Everyone is saying that we are being forced to take “Christ” out of Christmas by been forced to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, so as to not upset, exclude, etc. those of us who are not Christians and who don’t celebrate Christmas.
But I pose the thought that Christ was taken out of Christmas long before we were asked to say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas.
Do we even remember the true meaning behind the season???
These days it seems the talk of Black Friday, what Santa’s going to bring us and the amazing sales that are available are held in much higher regard then the true reason behind Christmas. Do we really think that all those years ago when Christ was born they envisioned that by 2011 the celebration of Christ’s birth would be marred by grown men and women fighting over the last flat screen TV, people been crushed to death as the store doors are opened, or a woman verbally abusing and chasing another woman around a store because she got the last of a certain toy only to have the toy later snatched from her cart and the “snatcher” then running off to pay for her prized ‘stolen’ possession (this happened to a friend this week).
I’d say that as Black Friday shopping has started to infringe more and more on our Thanksgiving celebrations, as we constantly focus on what WE want, on how to get the best and the most for our kids ~ despite the fact that it’s often way out of our financial means, and as stores stay open until later and later, some as last as midnight on Christmas Eve, that perhaps we (a collective we) are taking Christ out of Christmas.
I hope that this Christmas you take time out of your celebrations to remember the true meaning behind the season!!
Exactly! I will say Happy Holidays to all and Merry Christmas to those I do know are Christians… and I will remember the reason for the season of Christ-mas!
I always say Merry Christmas because I guess I just don’t think about the fact that it’s not PC. My husband is a self proclaimed athiest, and although I believe in God and Christ, I have no religion. My husband still says Merry Christmas and celebrates it. A dear friend of ours is Muslim, but still celebrates Christmas with his family who are not Muslim. I honestly don’t understand why people have to be offended by it NOW since its been celebrated in this country since the beginning but we have always been a melting pot of different cultures and religions. Why now?
As far as the shopping, i NEVER shop on Black Friday, I find it to be an evil day, hence the name. I refuse to put myself into a position where I would have to feel angry during this season. Although I wasn’t so lucky last night. I went to Walgreens to get stocking stuffers and there were a couple of college kids outside, one was dressed in red with a Santa hat and playing the violin, beautifully I might add. And the horrible lady from the store came out and told them they had to leave. It upset me so much that I couldn’t shake the negative feelings. I mean here they were, bringing cheer to others, and she sent them away.
Oops, sorry about the super long comment!!
Merry Christmas Debbie!!! Hope you have a great one!!
Wow great article. I say Happy Holidays, basically because I just DO! It has nothing to do with the fact I don’t want to offend anyone. I say Marry Christmas on Christmas day. But I guess when I say Happy Holidays, I’m just bunching New Years and Christmas into one.
I agree totally with what you are saying and have often said it myself!! My issue with the Happy Holidays or Holiday Trees,etc is that the last reminder’s we now have as a society,as a whole,to remember the true meaning of Christmas,are now being threatened.As a Christian,I have taught my children and now my grandchildren the true meaning for the season.This country was founded on religious freedom,but now it seems it’s all about recognizing every religion’s right but the Christian religion.Christmas is a Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus.If you don’t believe in that,fine you don’t have to acknowledge that,but don’t take away my right to do so.People that follow other religions still celebrate Christmas,but because of the gifts,not because they believe as I do.When we say we want religious tolerance it has to apply to all religions including Christianity.I am not offended by Jews,Muslims,etc.I believe in the freedom for them to choose who or what to follow.When I support Don’t Take Christ Out Of Christmas,I am doing so as a Christian,who has taught and continues to teach what I believe the true meaning is and don’t place emphasis on the gifts and me,me,me.It’s about celebrating Christ and it’s too commercialized and has been for many years and continues to get worse.If you choose to fall for the commercialism,that’s up to you.Publicly,I think Christmas should be recognized for what it is and not threaten my rights as a Christian,just so someone else won’t be offended.I am not offended by other’s religious holidays and don’t try to rename them and I would like the same respect.