This post will not be long, I have dreaded writing it, but in an attempt to be honest with this challenge I am going ahead with it. I have only one person I would like to switch lives with, and the thought that I was never able to really destroys me, destroys everything about me.
The person I’d like to switch lives with for a day is Baby Shaun. My brothers little boy who was born with viral pneumonia. He was a full term baby, a big boy, but the odds were against him. He put up one heck of a fight to overcome the pneumonia but his little body was just not strong enough.
Shaun was born on September 23, 2003 and passed away on October 11, 2003.
If I was able to I would have given anything to trade places with Baby Shaun that October 11th……to give him my strength to keep fighting, to take from my brother and sister-in-law the extreme pain and feeling of loss they have had to and still do endure. I know that I do not know the exact amount of pain they have suffered, I do not have any children of my own, but I know that words could probably never fully explain how hard is on them.
And if I could have changed lives with Shaun that day I’d never have to hear from Kayla, who was just a baby herself back then and who was so very excited to meet her baby brother, that, “My brother is not coming home, he has gone to live in Heaven.”
That is my post for Day 17 – and I am sure you can see why it is that this was so extremely hard to write. I’d give anything to have traded places with that beautiful little boy!!
I am so sorry.
Thank you!
My initial thought was wondering if you would write of admiration or envy. To my surprise, you wrote of sacrifice. And not one of foolishness, reward or greed.
Your words offer a reminder, There are moral excellence’s.