Africa’s Blog has teamed up with I Love Coupons & Giveaways and some other AMAZING bloggers to bring you this Valentine’s PayPal Cash Giveaway! I’m sure you all have someone special you would love to spend some extra cash on – or hey- even a spa day for yourself! Nothin’ wrong with a little pampering, right?? One lucky winner will get $100 PayPal Cash, and we’ve even added a $40 PayPal Cash prize for a second place winner! Just fill out the rafflecopter form below for your chance to WIN!
id use some to take my hunnie out to dinner and the rest id pay bills with
darlene bohannonsays
thank you for the wonderful giveaway
i just have to let you know that i love your blog. it is full of great info and i like that it is not cluttered up, too much makes it hard to find what you’re looking for. im a avid fan,keep up the great work.
stephanie millersays
i would buy my daughter some chocolates for valentines day! and some flowers for my mom! thanks for the chance. your giveaways are the best!
Save it towards my moving fund. UGH. Thanks for giveaway
Karina Leesays
i would buy lots of diapers
Mei Santiagosays
If I won, i’m planning to buy cricut expression ^_^
Sandy VanHoeysays
If I won I’d use the money to help pay to go see my daughter in April for a family gatherine in TN. I haven’t been able to contribute and haven’t seen my daughter in almost 2 years so this would be so exciting. We’re meeting 1/2 way all of us!
Treat my self to some cute clothes! i know it should go towards bills n what not but i havnt treated my self in so long i cant even remem when!
Lena M.says
I would by books for my kids.
Brittany Bingoldsays
If I won the money I would use it towards either paying off my school loans, getting my 5 cavities filled, or fixing my car from making that awkwardly loud humming/spinning noise that it makes in the cold between the MPH’s of 30-60 :(. Thanks to all the bloggers for such an outstanding giveaway!
Laurel Simmonssays
Go out to a nice dinner with my husband
leslie harrissays
Thank you
Elizabeth Braunsays
i would buy something nice for my hubby and kiddos
take my gf out to dinner
Use it to pay bills.
I would use it for bills
Save it to pay for my kids birthdays and Christmas!!
I’d catch up on bills! Thanks for the chance! :))
Get a few things I have been wanting that we couldn’t afford at the time!
Buy groceries!
I would use it towards a new TV
i would use it for bills
I’d buy new shoes
id use some to take my hunnie out to dinner and the rest id pay bills with
thank you for the wonderful giveaway
i just have to let you know that i love your blog. it is full of great info and i like that it is not cluttered up, too much makes it hard to find what you’re looking for. im a avid fan,keep up the great work.
i would buy my daughter some chocolates for valentines day! and some flowers for my mom! thanks for the chance. your giveaways are the best!
spend it on groceries
use it for bills or groceries
Save it towards my moving fund. UGH. Thanks for giveaway
i would buy lots of diapers
If I won, i’m planning to buy cricut expression ^_^
If I won I’d use the money to help pay to go see my daughter in April for a family gatherine in TN. I haven’t been able to contribute and haven’t seen my daughter in almost 2 years so this would be so exciting. We’re meeting 1/2 way all of us!
Camera accessories
Use it for a test regitration so I could get a teaching job.
on art supplies
I would use it to buy ice cream!
I would use it for groceries and gas for the truck. Thanks to all of the sponsors for the chance to win some much needed cash!!
I’d buy new shoes
Birthday present for my daughter and a few groceries!
I would buy textbooks for my next class!
Spend it on my granddaughters
I would send it to my daughter who is struggling with loan payments from school.
Pay bills
Birthday gifts for the family and friends!
Thank you
Groceries and gas.
I would donate half toward a foundation for children with cancer
Treat hubby to a nice dinner out
saving up for a kindle fire
Buy my 11 year old boy the metal detector he wants and didn’t get for Christmas
Add it to my new mattress fund
I would buy groceries
Use it to put towards my debt.
Help my brother who is struggling to make ends meet for his family
I would get my daughter some happy valentine cloth training panties, and of course some happy valentine’s vegan truffle chocolates!
I would buy some clothes.
I use some of it for food and bills. A little for a weekend away!
Go out to dinner
Gracie needs new Basketball stuff.
I wouldbuy clothes for my baby
I would buy something nice for my girls
I’m on Africa’s Blog. Right now it’s looking like I would buy groceries.
I would use the money on a date night with my hubby.
I would use it to buy my fiance a kindle fire.
I would use it to have an actual Valentine’s day for my fiance and myself – Our first!
Saving to buy a smartphone.
I would buy my hubby an awesome Valentine’s Day gift!
Pay my car insurance!
I would make a payment on my daughter’s spring semester college bill.
Put it towards bills
pay bills
use it on gifts
I’d buy new shoes!!!
I would use it towards bills (oil & pellets)
Probably use it for my husband’s birthday
Treat my self to some cute clothes! i know it should go towards bills n what not but i havnt treated my self in so long i cant even remem when!
I would by books for my kids.
If I won the money I would use it towards either paying off my school loans, getting my 5 cavities filled, or fixing my car from making that awkwardly loud humming/spinning noise that it makes in the cold between the MPH’s of 30-60 :(. Thanks to all the bloggers for such an outstanding giveaway!
Go out to a nice dinner with my husband
Thank you
i would buy something nice for my hubby and kiddos
i would buy things for my baby
i would buy groceries
Use it for my wedding
I will be purchasing homeschooling and sewing supplies. Thank you for the great opportunity to win!!
I would use it to help my daughter that has 6kids
Thank you
I would use it to go towards the purchase of an ipad 2 for my autistic son.
Pay bills!!!
buy my boyfriend his new modded controller
or go out to eat depending which prize i won lol
buy stuff for our new house!
I would buy my pets some treats!
thank you for the chance to win and for all you do for us every day.
I would use the money to get my hair and nails done and take my cousin out to dinner.
gas and groceries
I would add it to my vacation fund.
I’d use it for bills. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great give away thanks
Since both me and my other half are unemployeed right now I would use it for bills!
its my bday this week so something fo rme!
I’d use the money to decorate my house!
I would buy apps for my two boys with autism…
Buy a kindle
I’m not working so I will put the money towards bills. Thanks for the giveaway!!