On Tuesday I posted an entry for The Extraordinary Ordinary’s Just Write Tuesday (Click HERE for the post). In that post I spoke of how it is that through the past few years of ‘living’ I have learned that I cannot constantly have control over everything that happens to me. I wrote, “But even that taught me that life isn’t always ‘planable’………sometimes life gets in the way of living and we cannot have 200% control 300% of the time!!!” For a long, long time the very thought of admitting something like this scared the crap out of me…..what do you mean I do not have all the control? What do you mean I cannot always choose what it is that happens to me?? But truth be told, you CAN’T!!!
Well today I have a funny twist to this life lesson – My PLAN was this – leave work early to get a head start on traffic, stopping at the chiropractor and then heading home to start my math homework for class tomorrow (which is excessive due to syllabus only been sent today for class starting tomorrow). However, life/my lack of attention, threw me a wicked curve ball……..
See the story, as it is told through the pictures below:

Armed with a gas can.......

In the past this situation would leave me mad as hell….mad at myself that I was this stupid!!! Don’t get me wrong, I was still mad/upset, BUT I just don’t see the point in harping over it……it wouldn’t change matters, I’d still be stranded on the side of the highway, just then I’d be in a foul mood too!! So instead I chose to watch cars as they wizzed by, think completely random thoughts and wait as patiently as possible for Jenn and G-Man to arrive!!
By this happening I learned, yet again, that Jenn is an awesome ‘sister’, that I do have ‘family’ here even though my biological family is in South Africa, I got to see Garrett and give him a little bit of a hard time and listen to his 9-year-old stories of deer and such…..
Therefore, my afternoon did NOT go according to plan, but it turned out pretty damn good!!!
Thanks again to Jenn and G-Man for coming to save me today!! You were both my knights in shiny armor (or a shiny blue Chevy!!)
Like I said before, I know that you would the same for me. I guess it is the little simple thing in life. Do onto others as you would want to be treated. You should know by now that Family is very important to the Pelton Clan, that is one thing that Mom and Dad always taught us and did well! We are there for one another!! Love ya Hun!! Always know I am always here, NO MATTER WHAT!
me too! too bad i wasn’t in woodbury, otherwise another shiny chevy would have been there for you too! sometimes the “unplanned” turns out to be spontaneous fun! your brother, sister and niece love you very much!
Thanks!!!!!!! It’s so easy to learn to function ALONE when you’ve been alone for so long!! You guys are the best!!!!!!
But now you don’t have to, there are sooo many Pelton’s!!!
Glad you were safe my love!!
I was safe indeed!! Even when I told Jenn I was getting out of truck she yelled at me (Thru whatsapp LOL!)
glad that you were able to overcome that hiccup! happy trails
I used to get angry and upset over a lot of things. Then I realized how much more I enjoyed life, even the bumps, when I relaxed and just dealt! Sometimes you just have to put your big girl panties on and smile!