Cook’n Recipe Organizer 10.0
Everyone has that one recipe in the family…. Grandma’s Famous Homemade Chow Mein or Mom’s Famous Spaghetti Sauce… that recipe that somehow with a pinch of this and a dash of that BECAME a family recipe!! I had my little index cards tattered, weathered and about to fall apart if I touch if once more in shoebox about ten years old…. But not anymore!
I received the Cook’n Recipe Organizer 10.0 for my PC and at first it was incredibly intimidating. What the heck do I click?? Where do I start?? And more importantly, what does it do??
Simply put… It’s your Kitchen Assistant and who doesn’t want that?
Firstly, an Electronic Cookbook, you can search any site online and captures the recipes into your cookbook without having to write anything down… the pictures come too!!
A Recipe Manager lets you add those family recipes. Once the recipe has been entered you can adjust the serving sizes for any occasion. The recipes are easily printed on 3×5 and 4×6 recipe cards or 8.5×11 sheets. If you don’t want to print to share them, you can email your recipes off from here as well.
Found those favorite recipes and now I wanna make them. With the Menu Planner you can build your own weekly, monthly and yearly menus by simply dragging your recipes to your personal menu. Once you got your menu planned, the Grocery Shopping Assistant compiles your family’s shopping list automatically it will even organize your shopping list by aisle and give an estimated cost.
If all that isn’t enough Cook’n also gives you a Personal Home Nutritionist that analyzes the nutritional elements of any recipe, even the ones you add yourself!!
Also check out this YouTube video to see just how amazing this product is!!
With all that being said (and seen)…. How would you, my fans, like to try the Cook’n Recipe Organizer yourself?? You can visit their website and purchase the organizer for just $79.95 and get Cook’n Recipe Organize today!!
Oh, wait………..the producers of Cook’n Software have been so kind as to offer one lucky reader the chance to win one by entering on the easy rafflecopter below!! Don’t miss out, giveaway running for one short week!!
I think the grocery list creation is the best feature
I could use the whole entering my own personal recipes thing. I love to cook and never measure, I really need to focus and measure so I can write my recipes down for my son… which is another cool feature- the printing your own cookbook thing.
I would love something easy that can make me a grocery list (with COST!) for my weekly menu!
Capture and save internet recipes for sure! I save recipes in my bookmarks constantly but can’t organize them for the life of me. This would for sure solve that problem.
Capture and save internet recipes and menu planner & grocery list.
I have recipes that I have collected over the years from various sources. I really need a way to organize them and put them all in one place. Being able to generate a grocery list from my recipes would be an added bonus!
I’ll organize my recipes with computer recipes
I like the fact that I can put in my own recipes and the ones that I find on the internet.
I will love the Iphone app and the part where i can enter my own recipe. !
I love that we can save recipes that we’ve seen online. I also like the shopping list features. Would love to win this! Thank you for putting on this awesome giveaway.
The feature I would use most is the meal planning.
Shopping lists
Analyze the nutritional elements of recipes and menus is the function I like best
A lot of great features.
I love that you can use it to make grocery lists based on recipes you want to make.
I think making menus and shopping lists from those. Thanks!
The nutritional facts on the recipes would help me w/WW.
I would love to use Cook’n Recipe Organizer for: Sync Recipes with iPhone, iPad, & Android & Analyze Nutritional Values.
I think this would be very helpful in helping me create weekly menus & grocery lists!
Yes please I need all the help I can get
Personal Home Nutritionist section is what I like best
Save recipes and make my own family cookbook
What I really like is being able to Find the Best Recipes on the Internet.
I would use the shopping list alot!!!
Thank you so much!!!! It’s a strange coincidence that I dug out my old recipe file box on Sunday and HAND COPIED about 10 recipes onto index cards! Now I’ll be able to get rid of that!