In rummaging through the drawer next to my bed tonight, in the search for something I forgot about after I stumbled upon the DVD that my brother made for my mother for her 60th birthday party back in 2006. In my ultimate wisdom I decided that uploading this video to YouTube was a “must do” and I am proud to share with you the video my brother made celebrating my mom’s 60 years on God’s green earth!!
It is a little over 10 minutes long, so I hope you have some time to kill
Mom’s 60th Birthday
P.S. I hope to follow this up with the 30th birthday video my brother made for me!!
Oh dear, I wanted to see this video but you-tube cannot play it in my country (Germany). I know it will be a good memory for you.
I’m still figuring out how to follow you again since you moved. I know I’m following you on twitter and facebook. I just followed you now through networked blogs. If there is any other way to follow, please do let me know.
That is so weird, because there are songs on this video youtube told me that it would not play in Germany, that was the only country? I wonder how that works.
But thanks for following me in all those other ways!!!
Also I am frantically looking for a way to add the email subscription back to my blog, I will let you know as soon as I figure it out
Oh man Debs thank you this was soooo beautiful to watch again, no need to tell you I sat here all alone in my study watching this and bawled my eyes out. Thank you to all my wonderful children, husband and grand children for one of the best birthdays I have ever had. Wonder what you all going to do for my 100th birthday. hahaha.
Great memories and I love the vid!