Enter for your chance to win an extra gift to stash under the tree this year! Winner will receive Toy Story 3 for the Wii. Giveaway will run the entire day on 12-14 & end at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be announced the next day. Enter on the Rafflecopter below. Be patient it may take a moment to load.
Good Luck!
it didn’t let me add my name!!! this is me!
Grace- blessedelements at gmail dot com (I couldnt get it to work on the first entry up there. Maybe me as it is midnight.
it didn’t let me ad my name either! This is me! I don’t like that it makes me sign in with facebook either because I use a different email most of the time! I dont like the new rafflecopter!
I couldn’t get the first entry to work with my name and address, but you can easily find me by my address here (which I think you can see in your Admin panel) or on Facebook *grin* don’t worry – I would be silly to enter and not let you get ahold of me
Hi it would like me enter my name & email address. Both are attached with this comment. Thanks!
I wondered what happened with these. I can’t say I care for it much either.
Oh well, Not sure if it got my name / e-mail also.
my name and email are attatched here
Hi everyone!! It is the new Rafflecopter widget……..sorry everyone!! But out of our control!! When you connect via FB it is linking up with your information that way!! But please feel free to leave comments here with your name and email and then I’ll have it should we run into any problems!!
Thanks for stopping by and entering!! And good luck!!!!!!!
Love your blog!
Senseney610 at Comcast dot net
wouldnt let me enter name and email address either, so here it is!
Wouldn’t let me enter name or email address but this is me.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
it wouldn’t let me add my name but here I am!
I guess you are supposed to put the name and email right here, so Kelly Carpenter snlfreak2004@gmail.com
i dont do twitter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hi all… not sure if any of you will see this after you have commented, but it doesn’t let you enter your name because it logs you in with your facebook user information. Meaning it already knows your name and email!
I’m not having trouble with my name and email, but I can’t enter my twitter name. This isn’t the first giveaway that this has happened to me. I’ve skipped them on other, but here is my twitter name @blessedmama4.
It worked for the second one and then I went back and editted the first one and it let me enter. Thanks!
This counts for the first entry
Name/email above 
my name is Tracie Trump and email is tracietrump@yahoo.com I was unable to add in rafflecopter form!
Katrina Villeneuve
Thank for the giveaway, would love to be able to get my kids this for christmas!!!
Hope I win, My 4 year old son would LOVE this!
stacie williams
I guess this is the way to add my name so here it is! good luck everyone!
Here’s my info too
Carrie Bernard
Hi! I couldnt paste my twitter user name in for some reason! But I followed everyone! @censiej
Yay! Just entered.. Hey Debbie.. send some good vibes over here!
shannon thompson