Well besides for work, school and now reffing is starting back up, I really haven’t done much as of late, there really isn’t time. Jeanna and I did celebrate our one year anniversary on 9/15/11, and of course I’m very, very, very proud and happy about that but that was more than a few days ago.
I had this post all planned out, and pretty much written, talking about the fact that I am proud of getting four A’s in the four MBA classes I have completed. I am proud of this, BUT I did something today that I am more proud of and super, super excited about!!!
Once again, for those who don’t know me (now that my # of readers is growing), I stress out a LOT!!!!!! About a lot of things…….well I have being attempting to get tickets booked for our trip to South Africa since we were approved the time off, a couple of months ago. The day before the time was approved the tickets were sitting at $1,247……….day after they shot up to $1,691.
Since then they’ve hovered between $1,450 and $1,700, a piece. I’d check the prices every day, keeping track……..well let me tell you this allows my stress level to SOAR!!!!! I needed to get these dang tickets booked…….so the trip would seem more realistic and to save me about 5 to 10 minutes each day as I searched for good deals!!
Well after a little volatility in prices as of late, thankfully today they dropped back to $1,450…….and I BOOKED OUR TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s official, we’re off to South Africa from February 4th through February 26th, 2012. I am beyond excited for Jeanna to meet my family, to show her where I grew up, went to school, the sights, the animals, the ZEBRA’S, etc!!! It’s going to be such an amazing trip, and I am proud that I was decisive and clicked on BOOK TICKETS!!!
Debbie, congratulations on your Anniversary, the 4 A’s, and most of all the trip! That sounds amazing!! Can’t wait to see the pictures! :O)
Thanks for letting us in on a little piece of your world. It’s a joy to learn about people’s lives and what’s important to them!
Take care,
David Haines
Thanks so much!!!!!
Glad you stopped by!!
121 DAYS!!!!!!!!