight!
I have a rat terrier named zeus
We have 2 spoiled cats.
I have one 9 yr old boxer left , I lost my 10 yr old male recently . Going to rescue a male instead of getting a puppy this time. There is nothing like the love of a dog and they are the best friends, they never tell anyone about your secrets
We have 8 cats
Caleb-boxer(possibly pit bull) and yellow lab mix
Lucy- Jug (Jack Russel terrier / Pug)
Bella- Chiweenie (Chihuahua / Dachshund)
3 cats
We have 1 cat
Her name is Monster, she is truly one in a million <3
Thank you for the chance
“Two thumbs up for Noxicare’s natural pain relief cream. My favorite part about this natural pain reliever is that it is odorless. No smell means no after smell left on my shirt.”
—Kim Croisant
I have a dog.
I have two toy poodles, too! And a cat!
Bummer, dude. Rafflecopter is officially down 9pm MST 6/29
I have a Russian Blue cat, a mixed breed cat, and a great pyrenees dog! <3
I have a black lab that we got from a shelter.
We have one very very very spoiled black lab mix.
I have a green-cheeked conure named Keats
just got a dog- looking to buy fish also.
I use to have cats.
we have a doxi uauaha!!!! his name is trouble hyde
I have an orange cat named Tiggerli
i have a cat
I have a dog Marley, a Turtle Guacamole aka Franklin (Long stoyr lol) and 2 cats Cadence and Nole
2 dogs
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats inside and 6-10 cats outside, depending on who shows up to eat
I have a cat, 4 dogs, a goldfish, two guppies, and a snail. We love all of our babies.
2 cats
I have 2 dogs (Golden Retriever and Yellow Lab) and 1 really fat and fluffy Maine Coon cat
a dog
I have a dog
Psycho the black cat
Oso the great pyrenees
Suga the porkie (Pom and yorkie mix)
we have 2 spoiled rotten white german shepherds
I have a labrador
We have for pets, two cats that are huge about the size of a dog! Unreal! One is bigger than the dog on our block. The other two are regular size cats… Lots of litter! Lots!!!
Female chihuahua
2 cats and a pomeranian
2 very spoiled dogs.
I have a cat and a dog (chihuahua/jack russell mix).
One dog (Jack Russel/Chihuahua mix), an all black cat, a grey and white cat, and a black and grey swirl tiger cat.
I have three cats.
We have a sweet pitbull
We have a chocolate lab named Jake!
I have a yellow lab
I have a hound mix.
Have a dog and some outdoor cats
Two dogs and two cats…
Two dogs….a mini Schnauzer and a Cocker Spaniel. And some fish! Thank you for the chance!!
A cat
I have a very loving alien pug and a very feral kitty!
Thank you.
I have one cat, and she is spoiled
I have cats and fish. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have two cats.
We have a 3yo German Shepherd & 2 mixed-breed cats that share our home!
I have 2 cats and 3 dogs…all rescues
We have 1 dog, 2 cats, 1 bird, 1 bearded dragon, and 2 aquatic turtles–and are about to inherit a Great Dane from a friend who can’t care for her any more.
I have a 10 year old Lhasa Apso/Shih Tzu Mix. His name is Scruffy!
I have 7 house cats…my fur babies!!!!
I have 2 maltese girls named Cricket and Britney and I foster for Northcentral Maltese Rescue, so I have a foster boy here right now named Friday.
Girlfriend and Cassy
I have gorgeous cream cat: kami
We have two cats
I have cat and a dog. We rescued both from the animal shelter and they deserve something special!
One Dog and 3 cats.
I have one English Bulldog
I have a Rat Terrier and a Boston Terrier. Thanks!
I have one rat terrier.
A golden retriever and 2 birds!
we have two dogs and a cat
Mini doxie Dante, rag doll cat shadow, fish, parakeet, pigeons
We have a miniature pinscher, just like the one in the picture. His name is IKE and he’s a very loving dog. He’s also a good watchdog. He always lets us know if someone comes to the door, or up our driveway.
I have 2 cats
We have three dogs and three cats, in other words….a zoo.
I have short haired and long haired chihuahuas (a.k.a. wannabe pitbulls).
a dog and a cat
We have a dog, a toy poodle.
I have one dog, a jindo mix
We have 2 cats (claire-bear and gizmo)
Dogs,cat and horses
2 cats!
Wow. 4 dogs(right now 5 because we found a stray), a chinchilla, a bunny, 5 birds and a tortoise
1 cat
I have a dog, a cat and a turtle!
i have 2 cats 2 bunnies and 2 fish
I have a 2 dogs and a cat!
1 Dog – Female Rottweiler… and 4 Adorable Cats. I’m sure they’d love some new toys and treats and things!
I have a dalmatian named Lady.
I have 2 Australian Shepherd mix dogs and 2 black rescue cats
1 Dog=]
We have two Shih Tzus, a Chihuahua and a cat.
A puppy