1. Write for 5 minutes flat – don’t edit; don’t second-guess.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Must: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you –encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
Roar….I want to ROAR!!! The feeling of complete helplessness inside boils up…and up!! Why? How?
I can’t help,I try,I try being there,I try holding,hugging and while I know it somewhat comforts,I also know that deep down I am completely unable to take away the pain,the questioning,the HURT!!!
I love you with all that I have to give,every ounce of my being is completely and totally in love with you and I’d do anything for you……….ANYTHING!!!!!!! Yes this one thing I cannot do,I cannot absorb and I cannot ease!!!!
So deep down,deep inside of me,I ROAR!!!! My anger,my hurt,my frustration and my sheer total and complete inability to understand,all of that is deep down inside and it ROARS!!!!!!
And my time is up!!
Linking up with 5 minute Friday at The Gypsy Mama!!!
Hello from a fellow Five-Minute-Friday-er. Your post really resonated with me. My heart does the same thing sometimes — roars on the inside in frustration at things I cannot change. Your words communicate that feeling in a very honest way.
I hope you know that the most profound and powerful thing you can do is just keep loving. Be there even if you can’t do anything. It’s a simple thing. Sometimes it feels like nothing at all. But it can be a gamechanger.
Don’t lose that roar.
Hi Regina…your’s and Africa’s post reminds me of my favorite phrase…that I must say at least a dozen times or more a day. “God…Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change…the Courage to change the things that I can…and the Wisdom to know the difference. Each day…when my feet hit the floor…I know the Devil is daying, “Oh God, she is up again!” It makes my Heart Proud to know that every minute that I am Awake is a Like a Boil on the Devil’s Butt. Best of All, I keep scratching and poking at that boil by Praising God, our Father…and the Lord Jesus Christ…AMEN…and my time is up…
Well I have to admit I roar alot but it is usually at my husband and his sloppy ways.
I have to listen to my daycare kids roar all day long. Man, those kids love dinosaurs!!!
i think we all feel like roaring now and again
It’s funny, how I can go along now, days at a time now, almost forgetting, when not so long ago, I was completely encompassed by my ROARING. Have I really come to peace with the fury, or, simply buried it? Has my passion and fury ebbed away, as my disillusionment and realization of the reality hit me like a wall, or is it yet lurking, looking for a way to boil back up the surface? More importantly, will I, at long last, release the ROAR, or use it to make a difference?