Life is a constant journey of learning…….I hope to learn at least one new thing each and everyday!! Granted not all of it is completely beneficial to my existence here on earth, but nonetheless it is still learning .
When thinking back over the past month – September 25th through October 25th – I am confident I have learned new things.
My leadership class which ended during the last month was definitely insightful, lots of information I had not come across before or in prior studying, the papers were challenging and I quite enjoyed actually learning stuff, considering I’m in a graduate degree program I wish this would happen more often.
In the past weekend I learned a heck of a lot while officiating games and being evaluated during each game, seven in total. I always appreciate the opportunity to be evaluated and love to take the feedback provided to me and apply it in future games. We had two extremely highly qualified officials performing the evaluations and there is not a thing they say that I do not take, absorb and try my best to apply in my upcoming games. Without these evaluations I really don’t think my officiating ‘career’ would be where it is at now.
In the past month I have also continued to learn more about myself, the me I want to be and how to get myself there. I do not take anything for granted, I do not allow the negatives to bring me down and I keep in my life only people, activities, things, etc. that will have a positive impact on my life, on my relationship and our future. As I’ve said in the past – blogging is cheaper than a shrink LOL and it’s through this writing I have forced myself to take a deep, long, hard look at my life, where I’ve been, where I am now and where I want to be. As I am sure you can understand this has not always been easy. However, I am so grateful I have done it, and will continue to do it, continue to learn things about myself, continue to assess my place on this earth and how I can be a better person, both for myself and for my life with Jeanna.
I think this is a pretty good summary of what I’ve learned over the past month.