My Just Write Tuesday Post is below:
Totally Random
Well today is Just Write Tuesday (see link up below)!! I really like Just Write Tuesday’s, this is the 3rd week I’m participating. Today’s post is a collaboration of some of the most random thoughts that pop into my mind at random points, usually totally random and, at times, totally inopportune times throughout the day or night. Trust me this is not a complete list – most of them leave my head as soon as they enter LOL!!
- I cannot comprehend how someone thinks its OK to file their nails at their desk/cube for 15+ minutes?
- Could I really eat more of I unbuttoned my pants or wore sweats????
- Why would someone pick their ears And glare at what they FOUND all while in a meeting with their managers??
- Why do people with their employers name written all over their business vehicle drive like a** holes?? Really???
- I think I’d be more cultured if I ate sushi……??
- How is it that some people never work but have the ability to do sooooo much that requires $$$?? Am I doing life and this whole career/busting my ass thing wrong?
- How is it that a grown man can be SCARED of tools……..I mean c’mon!!
- Why is there always got to be a I’ve “been there and done that” kind of person in every setting…, class, etc!!!
- I’m constantly baffled as to why some people talk purely to hear their own voice, surely they know before they open their mouth that what they’re about to say is completely pointless??
- My ability to walk upstairs to get, say a kitchen towel because I spilled something, but come back downstairs with a fork and a snack instead, having completely forgot why I went up those stairs at all!!
- Would it be possible to get to South Africa via car/car-raft…..a real live thought I had one commute home, contemplating the possibility of doing this and what possible issues I’d run into in the ocean.