I am really starting to love Tuesdays, as it brings “Just Write”. Linking up at The Extraordinary Ordinary’s post HERE!!
What is it about human nature that allows us to find enjoyment in other people’s misfortune, injury, pain, etc. Why is it that there is always a gawker stand still when there is an accident? Why is it ‘normal’ for us to want to see what has happened……….
Think about it? TV shows like world dumbest, greatest accidents, biggest hits (sports related), and shows like that, that draw us to the television and aid this sick desire of human beings to watch others get hurt, experience loss, inflict great bodily harm on themselves or others. Please don’t get me wrong I am not immune to this, I often watch these shows and find a great deal of entertainment in them. In fact I think I have fallen asleep to these shows 3 out of the last 4 nights.
But where do we draw the line? Last night I was ‘sucked’ into watching episodes of hoarders……it’s like an evil plot to get me to stay up way too late watching people at their most vulnerable moments. The same way the show Intervention does. I refuse to watch Intervention any longer and I am about to do the same with hoarders. I just don’t get how much more we, as a society, have to exploit one another in the name of entertainment……and doing so while these people are at their weakest – their true vulnerability out on display for the entire world to see. It’s so easy for us to say “How the hell can they do that?” or “What’s wrong with these people?” but these people have true mental problem that they need to work through. I do NOT understand it at all; I am often one of those people saying I just DON’T get it?? But who am I to say a dang thing about these people’s issues. Last night I wanted to cry, numerous times, during the two episodes I watched, these people don’t understand why others want them to simply trash all that means so much to them, in their minds these items truly mean something.
I guess that is all I have to say on this topic, I am just saddened by mankind’s desire to profit from others misfortunes, and I really think that reality shows like hoarders, intervention, etc. is taking it just too far!!!
Please stop over at “Just Write – The Seventh” (click icon below) for other great Tuesday Posts. Thanks!!
So sadly true. But haven’t we always been that way – and maybe (just maybe) are we’re getting a little better? Although I totally agree with you – and couldn’t have said it better – why do we get enjoyment out of watching people in obvious pain. At least we’re not sitting in a Roman colosseum watching people being eaten alive by lions…….
Thank you so much for stopping by to visit The House on the Corner!!
This is so very true!!! But perhaps the only reason we don’t do that any longer is because it’s outlawed? LOL!!!
Humans are an interesting breed that’s for sure!!!
I agree – I suppose on some level it is human nature to make fun of others when we are ashamed of ourselves. But I agree – where do we draw the line. Why do we have to exploit some of these things – especially when it relates to something like the mental issues people like hoarders have. It is sad how low TV stoops for entertainment.
I couldn’t agree more. I can’t watch those two shows for the same reason. It just hurts my heart.
You really are a loving and caring person my darling girl.
I watched one episode of Hoarders over the summer (wanted to see what all the fuss was about), and it made me feel sick. Vowed never to watch it again! Just too much sadness.
You make several really good points and the shows you mentioned profit off of mental illness and addiction. But why do they profit? Because of human nature. How do we change that negative side of our own nature as a species? I wish I knew.
Found your blog via the Give a Hoot Wednesday Blog Hop.
Me too!!! It is so, so sad!!